Page 5 - MIN JUS - MAY 27,2015
P. 5
Wednesday 27 May 2015
At Press Time:
Floodwaters rise in Houston as rain continues
tion’s fourth-largest city. areas. Firefighters carried
Meanwhile, the search out more than 500 water
went on for at least 13 rescues, most involving
people who were still miss- stranded motorists. At least
ing, including a group that 2,500 vehicles were aban-
disappeared after a vaca- doned by drivers seeking
tion home was swept down higher ground, officials
the river and slammed into said.
a bridge. The flooding closed several
Several more fatalities were highways, and the ones
reported — three in Hous- that stayed open became
ton and one more in Cen- a gridlocked mess.
tral Texas. That brought to A spokeswoman for the
16 the number of people flood district of Harris Coun-
killed by the holiday week- ty, which includes Houston,
end storms in Texas and said up to 700 homes sus-
Oklahoma. tained some level of dam-
The water continued rising age.
overnight as about 11 more Officials in Hays County,
inches (28 more centime- southwest of Austin, said
ters) of rain fell, much of it 30 people who had been
in a six-hour period. reported as missing were
The floodwaters affected accounted for by mid-af-
virtually every part of the ternoon Tuesday.q
city and paralyzed some
Motorists are stranded along I-45 along North Main in Houston
after storms flooded the area, Tuesday, May 26, 2015. Heavy
rains caused flooding closing some portions of major highways
in the Houston area.
(Cody Duty/Houston Chronicle via AP)
KRISTIE RIEKEN as storms dumped more
PAUL J. WEBER rain on the Houston area,
Associated Press stranding hundreds of mo-
HOUSTON (AP) — Flood- torists and inundating the
waters kept rising Tues- famously congested high-
day across much of Texas ways that serve the na-
ND cops: US airman shoots
Wal-Mart workers, kills self
J. MacPHERSON and any of the victims.
B. NICHOLSON That’s not to say that can’t
Associated Press change,” police Lt. Derik
A U.S. airman walked into Zimmel said during an af-
a Wal-Mart Supercenter in ternoon news conference.
North Dakota early Tues- “There’s no apparent mo-
day and opened fire with a tive that jumps out at this
handgun, killing one work- time.”
er and injuring a second Authorities did not immedi-
before turning the gun on ately identify the two work-
himself, police said. ers who were shot or a third
Grand Forks Police said the worker they say Willis shot
shooting that occurred a at but missed. The injured
few minutes after 1 a.m. person was hospitalized
may have been random, with a gunshot wound that
with no link yet found be- was not believed to be life-
tween Marcell Willis, 21, threatening, Zimmel said.
and either the store or the A hospital spokeswoman
employees. said the person was listed
“We’ve not been able to in “satisfactory condition”
find any linkage to him Tuesday afternoon. q