Page 6 - MIN JUS - MAY 27,2015
P. 6


U.S. NEWSWednesday 27 May 2015

Cleveland, US Justice Department announce police settlement 

Vanita Gupta, head of civil rights division at the Department of  MARK GILLISPIE                shot barrage of police gun-    suspects.
                                                                  Associated Press              fire following a high-speed    The agency said supervi-
Justice, center, speaks at a news conference announcing the       CLEVELAND (AP) — Cleve-       chase. The case helped         sors encouraged some of
                                                                  land agreed to overhaul       prompt an 18-month inves-      the bad behavior and of-
settlement agreement with the City of Cleveland Tuesday, May      its police department un-     tigation by the Justice De-    ten did little to investigate
                                                                  der the supervision of a      partment.                      it. The department found
26, 2015, in Cleveland. 		  (AP Photo/Tony Dejak)                 federal monitor in a settle-  In a report released in De-    that only six officers had
                                                                  ment announced Tuesday        cember, the department         been suspended for im-
                                                                  with the  U.S. Department     required the city to work      proper use of force over a
                                                                  of Justice over a pattern of  with community leaders         three-year period.
                                                                  excessive force and other     and other officials to devise  Two other high-profile po-
                                                                  abuses by officers.           a plan to reform the police    lice-involved deaths still
                                                                  The announcement comes        department. A judge must       hang over the city: that of
                                                                  three days after a white      approve the plan, and an       Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old
                                                                  patrolman was acquitted       independent monitor will       black boy who was carry-
                                                                  of voluntary manslaughter     oversee it.                    ing a pellet gun at a play-
                                                                  charges in the shooting       The settlement calls for new   ground when he was fa-
                                                                  deaths of two unarmed         use-of-force guidelines, a     tally shot by a white rookie
                                                                  black suspects in a 137-      focus on community en-         patrolman Nov. 22, 2014,
                                                                                                gagement, accountability       and that of 37-year-old
                                                                                                reforms, training on bias-     Tanisha Anderson, a men-
                                                                                                free policing and a mental     tally ill woman who died of
                                                                                                health advisory commit-        positional asphyxiation af-
                                                                                                tee. The worst examples        ter officers took her to the
                                                                                                of excessive force in the      ground and handcuffed
                                                                                                Justice Department report      her Nov. 12, 2014.
                                                                                                involved patrol officers       The investigation was the
                                                                                                who endangered lives by        second time in recent
                                                                                                shooting at suspects and       years the Justice Depart-
                                                                                                cars, hit people over the      ment has taken the Cleve-
                                                                                                head with guns and used        land police to task over
                                                                                                stun guns on handcuffed        the use of force.q

                                                                                                Appeals panel won’t lift hold
                                                                                                on Obama immigration plan 

                                                                                                KEVIN McGILL                   some parents of  U.S. citi-
                                                                                                JUAN A. LOZANO                 zens and permanent resi-
                                                                                                Associated Press               dents. Although Obama
                                                                                                NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Presi-      argued lack of action by
                                                                                                dent Barack Obama’s            Congress forced him to
                                                                                                plan to shield as many as      make sweeping changes
                                                                                                5 million immigrants living    on his own, Republicans
                                                                                                in theU.S. from deportation    blasted the plan as an ex-
                                                                                                remained on hold Tues-         ecutive overreach. Twen-
                                                                                                day after a federal ap-        ty-six states have sued to
                                                                                                peals court panel refused      stop it, and a federal judge
                                                                                                to allow it to take effect     based in Texas issued a pre-
                                                                                                immediately. Obama an-         liminary injunction against
                                                                                                nounced an executive ac-       it in February.
                                                                                                tion in November seeking       The administration is ap-
                                                                                                to expand a program that       pealing that injunction and
                                                                                                protects young immigrants      had asked a three-judge
                                                                                                from deportation if they       panel of the 5th U.S. Circuit
                                                                                                were brought to the  U.S.      Court of Appeals to let the
                                                                                                illegally as children. The     program proceed pending
                                                                                                order also would extend        an argument on the merits,
                                                                                                deportation protections to     tentatively set for July.q
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