Page 5 - Minister Alex Schwengle
P. 5
Saturday 26 September
‘I believe in the Bible’: Trump courts Christian right
WASHINGTON (AP) — Re- in the Bible. I’m a Chris- In many ways, Trump’s more time calling into Sun- said at the Family Leader-
publican presidential front- tian,” he said. He ended brand as the bombastic, day morning talk shows ship Summit in Ames, Iowa,
runner and billionaire busi- by bemoaning the in- thrice-married billionaire than attending church. that he has never asked
nessman Donald Trump creased use of the term showman would seem an Trump likes to boast about God for forgiveness and
is increasingly courting a described Communion as
wing of the Republican Republican presidential candidate, businessman Donald Trump, speaks during the Values Voter “when I drink my little wine,
Party that might seem anti- Summit, held by the Family Research Council Action, Friday, Sept. 25, 2015, in Washington. which is about the only
thetical to his brand: evan- wine I drink, and have my
gelical Christians. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana) little cracker.”
After initially declining the “I love them. They love
invitation, Trump spoke “Happy Holidays” in place ill-fit among religious con- the Bible being his favorite me,” Trump, a Presbyte-
Friday in front of several of “Merry Christmas” as a servatives. He once held book, but he has refused rian, said of evangelicals
hundred social conserva- sign that Christianity is un- a reputation as a woman- to quote his favorite bib- last month in Greenville,
tive leaders at the Family der attack. As president, izing playboy, previously lical verse when asked South Carolina. “I love the
Research Council’s Values he said, he’d reverse the supported abortion rights what it was. He raised eye- evangelicals, and it’s really
Voter Summit in Washing- trend. and appears to spend brows in June when he shown in the polls.” Some
ton. He joined a speaking evangelical leaders are
program that includes Re- skeptical. Russell Moore,
publican rivals with long president of the Ethics &
records of dedication to Religious Liberty Commis-
religious causes — among sion of the Southern Baptist
them, former Arkansas Convention, said Trump’s
Gov. Mike Huckabee, a candidacy is fundamen-
Baptist pastor, and Texas tally opposed to Christian
Sen. Ted Cruz, who wants values. “When one looks
his colleagues to risk a at the very serious moral
government shutdown character questions, from
to block funding to the Trump’s involvement in the
women’s health services casino gambling industry
provider Planned Parent- all the way through to his
hood. attitude toward women,
Trump brought his Bible Donald Trump is the em-
along and briefly ad- bodiment of everything
dressed his faith between that evangelical Chris-
attacks on his rivals and tians have been standing
Democrats. against in American cul-
“I believe in God. I believe ture,” he said.q
Biden hailed by gay rights group, but Clinton has head start
JOSH LEDERMAN staff in the morning, but primary. ples in her advertising and top players have already
Associated Press won’t be on stage for the Clinton, too, has a long his- raised LGBT issues at town placed their bets.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice star-studded dinner. tory on gay rights, and the halls. In Congress, Biden support-
President Joe Biden will Gay and lesbian voters Human Rights Campaign In turn, Clinton has won fi- ed hate crime and work-
have a prime perch to ap- and their allies represent praised her this week as nancial support from many place discrimination bills.
peal to gay voters when he a natural base of support a “tireless champion” for of the openly gay bundlers He also fought legislation
headlines a glitzy national for Biden, who won acco- lesbian, gay, bisexual and who raised huge sums by then-Sen. Jesse Helms
gala. Yet it may be too late lades from the community transgender people across for Obama. In interviews, and others seen as hostile
to win over influential gay by backing gay marriage the globe. Clinton’s LGBT half a dozen of those sup- to gay rights.
Democrats already com- ahead of the 2012 election supporters point to a 2011 porters insisted none of Gays and lesbians form
mitted to Hillary Rodham and became the highest speech she gave as secre- that support would drift to a powerful voting bloc in
Clinton should he join the elected official to support tary of state fervently de- Biden. the U.S., and exit polls sug-
2016 presidential race. what was then a highly claring that “gay rights are Biden’s tough task in win- gest they vote at higher
At the Human Rights Cam- charged political issue. human rights, and human ning over gay Clinton sup- rates than the overall pop-
paign’s sold-out soirée Oct. President Barack Obama rights are gay rights.” porters mirrors the broader ulation. An analysis by the
3 in Washington, it’s Biden followed days later. As she competes for the challenge awaiting him Williams Institute at UCLA
who will get top billing. In The prominent gay rights Democratic nomination, if he enters the race: Half School of Law showed that
a way, Clinton will be his group hasn’t endorsed Clinton has actively court- a year into the presiden- 3 in 4 gay or bisexual vot-
warm-up act; she’ll speak yet in the 2016 race, but it ed gay and lesbian voters. tial campaign, many of ers backed Democrats in
to the group’s board and plans to be engaged in the She’s featured gay cou- the Democratic Party’s 2014.q