Page 18 - Minister Alex Schwengle
P. 18


SPORTSSaturday 26 September

                                           NL Capsules 

Kershaw, Dodgers get past Diamondbacks 6-3

The Associated Press            Los Angeles Dodgers’ Chris Heisey hita a grand slam home run                          The victory, combined with       pitched the ninth for his
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Chris        against the Arizona Diamondbacks during the fifth inning of a                         Washington’s loss to Balti-      42nd save, one shy of Ar-
Heisey hit a grand slam in      baseball game in Los Angeles, Thursday, Sept. 24, 2015.                               more, reduced the Mets’          mando Benitez’s club re-
a six-run fifth inning and Los                                                                                        magic number for clinch-         cord from 2001.
Angeles trimmed its magic                                                                           Associated Press  ing the NL East title to three.  CARDINALS 7, BREWERS 3
number to four for the NL                                                                                             Steven Matz tried to ex-         ST. LOUIS (AP) — Jhonny
West.                           its fourth consecutive non-     METS 6, REDS 4                                        tend his record-setting start    Peralta and Stephen Pis-
Los Angeles increased its       winning season.                 CINCINNATI (AP) — Daniel                              with the Mets, but couldn’t      cotty hit back-to-back
division lead to 7 1-2 games    Kenley Jansen pitched the       Murphy had three hits, in-                            hold a 3-1 lead. He had al-      homers and combined
over the San Francisco Gi-      ninth for his 34th save.        cluding a tiebreaking triple                          lowed two or fewer runs in       for seven RBIs to power St.
ants, who faced San Diego       Patrick Corbin (6-5) was in     in the seventh inning, as                             each of his first five starts —  Louis.
later.                          control until the fifth inning  New York closed in on its                             a club record — but gave         St. Louis has won five
Clayton Kershaw (15-7)          of his second loss to the       first playoff appearance in                           up two RBI singles by Bran-      straight and holds a four-
had nine strikeouts while       Dodgers in 12 days.             nine years.                                           don Phillips and left with       game lead over Pittsburgh
yielding six hits and three                                                                                           the game tied 3-all in the       for the NL Central lead.
runs over five innings. He                                                                                            sixth.                           The Cardinals trailed 3-0 in
left trailing 3-0, but ended                                                                                          Murphy’s two-out triple off      the fourth when Peralta hit
up with his fifth victory in                                                                                          left-hander Manny Parra          a three-run homer into the
six starts when the Dodg-                                                                                             (1-2) started a three-run        bleachers in center field,
ers rallied for their second                                                                                          rally in the seventh. Yoenis     and Piscotty followed two
straight win.                                                                                                         Cespedes singled for an-         pitches later with a homer
Howie Kendrick had a two-                                                                                             other run, and Lucas Duda        into the seats in left-center.
run single for the Dodgers.                                                                                           followed with his second         The homer by Peralta, St.
Rookie Brandon Drury                                                                                                  RBI double of the game.          Louis’ cleanup hitter, was
homered off Kershaw, and                                                                                              Erik Goeddel (1-1) retired       his first since Aug. 1.
Paul Goldschmidt got his                                                                                              the only batter he faced         Piscotty added a two-run,
19th RBI in his last 19 games                                                                                         in the sixth. Jay Bruce hit      two-out single off Taylor
against the Dodgers. Ari-                                                                                             a solo homer off Hansel          Jungmann (9-7) in the fifth
zona would have to win its                                                                                            Robles in the eighth, cut-       and a run-scoring single in
final nine games to avoid                                                                                             ting it to 6-4. Jeurys Familia   the seventh.q
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