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                                                                                                                         Saturday 26 September

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Speaker Boehner stuns Congress, Announces Resignation

ERICA WERNER                   cided to spare the House,       House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio speaks during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Wash-
AP Congressional Corre-        and himself, the chaos          ington, Friday, Sept. 25, 2015. In a stunning move, Boehner informed fellow Republicans on Friday
spondent                       such a vote would bring.        that he would resign from Congress at the end of October, stepping aside in the face of hardline
WASHINGTON (AP) —              “It’s become clear to me        conservative opposition that threatened an institutional crisis.
House Speaker John Boeh-       that this prolonged leader-
ner plunged Congress into      ship turmoil would do irrep-                                                                                                       (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)
deeper turmoil on Friday,      arable harm to the institu-
abruptly announcing his        tion,” he said.
resignation and shutting       Even as he announced his
down a conservative tea        plans to leave, Boehner told
party drive to depose the      lawmakers they could ex-
nation’s highest-ranking       pect to vote next week on
Republican but opening         legislation to fund the gov-
up fresh troubles for the      ernment through Dec. 11
party.                         with Planned Parenthood
The 13-term Ohio lawmak-       funding intact, a bill likely
er, second in line to the      to pass with Democratic
presidency, shocked his        help, notwithstanding con-
rank-and-file when he told     servative complaints. So
them of his plans in an emo-   no shutdown for now. But
tional closed-door meet-       Boehner will leave behind
ing. He said he would step     a stack of other problems,
down from the speaker’s        including the new Decem-
job he’s held for nearly five  ber funding deadline, a
years, and from Congress,      crucial highway bill, and
at the end of October.         the annual battle over the
One important result: A        federal borrowing limit.
government shutdown            And it’s not clear that the
threatened for next week       next speaker will have any
is all but sure to be averted  easier time taming the un-
— but only for now. A new      ruly tea party lawmakers
December deadline and          who forced Boehner out
a potentially market-rat-      despite the largest Repub-
tling fight over the govern-   lican majority in 84 years, or
ment’s borrowing limit still   making the deals with the
lie ahead.                     White House and Senate
Boehner’s announcement         Republicans that Boehner
came one day after a high      habitually cut to keep the
point of his congressional     gears of government run-
career, a historic speech      ning. Although a disorderly
by Pope Francis to Con-        leadership race is certain
gress at the speaker’s re-     for some of the top jobs,
quest.                         the likeliest contender to
It also came before what       replace Boehner is his cur-
would have been a new          rent No. 2, Majority Leader
low: a potential floor vote    Kevin McCarthy of Cali-
to oust him as speaker,        fornia, whom Boehner en-
pushed by conservative,        dorsed on Friday, saying he
anti-tax tea partyers con-     “would make an excellent
vinced he was capitulating     speaker.”
in a struggle over funding     After Boehner’s announce-
of Planned Parenthood, a       ment, President Barack
non-profit abortion provid-    Obama praised him as “a
er, that threatened a gov-     good man” and a patriot.
ernment shutdown next          “Maybe most importantly,
Thursday. Such a formal        he’s somebody who under-
challenge against a speak-     stands that in government
er has not been used in the    and governance, you
House for over 100 years.      don’t get 100 percent of
On Friday, an upbeat Boeh-     what you want,” the presi-
ner declared that he’d de-     dent said. q
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