Page 21 - Minister Alex Schwengle
P. 21

                                                                                                                                                                     Saturday 26 September

                                                NFL Roundup

Giants build lead and hold it, beat Redskins 32-21 

                                                                                                                                       push out the margin.          losses, was coolly efficient,
                                                                                                                                       “You go on the road and       finishing 23 of 31 for 279
                                                                                                                                       you play a big division       yards. Beckham had sev-
                                                                                                                                       game, a game like this,       en receptions for 79 yards,
                                                                                                                                       and you turn the ball over    and Randle had seven for
                                                                                                                                       three times and have a        116.
                                                                                                                                       punt blocked, and it’s        Washington was hit with
                                                                                                                                       going to be very tough        several injuries during the
                                                                                                                                       to overcome,” Redskins        game, the worst of which
                                                                                                                                       coach Jay Gruden said.        appeared to be Hall’s. The
                                                                                                                                       New York quarterback Eli      team said he had a toe in-
                                                                                                                                       Manning, who struggled        jury that was unlikely to be
                                                                                                                                       in key situations in the two  short-term.q


                                                                                                                                       ON THE BIG SCREEN OF CARIBBEAN CINEMAS MEGAPLEX 8

                                                                                                                                       SEASON PASSES NOW AVAILABLE

New York Giants wide receiver Odell Beckham (13) catches a pass for a touchdown in front                                               IVElRTDI rovatore             TPUuCCrINaI ndot
of Washington Redskins’ Bashaud Breeland (26) during the second half an NFL football game
Thursday, Sept. 24, 2015, in East Rutherford, N.J.                                                                                     OCT 3 12:55PM LIVE            JAN 30 1:55PM LIVE
                                                                                                                                       OCT 14 6:00PM ENCORE          FEB 10 6:00PM ENCORE
                                                                                                                    Associated Press 
                                                                                                                                       OVERtDeI llo                  MPUCCaINnI on Lescaut
BARRY WILNER                   The Giants scored in nearly    only to give up that advan-
AP Pro Football Writer         every way possible, begin-     tage. This time there was                                                OCT 17 12:55PM LIVE           MAR 5 1:55PM LIVE
EAST RUTHERFORD, New           ning with Jennings block-      no such slip-up.                                                         OCT 28 6:00PM ENCORE          MAR 16 6:00PM ENCORE
Jersey (AP) — The New          ing Tress Way’s punt for a     “Players need the rein-
York Giants eliminated their   safety on Washington’s         forcement that comes with                                                TWAaGnNEnR häuser             MPUCCaINdI ama Butterfly
recent bad habit of fourth-    opening series.                closing out the game with
quarter collapses and held     “Ever since I was a rookie,    a win,” coach Tom Cough-                                                 OCT 31 12:00PM LIVE           APR 2 12:55PM LIVE
on to beat Washington 32-      I’ve always had a knack        lin said. Prince Amukamara                                               NOV 11 6:00PM ENCORE          APR 13 6:00PM ENCORE
21 on Thursday.                for blocking punts,” Jen-      and Uani Unga both made
The Giants fell apart in the   nings said. “I can’t give you  interceptions of Washing-                                                LBERuGlu                      RDOoNIZbETeTrI to Devereux
fourth quarter of losses to    all my secrets, but you just   ton quarterback Kirk Cous-
Dallas and Atlanta. This       anticipate. It just worked.”   ins, who struggled once                                                  NOV 21 1:30 PM LIVE           APR 16 12:55PM LIVE
time, New York (1-2) domi-     Andre Williams scored on       more against New York.                                                   DEC 2 6:00PM ENCORE           ABR 27 6:00PM ENCORE
nated most of the action       a 1-yard run, Josh Brown       Last season, he threw four
against the injury-plagued     kicked three field goals,      picks in a loss to New York.                                             BIZET                         ESTRlAeUkSStra
Redskins (1-2), who lost vet-  and Odell Beckham Jr.          Washington, which has lost
eran cornerback DeAnge-        made a 30-yard touch-          five straight to the Giants,                                             Les Pêcheurs de               APR 30 12:55PM LIVE
lo Hall to a right leg injury  down catch to settle mat-      got field goals of 44 and                                                Perles (The Pearl Fishers)    MAY 11 6:00PM ENCORE
that looked serious.           ters. Rueben Randle had        37 yards from Dustin Hop-
“It’s definitely important to  a 41-yard TD catch in          kins, but any thoughts of a                                              JAN 16 1:55PM LIVE
get a win,” said running       the closing minutes, after     comeback ended when                                                      JAN 27 6:00PM ENCORE
back Rashad Jennings,          which Washington’s Ra-         Matt Jones fumbled on his
whose blocked punt got         shad Ross returned the         way into the end zone with                                               AT CARIBBEAN CINEMAS MEGAPLEX 8, PALM BEACH PLAZA
things started for New York.   kickoff 101 yards for the fi-  9 1-2 minutes remaining. A
“I’m reluctant to use the      nal score.                     late 4-yard TD pass to Chris                                             TICKETING INFORMATION
word confidence, but it        New York also led at half-     Thompson and 2-point
puts assurance on every-       time and through three         conversion brought the                                                   586 - 0074 - Monday to Friday - After 3:30 PM
thing we know we’re ca-        quarters of its losses to the  deficit to 11 before Randle                                                                                   - Saturday and Sunday - After 1:00 PM
pable of accomplishing.”       Cowboys and Falcons,           made his scoring catch to                                                AWG                   50,00   Adults   Per person, per function.
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