Page 7 - MIN JUS - MAY 27,2015
P. 7
WORLD NEWSWednesday 27 May 2015
First count shows Bouterse party gets majority in Suriname
PARAMARIBO, Suriname of American States. There Suriname President Desi Bouterse greets supporters in Paramaribo, Suriname. The party of Bout-
(AP) — The party of former are 353,000 registered vot- erse obtained the majority of Parliament seats in the South American country of Suriname, ac-
military dictator Desi Bout- ers in the country of some cording to preliminary results released Tuesday.
erse obtained the majority 550,000 people.
of Parliament seats in the Bouterse is a two-time coup (AP Photo/Ertugrul Kilic)
South American country leader and former dictator
of Suriname, according to accused of executing 15 if elected president. earlier this year to more Hezbollah a home base in
preliminary results released political opponents in 1982. Bouterse’s son, Dino, also than 16 years in prison af- Suriname. Dino Bouterse
Tuesday. He also was convicted in has faced legal problems. ter he admitted to offering once led Suriname’s anti-
Bouterse’s National Demo- absentia in the Netherlands A U.S. judge sentenced him Lebanese militant group terrorist unit.q
cratic Party obtained 26 in 1999 on drug traffick-
of 51 seats following Mon- ing charges, but Suriname
day’s general election, does not have an extradi-
while the main opposition tion treaty with its former
V7 alliance party led by for- colonial ruler. Bouterse
mer Justice Minister Chan also obtained immunity as
Santokhi obtained 17 seats, head of state when he was
according to the Ministry of democratically elected
Foreign Affairs. in 2010 amid widespread
Bouterse now needs a two- discontent with Suriname’s
thirds majority vote in Par- economy.
liament to be re-elected Santokhi had accused
president. If he wins, he Bouterse’s party of financial
would rule Suriname for mismanagement, noting
another five years. Legisla- that Suriname’s debt had
tors have to be sworn in by increased to more than $1
June 30. billion in recent years. He
There were no reports of vi- also had vowed to reverse
olence or irregularities, ac- an amended amnesty law
cording to election observ- and restart Bouterse’s pros-
ers with the Organization ecution for the 1982 killings
Missing family found in Mexico, toll in Mexico tornado at 13
SETH ROBBINS found amid the rubble of injured about 300 people, Tuesday to clear off the an, were in the house when
Associated Press shattered houses — had al- destroyed 200 homes and rubble and allow the family the twister hit.
CIUDAD ACUNA, Mexico ready been included in the damaged about 800, af- to rescue any salvageable Alma Isabel and Bryan hid
(AP) — The body of a baby toll of dead. fecting some 4,000 inhabit- possessions. under a bed as the home
carried away by a tornado The baby had been car- ants. Gerardo was able to find collapsed around them.
was found in the northern ried off by the force of the Some of the homes were only his stepfather’s wallet She survived with back in-
Mexico border city of Ciu- tornado, apparently from a reduced to mounds of cin- and a pair of mismatched juries and bruises, and Bry-
dad Acuna, Mayor Evaristo car. derblock and rubble, mak- shoes, all the family had an suffered gashes to his
Perez said Tuesday follow- Earlier reports suggested ing the search more diffi- left. head. Both are out of dan-
ing a sudden catastrophic the child had been in a cult. “I don’t have papers, I ger. But the stepfather was
storm that killed 13 and baby carrier. Gerardo Aguinaga and his don’t have anything. There standing at the back of the
destroyed more than 200 Perez also said authorities sister, Perla Isabel, stood are a lot of people who lost house, leaning against a
homes. had located a family of four in front of a concrete slab everything,” said Perla Isa- wall that fell on him, injuring
City spokesman Edgar who had been reported where the family’s home bel Aguinaga. “We have him more seriously. Despite
Gonzalez originally said the missing. It turned out they and taco business had no place to live.” his wounds, the stepfather
child’s death added to 13 had been visiting another once stood. Their stepfather, Edgar Ge- managed to dig himself
earlier confirmed deaths, town when the twister hit. The house had been flat- rardo Gonzalez, 37, their out, rescue his wife and the
but officials later said the The tornado touched tened by the storm, and mother, Alma Isabel, and boy and take them to a
baby — whose body was down early Monday, and bulldozers were sent in Perla’s 5-year-old son, Bry- neighbor’s house.q