Page 7 - Minister Alex Schwengle
P. 7

                                                                                                                                                     Saturday 26 September

US Financial Front:

    Economy grew at 3.9 percent rate in April-June quarter

MARTIN CRUTSINGER              While economists believe
                               growth in the third quarter
AP Economics Writer            has slowed to around 2.2
                               percent to 2.5 percent,
WASHINGTON (AP) — The          they expect a modest ac-
                               celeration in activity for the
U.S. economy grew at           final three months of this
an even faster clip in the     “Overall, the outlook on
                               the U.S. economy for the
spring than previously es-     remainder of the year re-
                               mains fairly optimistic, sup-
timated. But that growth       ported by continuing job
                               creation, increasing con-
likely slowed in the summer,   sumer spending, improve-
                               ments in the housing sec-
held back by global head-      tor, and solid manufac-
                               turing numbers,” said Jim
winds and turbulent finan-     Baird, chief investment offi-
                               cer for Plante Moran Finan-
cial markets.                  cial Advisors. The revision
                               in second quarter growth
The overall economy ex-        was led by a boost in con-
                               sumer spending, which ex-
panded at an annual rate       panded at a 3.6 percent
                               rate, up from the previous
of 3.9 percent in the April-   estimate of a 3.1 percent
                               advance. The stronger re-
June quarter, up from a        sult reflected increases in
                               spending on such consum-
previous estimate of 3.7       er services as health care
                               and transportation.
percent, the Commerce          Business investment spend-
                               ing was revised higher, re-
Department       reported

Friday. The new-found

strength came from ad-                                                         Construction workers work at the site of a high-rise condominium as part of the downtown Doral
                                                                               complex developed by the Codina Partners in Doral, Fla. The Commerce Department issued the
ditional gains in consumer                                                     third of three estimates of how the U.S. economy performed in the April-June quarter on Friday,
                                                                               Sept. 25, 2015.
spending,  business  invest-
                                                                                                                                                                                        (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)
ment and residential con-


The second quarter expan-                                                      flecting increased spend-      quarter growth. The initial    Once unwanted invento-
                                                                               ing on structures and equip-   look tabbed GDP growth         ries are worked down, the
sion in the gross domestic                                                     ment. Residential construc-    in the spring at 2.3 percent,  expectation is that growth
                                                                               tion grew at a 9.3 percent     which was revised up to 3.7    will accelerate again in the
product, the economy’s                                                         pace, even better than         percent last month.            final quarter of the year.
                                                                               the 7.6 percent growth es-     Economists believe the         Economists at Macroeco-
total output of goods and                                                      timated last month.            subsequent slowdown in         nomic Advisors are fore-
                                                                               Friday’s report was the        the summer will reflect a      casting GDP growth of 2.7
services, was a marked im-                                                     government’s third and         reduction by  businesses  in   percent in the October-De-
                                                                               final estimate for second      restocking their inventories.  cember period. q
provement from an ane-

mic 0.6 percent increase

in the first quarter when the

economy was battered by

a harsh winter.

Consumer sentiment falls to lowest level in nearly a year 

Shoppers ride an escalator beside a special one for shopping                   PAUL WISEMAN                   world’s second-biggest,        July, August and Septem-
carts in the CityTarget store in Boston. The University of Michigan            AP Economics Writer            and continued economic         ber.
issued its monthly index of consumer sentiment for September                   WASHINGTON (AP) —              stress in Europe.              “The drop poses modest
on Friday, Sept. 25, 2015.                                                     Worries about the global       “Consumers now believe         downside risks for consum-
                                                                               economy pushed Ameri-          that that global economic      er spending,” Jesse Hurwitz,
                                                     (AP Photo/Michael Dwyer)  can consumers’ spirits to      trends can directly influ-     an economist at Barclays
                                                                               the lowest level in almost a   ence their own job and         Research, wrote in a re-
                                                                               year, the University of Mich-  wage prospects,” he said.      search note.
                                                                               igan reported Friday.          On Thursday, heavy equip-      Still, the Michigan index is
                                                                               The university’s consumer      ment manufacturer Cat-         up from 84.6 a year ago.
                                                                               sentiment index fell to 87.2   erpillar, hurt by China’s      The U.S. economy appears
                                                                               this month from 91.9 in        slowdown, announced it         to be gathering strength.
                                                                               August. The third straight     would cut up to 10,000 jobs    The government reported
                                                                               monthly drop left the index    through 2018.                  Friday that U.S. gross do-
                                                                               with its weakest reading       The Michigan index hit a       mestic product expanded
                                                                               since October 2014.            low of 55.3 in November        at a robust 3.9 percent
                                                                               Richard Curtin, chief econ-    2008, in the depths of the     annual pace from April
                                                                               omist for the survey, said     Great Recession. It began      through June. Unemploy-
                                                                               consumers are disturbed        to recover and hit an 11-      ment has dropped to a
                                                                               by signs of trouble in the     year high 98.1 in January.     seven-year low 5.1 percent
                                                                               Chinese economy, the           But it has now dropped in      in August.q
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