Page 10 - Minister Alex Schwengle
P. 10


WORLD NEWSSaturday 26 September

Greece’s Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras sits during the first cabinet meeting of his new government                               UN-backed truce deal reached
in Athens, Friday, Sept. 25, 2015. Tsipras told his cabinet that the country can exit its debilitating                           for 2 front line theaters in Syria 
financial crisis by 2019.
                                                                                                                                 SARAH EL DEEB
                                                                                                 (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis)  Associated Press
                                                                                                                                 BEIRUT (AP) — A U.N.-backed truce deal has been
Tsipras pledges to end Greece crisis by 2019                                                                                     reached for two key Syrian battleground theaters
                                                                                                                                 that will see the transfer of thousands of Shiite and
NICHOLAS PAPHITIS                He called the snap polls            clude” the first review of                                  Sunni civilians and fighters from one area to another,
Associated Press                 seven months into his first         Greece’s progress by bail-                                  activists and a militant cleric said Friday.
ATHENS, Greece (AP) —            mandate, after hardline             out inspectors.                                             The deal will end months of fighting between Sunni in-
Greece’s newly re-elected        left-wingers in his Syriza par-     “That will allow the process                                surgents and pro-government forces, including fight-
prime minister pledged Fri-      ty rebelled against a policy        to go ahead speedily to                                     ers from Lebanon’s Shiite militia group Hezbollah, and
day to fast-track negotia-       U-turn that saw Greece              open, as soon as possible,                                  the besieging of civilians.
tions with international bail-   signing a third international       the crucial discussion on                                   The controversial transfer will allow a group of Sunni
out creditors so the country     bailout — accompanied               reducing Greece’s debt,                                     insurgents operating under a coalition called Jaish
can be in a position to get      by new austerity measures.          as foreseen in the (July bail-                              al-Fatah,or Army of Conquest, and their families safe
some much-needed debt            The July agreement, which           out) agreement,” he said.                                   passage out of the Zabadani area, along the Leba-
relief.                          was concluded under du-             Greece’s European credi-                                    nese border.
Alexis Tsipras told his first    ress as bankruptcy and              tors have promised to look                                  In exchange, 10,000 Shiites, civilians and wounded
Cabinet meeting that his         isolation from the rest of Eu-      again at Greece’s debt if                                   pro-government fighters from two villages in rebel-
aim is to have steered the       rope loomed, came after             the country gets past its first                             controlled northern Idlib province will be allowed to
country out of its crisis by     months of negotiations with         review. Though an outright                                  leave, said Abdullah al-Muhaysini, a Saudi militant
2019 when his four-year          creditors that hammered             cut in the country’s debt                                   cleric living in Syria.
mandate ends. “This is an        the economy and led to              has been ruled out, Tsipras                                 The Sunni insurgents will head from Zabadani to the
absolutely achievable tar-       the imposition of strict capi-      will be hoping to get relief                                rebel-controlled Idlib province, while the Shiites will
get, provided we dare            tal controls to prevent a           in the form of longer re-                                   settle in the government-controlled suburb of Damas-
carry out major reforms          bank run by worried de-             payment periods and cuts                                    cus, the head of the Britain-based Syrian Observatory
and changes,” Tsipras said,      positors.                           in the interest rates on the                                for Human Rights said.
in a speech liberally punc-      Tsipras pledged to respect          loans.                                                      If implemented, the agreement would be another
tuated with references to        Greece’s commitments for            Tsipras promised action to                                  rare example of international diplomacy successfully
speed. “We must work to          further spending cuts, tax          fight tax evasion and unde-                                 brokering an end to fighting in specific areas in Syr-
re-establish, as soon as pos-    hikes and reforms, and said         clared employment, and                                      ia. The U.N. previously brokered a cease-fire in 2014
sible, financial stability, and  his first, urgent priority will be  reform public administra-                                   to end over two years of siege on the central city of
restore normality to the         to launch talks on reduc-           tion, while seeking a good                                  Homs. But the deal would also underline concerns
banking system.”                 ing the country’s crippling         compromise on creditor-                                     about forced demographic changes in the Syrian
Tsipras, 41, heads a left-       debt burden and boost its           demanded labor and pen-                                     civil war, now in its fifth year, which has already dis-
led coalition with the small     battered banks.                     sion reforms.                                               placed nearly half of Syria’s pre-war population.
right-wing populist party,       Tsipras said implementing           He also told cabinet mem-                                   The opposition has accused Syrian President Bashar
the Independent Greeks,          “without delay” the coun-           bers to spend less time giv-                                Assad’s government of working with its allies, includ-
following last Sunday’s          try’s bailout agreement             ing interviews and more                                     ing Iran, on moving populations around to empty
election.                        in order to “speedily con-          time at work.q                                              government-held areas of Sunnis. The insurgents
                                                                                                                                 against Assad are largely Sunnis, including foreign
                                                                                                                                 fighters from around the region and elsewhere who
                                                                                                                                 joined the war.
                                                                                                                                 Lebanese Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said
                                                                                                                                 Iran played a key mediating role in the U.N.-brokered
                                                                                                                                 deal during negotiations held in Turkey, representing
                                                                                                                                 the Syrian government at the table. He said decisions
                                                                                                                                 were, however, made by the government.
                                                                                                                                 Nasrallah, in remarks aired Friday on Hezbollah’s Al-
                                                                                                                                 Manar TV, said the deal will not force people to relo-
                                                                                                                                 cate but that civilians who want to leave Zabadani
                                                                                                                                 with the militants are free to do so if they want. He
                                                                                                                                 added that the deal allows for humanitarian supplies
                                                                                                                                 and goods to reach the two villages by road for those
                                                                                                                                 remaining behind.
                                                                                                                                 U.N. spokeswoman Jessy Chahine told The Associ-
                                                                                                                                 ated Press on Friday that the U.N. facilitated contacts
                                                                                                                                 between the different parties but would not elabo-
                                                                                                                                 rate on details of the deal.q
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