Page 16 - Minister Alex Schwengle
P. 16
LOCALSaturday 26 September
Antilles Canon Law Society Convention Comes to a Close
tember 22-24, the 11th
Convention of the Antilles
Canon Law Society was
held at the La Cabana
Conference Hall. A del-
egation of 38 members
comprised of reverends
and deacons that work
for the Elecessiactical Tri-
bune of the Caribbean
met and discussed various
topics. The primary topic
was Motu Proprio given to
the church by Pope Francis
on the 8th of September. It
is hoped these translations
will assist all who exercise
the church’s juridic ministry
in studying and implement-
ing the new norms.
Another important topic
was the study of the reform
of the matrimonial process-
es in Canon Law.
Reverend Canuto F. Fuen-
tebella president of the of
the Ecclisiatic Tribunal of
the Willemstad [Curacao]
diocese declared at its
closing, “the conference
was a success.”q