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u.s. news Diahuebs 29 OctOber 2020
7 taken to hospitals after Trump Omaha airport rally
(AP) — At least seven monitoring sites on social awaiting buses — which can ployed was twice the number
people were taken to hos- media reported that some Most of the thousands who hold about 50 riders each usually deployed at Trump
pitals after an Omaha air- people suffered adverse ef- attended the Tuesday night — were overwhelmed when campaign rallies. But “local
port rally for President fects from temperatures hov- rally at Omaha’s Eppley Air- crowds left the event around road closures and resulting
Donald Trump that drew ering around 30 degrees as field parked in remote lots 9 p.m., police said. Additional congestion caused delays,”
thousands, many of whom they waited for shuttle buses and were shuttled to the buses were called in to try to she said.
were left stranded miles or tried to walk to their cars event in buses. Police said 40 get people to their cars.
from their parked cars in more than two miles away buses were used to shuttle “At the guest departure lo-
freezing weather. following the rally. 25,000 people over a 10-hour Police said the last of the cation, we had tents, heat-
period, starting at 10 a.m., to rally goers were able to leave ers, generators, hot cocoa,
Omaha police said in a writ- “Many people underesti- the event site, although an around midnight. and handwarmers available
ten statement that first re- mated the distance from the undisclosed number left be- for guests,” Zager said. "We
sponders dealt with 30 people event back to the parking lot fore the rally ended, police Trump deputy national press always strive to provide the
for medical reasons through- on foot,” Officer Michael Pe- said. secretary Samantha Zager best guest experience at our
out the day, and seven were cha, spokesman for Omaha said in a statement that the events and we care about
taken to hospitals. Police- police, said in the statement. Traffic became snarled, and 40 shuttle buses the event de- their safety.”
Lawyers: Cop video doesn't show fatal shooting of Black man
(AP) — Lawyers for a girlfriend wounded. neys, Antonio Romanucci, Marcellis Stinnette, who was Tuesday, when they sound-
Black couple who were told reporters outside of a 19 years old and in the front ed optimistic about getting
shot in their car by a sub- The Waukegan police officer state police post after viewing passenger seat, was killed and to the bottom of what hap-
urban Chicago police of- who fired the shots turned the video. his girlfriend, Williams, was pened. Instead, the attorneys
ficer said Wednesday that on his body camera after the wounded. said they suspected a coverup
police video showed the Oct. 20 shooting and claimed “That is the false narra- that began before the shoot-
bullet-riddled vehicle but the driver, 20-year-old Tafara tive that we continue to talk On Tuesday, Williams told ing when the officer failed to
not the shooting, which Williams, had tried to run about. This police officer reporters during a video call turn on his body camera as
left a man dead and his him over, one of her attor- has zero — absolute zero — from her hospital bed that the situation was unfolding.
credibility,” Romanucci said. she and Stinnette didn't do
“There should be no weight anything to provoke the “It’s regrettable when you
given to his self-serving state- shooting. She said after the have officers who either were
ment for the use of deadly shooting, Stinnette was badly not trained properly or who
force against what clearly ap- wounded yet still breathing intentionally and consciously
pears to be a stationary car, but the only help officers made an effort not to turn on
and his feet were stationary at gave him was a blanket. their bodycam video so we
the same time.” “They allowed him to die,” would see what they did to
she said. “They wanted us to cause the death of Marcellis
Authorities said the officer — bleed out on the ground.” Stinnette and horrific injuries
who was fired last week and to Tafara Williams,” Crump
whose name hasn't been re- The news conference held said. “What we saw was just
leased — opened fire out of Wednesday by Romanucci bits and pieces. ... There was
fear for his safety because the and another lawyer for Wil- no need to use this excessive
couple's car reversed toward liams, Ben Crump, differed deadly force. There was no
him during a traffic stop. from a briefing they held need. It was a traffic stop.”
US charges 8 in alleged Chinese surveillance effort in US
(AP) — The Justice De- help Beijing locate fugitives 2010. Officials would not say Trump administration has vaccines for the coronavi-
partment has charged abroad for legitimate purpos- why the man or his family taken against China, a coun- rus and stealing hundreds
eight people with working es, but that U.S. officials say was targeted, but authorities try President Donald Trump of millions of dollars' worth
on behalf of the Chinese in practice has been used to said the campaign to get him regards as a prime adversary. of intellectual property and
government in a pressure go after dissidents and politi- to return to China included trade secrets from companies
campaign aimed at coerc- cal opponents. surveillance and online ha- In July, for instance, the Jus- across the world.
ing a New Jersey man who “Without coordination with rassment of the man's adult tice Department charged
was wanted by Beijing to our government, China’s re- daughter, as a well as a threat- hackers working with the “China is violating laws and
return to China to face patriation squads enter the ening note left on his front Chinese government with norms left and right,” FBI
charges, officials said. United States, surveil and door. targeting firms developing Director Chris Wray said
locate the alleged fugitives
Five of the eight were ar- and deploy intimidation and The note, written in simpli-
rested Wednesday, accused of other tactics to force them fied Chinese characters, said:
participating in a covert op- back into China, where they "If you are willing to go back
eration that officials say was would face certain imprison- to the mainland and spend
built on intimidation, bully- ment or worse following ille- 10 years in prison, your wife
ing and “very disturbing” tac- gitimate trials," Assistant At- and children will be all right.
tics aimed at pressuring tar- torney General John Demers That’s the end of this mat-
gets sought by Beijing. The said at a news conference an- ter!”
other three are believed to be nouncing the charges.
in China. There was no immediate re-
In this case, prosecutors said, sponse to an email seeking
The defendants are accused the defendants harassed the comment from the Chinese
of participating in a Chi- family of man they did not embassy in Washington.
nese government operation identify who had been a city
known as “Fox Hunt” that government official in China The arrests are among a se-
was ostensibly created to before arriving in the U.S. in ries of recent actions the