Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20201029
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                 Diahuebs 29 OctOber 2020

                               Satellite photos show construction at Iran nuclear site

            (AP) — Iran has begun construction at its Natanz  nuclear program. "Or maybe that they’re just going  cidents pushed the two countries to the brink of
            nuclear facility, satellite images released Wednesday  to bury it there.”                       war at the beginning of the year.
            show,  just  as  the  U.N.  nuclear  agency  acknowl-
            edged Tehran is building an underground advanced  Rafael Grossi, the director-general of the Interna-  Iran now enriches uranium to up to 4.5% purity,
            centrifuge assembly plant after its last one exploded  tional Atomic Energy Agency, told The Associated  and according to the last IAEA report, had a stock-
            in a reported sabotage attack last summer.      Press  on  Tuesday  that  his  inspectors  were  aware  pile of 2,105 kilograms (2.32 tons). Experts typical-
                                                            of  the  construction.  He  said  Iran  had  previously  ly say 1,050 kilograms (1.15 tons) of low-enriched
            The construction comes as the U.S. nears Election  informed IAEA inspectors, who continue to have  uranium is enough material to be re-enriched up to
            Day in a campaign pitting President Donald Trump,  access  to  Iran's  sites  despite  the  country  having  weapons-grade levels of 90% purity for one nuclear
            whose  maximum  pressure  campaign  against  Iran  moved away from many limits of its landmark 2015  weapon.
            has led Tehran to abandon all limits on its atomic  nuclear deal with world powers, known as the Joint
            program, and Joe Biden, who has expressed a will-  Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA.      Grossi told The Associated Press, however, that the
            ingness to return to the accord. The outcome of                                                 IAEA's current estimate is that Iran does not yet
            the vote likely will decide which approach America  “They have started, but it’s not completed. It’s a  have enough to produce a weapon.
            takes. Heightened tensions between Iran and the  long process," Grossi said.
            U.S. nearly ignited a war at the start of the year.  Alireza  Miryousefi,  a  spokesman  for  the  Iranian  Iran’s so-called “breakout time” — the time needed
                                                            mission to the United Nations, would not com-   for it to build one nuclear weapon if it chose to do
            Since August, Iran has built a new or regraded road  ment on the satellite images or discuss specifics of  so — is estimated now by outside experts to have
            to the south of Natanz toward what analysts believe  the construction, but said Iran was being transpar-  dropped from one year under the deal to as little as
            is a former firing range for security forces at the en-  ent with its actions.                  three months. Iran maintains its nuclear program
            richment facility, images from San Francisco-based                                              is for peaceful purposes, though Western countries
            Planet Labs Inc. show.                          “Nothing  in  Iran  regarding  its  peaceful  nuclear  fear Tehran could use it to pursue atomic weapons.
                                                            program  is  being  done  in  secret,  in  full  keeping
            A Planet  Labs satellite  image  Monday shows  the  with the JCPOA, and as the IAEA has repeatedly  Natanz, built underground to harden it against air-
            site cleared away with what appears to be construc-  confirmed,” Miryousefi said in an email.   strikes, long has been at the center of those fears
            tion equipment there, while an Oct. 21 image from  “This instance is no different,” he said.    since its discovery in 2002. Centrifuges there still
            Maxar Technologies shows trucks, cars, backhoes                                                 spin in vast halls under 7.6 meters (25 feet) of con-
            and other vehicles at the cleared site.         Ali Akbar Salehi, the head of the Atomic Energy  crete. Air defense positions surround the facility in
                                                            Organization of Iran, last month told state televi-  Iran's central Isfahan province.
            Analysts from the James Martin Center for Non-  sion the destroyed above-ground facility was being  Despite being one of the most-secure sites in Iran,
            proliferation  Studies  at  the  Middlebury  Institute  replaced with one “in the heart of the mountains  Natanz was targeted by the Stuxnet computer virus
            of International Studies say they believe the site is  around Natanz.”                          — believed to be the creation of the U.S. and Israel
            undergoing excavation.                                                                          — before the nuclear deal.
                                                            Trump  in  2018  unilaterally  withdrew  the  U.S.
            “That road also goes into the mountains so it may  from the JCPOA deal Iran, in which Tehran agreed  In  July,  a  fire  and  explosion  struck  its  advanced
            be the fact that they’re digging some kind of struc-  to  limit  its  uranium  enrichment  in  exchange  for  centrifuge assembly facility in an incident Iran later
            ture that’s going to be out in front and that there’s  the lifting of economic sanctions. When the U.S.  described as sabotage. Suspicion has fallen on Isra-
            going to be a tunnel in the mountains," said Jeffrey  ramped up sanctions, Iran gradually and publicly  el, despite a claim of responsibility by a previously
            Lewis, an expert at the institute who studies Iran's  abandoned those limits as a series of escalating in-  unheard-of group.

                           ICE settles lawsuit filed by immigrant activists in Vermont

            (AP)  —  The  federal  gov-  filed  Wednesday  in  U.S.  to  be  split  among  the  three  in  Vermont,  at  a  rally  out-  “Not  everybody's  going  to
            ernment  has  agreed  not  District Court in Vermont.     plaintiffs.                  side  the  federal  courthouse  like it, but we can't be scared
            to deport three immigrant                                                              on  Wednesday.  He  spoke  in  and we can't retreat,” she said
            activists  in  Vermont  who  As  part  of  the  settlement  in  “ICE  tried  to  terrorize  us  Spanish as a translator inter-  through an interpreter.
            sued  two  years  after  they  the lawsuit against U.S. Im-  by  going  after  our  leaders,”  preted.
            were arrested, saying they  migration  and  Customs  En-  said  plaintiff  Victor  Diaz,  a  “They  tried  to  divide  us  by  Burlington  Police  arrived  a
            were  targeted  in  retalia-  forcement  and  the  Depart-  member  of  Migrant  Justice,  going after our organization.  short time later and an offi-
            tion for their activism, ac-  ment of Homeland Security,  an advocacy group represent-  They tried to silence us, but  cer talked with an activist. It
            cording to the settlement  ICE  will  also  pay  $100,000  ing  immigrant  farmworkers  with  this  settlement  we  are  wasn't  clear  whether  police
                                                                                                   saying that we will not be si-  pursued the driver.
                                                                                                   lenced," he to cheers among
                                                                                                   the crowd blocking part of a  One  of  the  three  plaintiffs,
                                                                                                   downtown street.             Zully  Palacios  Rodriguez,
                                                                                                                                said  when  the  lawsuit  was
                                                                                                   An  email  was  sent  to  ICE  filed  that  she  and  a  fellow
                                                                                                   seeking comment.             Migrant  Justice  member
                                                                                                   During the rally, a driver who  were  arrested  by  armed  un-
                                                                                                   wanted to drive through the  dercover agents as they were
                                                                                                   street  blocked  by  activists  leaving  the  group’s  office  in
                                                                                                   holding signs yelled at them  Burlington in 2017.
                                                                                                   to get out of the way, pulled
                                                                                                   out a machete and from the  Before  the  arrest,  she  said,
                                                                                                   driver's  seat  banged  it  on  ICE tried to enter her email
                                                                                                   hood of his vehicle. Leaders  account and used a confiden-
                                                                                                   urged  activists  to  get  out  of  tial  informant  to  spy  on  the
                                                                                                   the  way  and  let  the  vehicle  group’s members and gather
                                                                                                   pass as he zoomed through.   information about them.

                                                                                                   Afterward,  Thelma  Gomez,  Some  Vermont  dairy  farms
                                                                                                   of Migrant Justice, said what  employ  Mexican  farmwork-
                                                                                                   happened  was  a  clear  exam-  ers, many of whom are in the
                                                                                                   ple  of  what  happens  when  country illegally.
                                                                                                   the people rise up to defend
                                                                                                   their rights.
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