Page 19 - Minister Alex Schwengle
P. 19

                                                                                                                            Saturday 26 September

Stenson stretches lead at East Lake; Spieth makes a surge 

DOUG FERGUSON                  Henrik Stenson examines his ball as he prepares to putt on the fourth during the second round of                                      press on if I want to leave
AP Golf Writer                 the Tour Championship golf tournament at East Lake Club Friday, Sept. 25, 2015, in Atlanta.                                           the guys behind me.”
ATLANTA (AP) — Two years                                                                                                                                             The biggest challenge fig-
after Henrik Stenson sailed                                                                                                                        Associated Press  ures to be East Lake, espe-
to victory at the Tour Cham-                                                                                                                                         cially with more wet condi-
pionship, he has another       left and a tree in front of    Paul Casey made bogey           made a late run on Sunday                                              tions in the forecast.
comfortable lead after 36      him. He took a risk going      from the bunker on the 18th     and tied for second, cap-                                              The Bermuda rough can
holes at East Lake and Jor-    through the tree to 6 feet     for a 70 and was four shots     ping off a remarkable rook-                                            be tricky when it’s dry be-
dan Spieth is chasing him.     for par, and then rolled in a  behind, while British Open      ie season.                                                             cause it can be difficult to
Back then, Spieth was a        20-foot par putt for a bun-    champion Zach Johnson           He is looked at differently                                            judge how far the ball flies
20-year-old rookie.            ker save on the par-3 sixth.   birdied three of his last       now — the Masters and                                                  out of it. Wet rough is diffi-
Now he’s the Masters and       “It was huge,” Spieth said     four holes to overcome a        U.S. Open champion and                                                 cult in a different manner.
U.S. Open champion,            about the par saves. “I        double bogey on the par-5       looking more certain to be                                             It makes the course lon-
and he found a spark in a      thought I may have to re-      ninth. He had a 70 and was      voted PGA Tour player of                                               ger off the tee, and longer
steady drizzle Friday.         tee, and I was just kind of    at 4-under 136.                 the year.                                                              coming out of the thick
Stenson overcame a few         all over the place at that     Jason Day, in his first event   “He’s one of the best play-                                            grass.
mistakes off the tee and       time. And that third shot I    as No. 1 in the world, finally  ers in the world as we know,                                           Day hit a 3-wood from 195
was solid on the back nine     hit on 5, I mean, one of 10,   looked human. He felt flat,     and had a fantastic year                                               yards in the rough on No. 5.
for a 2-under 68, stretching   maybe. There was no other      wasn’t sharp off the tee or     behind him,” Stenson said.                                             Had it been dry conditions
his lead to three shots over   option, but it wasn’t nec-     into the greens, and shot       “So he’s going to be a very                                            like Thursday, Day figures
Spieth going into the week-    essarily smart. And I had      a 71. It was his third round    tough contender through-                                               he would have hit 8-iron.
end and moving closer to       to have the wind blowing       over par in his last 10 tour-   out these last two days. He                                            Stenson hit a 4-wood and
his first win of the year —    this branch back and forth,    naments, and it left him        was good already back                                                  a gap wedge to a front
and a $10 million bonus for    I had to hit it when it blew   nine shots behind.              then, but he’s certainly not                                           pin on No. 4 in the open-
claiming the FedEx Cup.        it this way or else it would   Stenson was four shots          any less good now. We                                                  ing round. On Friday, he hit
“I didn’t feel like it was my  have gone up into it.”         clear of Adam Scott after       know that much. Once                                                   3-wood off the tee and still
best day, but I managed        He closed with a 20-foot       36 holes when he won the        again, I’ve got to focus on                                            had 6-iron to a back pin.
to keep it together and 2      birdie putt on the par-3       Tour Championship two           my game and bring my                                                   “That’s a two-club differ-
under around here is never     18th to get into the final     years ago, with Spieth an-      game and keep my head                                                  ence when the air is heavy
bad,” Stenson said.            group.                         other shot behind. Spieth       down and foot down and                                                 and you’re not getting as
He doesn’t know anything                                                                                                                                             much roll,” he said.
different. This was his sixth                                                                                                                                        With a tougher golf course,
straight round under par at                                                                                                                                          Stenson said there will be a
East Lake, a course where                                                                                                                                            premium on making fewer
the Swede has led after ev-                                                                                                                                          mistakes. Spieth is happy to
ery round he has played.                                                                                                                                             be on a course of this na-
Stenson, who went wire-to-                                                                                                                                           ture, especially after three
wire in the Tour Champion-                                                                                                                                           weeks of watching play-
ship in 2013, was at 9-under                                                                                                                                         ers — mostly Day — pour in
131.                                                                                                                                                                 one birdie after another in
Spieth has made only one                                                                                                                                             low-scoring affairs.
bogey over two rounds,                                                                                                                                               It was demoralizing at
and a pair of par saves on                                                                                                                                           times, especially when Day
consecutive holes on the                                                                                                                                             started 61-63 last week at
front nine felt just as valu-                                                                                                                                        Conway Farms.
able as his four birdies in a                                                                                                                                        “I wasn’t going to catch
round of 66. The average                                                                                                                                             him last week,” Spieth said.
score was 71.6 on a wet                                                                                                                                              “I say that now. You tell me
day that yielded only four                                                                                                                                           that at the time and I’ll get
rounds under par.                                                                                                                                                    mad at you. I don’t accept
Spieth went from the right                                                                                                                                           that, and that’s my person-
rough to the left rough on                                                                                                                                           ality. This week is a bit dif-
No. 5 and still had 60 yards                                                                                                                                         ferent because there isn’t
                                                                                                                                                                     a 22 under out there.”q
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