Page 12 - Minister Alex Schwengle
P. 12


WORLD NEWSSaturday 26 September

Venezuela:                                                                                                                  CARIBBEAN
                                                                                                                            News Briefs
Maduro says he’ll meet with Guyana leader at UN 
                                                                                                                             Sheraton casino
CARACAS,  Venezuela            television late Thursday      was reported by state me-      tice. Venezuela has long        to close in Puerto
                               that the meeting will take    dia on Friday morning.         claimed a jungle area            Rico’s San Juan 
(AP) — Venezuelan Presi-       place in the framework of     Granger is expected to         known as the Essequibo
                               the United Nations General    address the issue Friday at    that comprises about 40         SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP)
dent Nicolas Maduro says       Assembly, with the support    the U.N. General Assembly      percent of Guyana’s ter-        — Another casino is closing
                                                                                            ritory. The socialist country   in Puerto Rico as the U.S. ter-
that he plans to meet with                                                                  reasserted those claims         ritory struggles through nine
                                                                                            this year after a subsidiary    years of economic stagna-
Guyanese President David                                                                    of Exxon Mobil Corp. an-        tion. A spokeswoman for
                                                                                            nounced a significant oil       Starwood Hotels & Resorts
Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro speaks with Ecuador’s President Rafael Correa, on a    discovery off the coast of      said Friday that the Sheraton
                                                                                            Guyana.                         Old San Juan Hotel & Casi-
government balcony, in Quito, Ecuador. Maduro says that he plans to meet with Guyanese      Since then, the two sides       no will be sold to an affiliate
                                                                                            have scaled back on their       of Tishman Hotel Corpora-
President David Granger in New York to discuss a border dispute between the two South       shared commerce.                tion. The hotel is located in
                                                                                            Guyana was conduct-             the historic district of Puerto
American neighbors.						                                    (AP Photo/Patricio Realpe)     ing military exercises amid     Rico’s capital. Officials said
                                                                                            the border flap on Friday.      the casino will be turned into
Granger in New York to         of U.N. Secretary General     gathering. He previously       Hundreds of soldiers as-        retail space. They said leases
discuss a border dispute       Ban Ki-moon. The U.N. did     said that he no longer         sembled on all military         are being negotiated and
between the two South          not immediately comment       wants the dispute handled      bases as they prepared to       that details will be released
American neighbors.            on the meeting.               by a U.N. mediator and will    march through the capital       soon. Starwood said the ca-
Maduro said in a state-        The Venezuelan presi-         seek intervention from the     of Georgetown and other         sino will be closed to ensure
ment broadcast on state        dent’s arrival in New York    International Court of Jus-    nearby towns. Guyana’s          the hotel’s financial stability.
                                                                                            government said troops          It would be the eighth ca-
                                                                                            will also stage parachute       sino to close in Puerto Rico in
                                                                                            jumps outside the capital.      the past five years.q
                                                                                            Granger had accused
                                                                                            Maduro this week of mass-        Couple in Puerto
                                                                                            ing troops on the border.       Rico held on incest 
                                                                                            But Guyana Chief of Staff
                                                                                            Brig. Gen Mark Phillips said      child trafficking
                                                                                            Friday that the military was
                                                                                            monitoring possible troop       SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP)
                                                                                            movements by Venezuela          — A Puerto Rico couple has
                                                                                            and “there is no evidence       been charged with prostitu-
                                                                                            of any increase on the          tion, incest and human traf-
                                                                                            Venezuelan side.”q              ficking in a case authorities
                                                                                                                            say involved their four young
Police fire tear gas to quell protesters in Kashmir                                                                         children. Police said Friday
                                                                                                                            that the 30-year-old suspects
AIJAZ HUSSAIN                  in Srinagar and at least two  ning Friday, as a measure      The 1932 law made the           are accused of prostituting
Associated Press               other places in the region.   to stop Muslim protesters      slaughter of cows punish-       their 11-year-old daughter
SRINAGAR,  India  (AP) —       One person suffered criti-    from uploading pictures of     able by up to 10 years’         in front of the other children
Government forces on           cal injuries and was hospi-   animal sacrifices, especial-   imprisonment and a fine.        who range in age from 6 to
Friday fired tear gas and      talized after he was hit by   ly slaughter of cows which     Indian authorities did not      9 years old. The couple was
used batons to quell thou-     a tear gas shell in Sopore,   are worshipped by Hindus.      enforce the law for about       identified as Kenneth Marti-
sands of anti-India pro-       a town 50 kilometers (30      Tension has been building      seven decades.                  nez and Tanya Figueroa. It is
testers who turned violent     miles) northwest of Srina-    in the region after a court    Kashmir is mainly Muslim,       unclear if they have an at-
after Eid prayers in various   gar, the main city in the     two weeks ago upheld a         while the majority of peo-      torney. A third unidentified
mosques in the Indian por-     Indian portion of Kashmir, a  colonial-era law banning       ple in the rest of  India  are  person has been charged
tion of Kashmir, police said.  police officer said on con-   slaughtering of cows and       Hindus who hold cows sa-        in the case but not arrested.
The protesters, waving         dition of anonymity as he     selling beef in the region, a  cred.                           Police said they investigat-
Pakistani and pro-militant     was not authorized to talk    decision resented by Mus-      Insurgent groups have           ed after receiving multiple
flags and chanting pro-        to reporters.                 lims.                          been fighting for Kashmir’s     complaints from neighbors
independence slogans,          Authorities tightened secu-   The Jammu-Kashmir state        independence from  In-          in the southern town of San
hurled stones at govern-       rity and blocked all mobile   government in the Indian       dia  or its merger with         Lorenzo. Police said the al-
ment forces who tried to       and landline Internet ser-    portion is likely to appeal    neighboring Pakistan since      leged abuse occurred from
stop them from marching        vices for two days, begin-    the court ruling               1989.q                          2013 to 2015. q
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