Page 79 - MIN TTC 13 NOV 2015
P. 79

                                                                                                                    Friday 13 November 2015

Amid offensive, Iraqi Kurds cut Islamic State supply line 

B. JANSSEN                      which passes by Sinjar and       A Kurdish fighter records smoke rising over Sinjar, northern Iraq               ga fighters began their ap-
S. GEORGE                       indirectly links the militants’  from oil fires set by Islamic State militants as Kurdish Iraqi fight-           proach amid aerial bom-
Associated Press                two biggest strongholds —        ers, backed by U.S.-led airstrikes, launch a major assault on                   bardment. U.S. special op-
SINJAR, Iraq (AP) — Sup-        Raqqa in Syria and Mosul in      Thursday, Nov. 12, 2015.                                                        erations forces were oper-
ported by U.S.-led air-         northern Iraq — as a route                                                                                       ating from a hill above the
strikes, Kurdish Iraqi troops   for goods, weapons and                                                                  (AP Photo/Bram Janssen)  fighting in Sinjar, said Col.
on Thursday seized part of      fighters.                                                                                                        Steven Warren, the spokes-
a highway that is used as       Coalition-backed Kurdish         destroying 27 fighting posi-  About 7,500 peshmerga                             man for the U.S.-led coali-
a vital supply line by the      fighters on both sides of the    tions, among other targets.   fighters closed in on Sinjar                      tion in Baghdad. U.S. ad-
Islamic State group, a key      border are trying to retake      Coalition aircraft have       from three sides, the Kurd-                       visers were also positioned
initial step in a major offen-  sections of that corridor as     conducted more than 250       ish council said. In addition                     with Kurdish commanders,
sive to retake the strategic    part of Operation Free Sin-      airstrikes in the past month  to taking the town and the                        set back from the front line
town of Sinjar from the mili-   jar.                             across northern Iraq.         highway, the operation                            and behind Sinjar moun-
tants.                          “By controlling Highway 47,      The Kurdish fighters also     aimed to establish “a signifi-                    tain, to remain away from
The town was overrun by         which is used by Daesh to        said they had secured the     cant buffer zone to protect                       the crossfire, Warren said.
the extremists as they ram-     transport weapons, fight-        villages of Gabarra, on       the city and its inhabitants                      According to U.S. guide-
paged across Iraq in Au-        ers, illicit oil and other com-  the western front, and Tel    from incoming artillery.”                         lines, the U.S. forces have
gust 2014, leading to the       modities that fund their         Shore, Fadhelya and Qen       Heavy gunfire broke out                           stay away from the front
killing, enslavement and        operations, the coalition in-    on the eastern front.         early Thursday as peshmer-                        lines and the risk of enemy
flight of thousands of peo-     tends to increase pressure                                                                                       fire, he said, so they are op-
ple from the minority Yazidi    ... and isolate their compo-                                                                                     erating from safe locations
community. The U.S. later       nents from each other,” a                                                                                        on Sinjar mountain.
launched an air campaign        coalition statement said.                                                                                        Warren said two teams of
against the Islamic State       It said more than 150                                                                                            commandos were work-
militants, also known as        square kilometers (95 miles)                                                                                     ing with the Kurds to locate
ISIL, ISIS and, in Arabic, as   of territory had been retak-                                                                                     enemy targets and call the
Daesh.                          en from the Islamic State                                                                                        information in to the Joint
Hours into Thursday’s op-       group. The coalition said 24                                                                                     Operations Center in Irbil,
eration, the Kurdish Re-        airstrikes were carried out                                                                                      where military officials then
gional Security Council         over the past day, striking                                                                                      direct coalition aircraft fly-
said its forces controlled      nine militant tactical units,                                                                                    ing in the area to conduct
a section of Highway 47,        nine staging areas and                                                                                           the airstrikes.q
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