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U.S. NEWSSaturday 26 September

New Joint Chiefs chairman facing war, service challenges 

President Barack Obama, along with, from left, new Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford                                    ed, combat-hardened offi-       they need.
Jr., and Defense Secretary Ash Carter, applaud for retiring Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin                                   cer, took over as Obama’s       Obama praised Dempsey
Dempsey during his Armed Forces Full Honors Retirement Ceremony for Dempsey, Friday, Sept.                                      top military adviser in Sep-    as a leader who was com-
25, 2015, at Fort Myer in Arlington, Va.                                                                                        tember 2011, as the war         mitted to insuring the mili-
                                                                                                                                in Afghanistan was begin-       tary became a more ver-
                                                                                                      (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)  ning to wind down and the       satile and responsive force.
                                                                                                                                last  U.S. troops were com-     “I chose him because he
LOLITA C. BALDOR                sibilities to Marine Gen. Jo-   took place during an after-                                     ing out of Iraq. At the time,   had the steady hand we
Associated Press                seph Dunford, who is taking     noon of marching bands,                                         one of his key concerns         needed in this moment of
WASHINGTON (AP) — Gen.          over at a crucial point, as     Irish songs, speeches and                                       was the impending budget        transition -- as we tackle
Martin Dempsey stepped          tensions surge with Rus-        military pomp Friday, under                                     cuts, and how the military      emerging threats and sup-
down as the  U.S. military’s    sia,  U.S. troops wage war      cloudy skies at a base near                                     services would get leaner       port so many of our troops
top officer Friday, after four  against militants in Iraq,      Washington, with President                                      without harming their read-     as they transition to civil-
tumultuous years of war,        Syria and Afghanistan, and      Barack Obama and other                                          iness for war.                  ian life,” Obama said. “But
budget cuts and the strains     the effort to train and equip   senior defense leaders and                                      But times rapidly changed,      perhaps most of all, I chose
of combat on a battle-          Syrian rebels struggles to      military commanders in the                                      as he worked to help an         Marty because he’s a
worn force.                     find a footing.                 audience.                                                       often divided administra-       leader you can trust. Marty,
He turned over his respon-      The transfer of responsibility  Dempsey, a well-respect-                                        tion reach agreements on        you’ve always given it to
                                                                                                                                a number of contentious         me straight. I can’t tell you
                                                                                                                                issues, including the pace      how much I’ve appreci-
                                                                                                                                of the military drawdown in     ated your candor and your
                                                                                                                                Afghanistan, the scope of       counsel.”
                                                                                                                                the military missions in Iraq   Dempsey, who keeps a ci-
                                                                                                                                and Syria, and the types of     gar box filled with 132 cards
                                                                                                                                aid to provide Ukraine in its   on his desk identifying each
                                                                                                                                battle against Russian sep-     of the soldiers whose lives
                                                                                                                                aratists.                       were lost under his com-
                                                                                                                                At the same time, Dempsey       mand in Iraq, ended his re-
                                                                                                                                also worked with the mili-      marks with the three words
                                                                                                                                tary services to combat         inscribed on the box.
                                                                                                                                the effects of years at war     “It has been my privilege to
                                                                                                                                onU.S. forces, who have         wear the cloth of our na-
                                                                                                                                seen suicides and sexual        tion. To all who will continue
                                                                                                                                assaults spike, while vet-      to serve after me, I ask only
                                                                                                                                erans struggle to find jobs     this in parting,” Dempsey
                                                                                                                                and get the medical care        said. “Make it matter.” q

American negotiator: US ready to discuss Syria with Iran 

MATTHEW LEE                     developments in the Syr-        political sensitivities in Iran                                 meets with Russian Foreign      naled that Assad could
AP Diplomatic Writer            ian conflict. However, she      to having these discussions                                     Minister Sergey Lavrov on       perhaps be a part of some
WASHINGTON (AP) — The           also noted that there is re-    and probably some limits                                        Sunday in New York, a day       kind of political transition
Obama administration is         sistance to the idea within     that are real, but it is impor-                                 before President Barack         that would lead the forma-
ready to open a dialogue        Iran, which, along with         tant to engage to the ex-                                       Obama holds talks with          tion of a new government.
with Iran about the situa-      Russia, is a main supporter     tent that we can.”                                              Russian President Vladimir      Sherman, who is stepping
tion in Syria, the top  U.S.    of Syrian President Bashar      Kerry and Zarif are also ex-                                    Putin.                          down from her post next
negotiator for the Iranian      Assad.                          pected to discuss the im-                                       U.S. officials say they are     month, echoed that, say-
nuclear deal said on Friday.                                    plementation of the nucle-                                      not certain of Russia’s mo-     ing it may be possible for
Under Secretary of State for      She said the subject of       ar agreement hashed out                                         tives for the military buildup  Assad to have a role in a
Political Affairs Wendy Sher-   Syria had been raised infor-    between Iran, the United                                        but have said they would        transition.
man said she expected           mally on the sidelines of the   States and five other world                                     welcome a positive contri-      “We do not think it is cred-
the topic would be on the       nuclear negotiations that       powers.                                                         bution to the fight against     ible for Assad to remain for
agenda when Secretary of        ended in July but never in      The administration has long                                     the Islamic State group that    any length of time as the
State John Kerry meets on       a structured way.               called unsuccessfully for                                       does not bolster Assad.         leader of his country,” she
Saturday with Iranian For-      “We’ve always been open         Iran and Russia to end their                                    The administration had          said, adding: “We appreci-
eign Minister Mohammad          to having discussions on        support for Assad. In recent                                    insisted that Assad must        ate that there may be a po-
Javad Zarif at the United       the margins as appropri-        weeks Russia, in particu-                                       leave power as he has no        litical solution here where
Nations.                        ate,” she said.                 lar, has built up its military                                  credibility to run the coun-    Assad is there for some pe-
Sherman said such a discus-                                     presence in the country.                                        try. Over the past several      riod of time in some capac-
sion would “make sense”          “Not because we coor-          That will be a major topic                                      days, however, officials,       ity while a transition takes
in the context of current       dinate but we certainly         of discussion when Kerry                                        including Kerry, have sig-      place.”q
                                know that there are paral-
                                lel interests. There are great
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