Page 84 - MIN TTC 13 NOV 2015
P. 84


LOCALFriday 13 November 2015

                              VIP’s Enjoy Cocktail Party
                              at Hadicurari Restaurant
                              Hosted by Federico Trost

                              ORANJESTAD – Romar Trad-        end restaurants. Then one
                              ing Company importers of        day, in a restaurant in Italy,
                              fine wines and spirits wel-     he ordered all 18 Pinot Gri-
                              comed the Export Man-           gios on the list and tasted
                              ager of Santa Margherita,       every one. When he tasted
                              the famed Italian winery to     Santa Margherita Pinot Gri-
                              Aruba with a series of lav-     gio from the Marzotto fam-
                              ishly orchestrated events.      ily, he knew he had found
                              The long awaited Cock-          his varietal and the proper
                              tail Party in Federico Trost’s  relationship to embark on a
                              honor unfolded at Hadicu-       promotional journey.
                              rari Restaurant just recently,  Tony has been called “the
                              and featured a wonderful        father of Pinot Grigio” and
                              selection of the winery’s
                              portfolio, starting with San-   “one of the most accom-
                              ta Margherita Prosecco,         plished wine personalities
                              then following in the course    on the planet” for pioneer-
                              of the evening with Santa       ing regions, varietals and
                              Margherita Pinot Grigio,        brands from around the
                              Santa Margherita Chianti        world. Pioneering the Pinot
                              Classico and Santa Mar-         Grigio category in America
                              gherita Sparkling Rose. Mu-     with Santa Margherita, he
                              sic by the Bamboo band          created the most success-
                              and delicious seafood           ful brand and established
                              hors-d’oeuvres by Chef          Pinot Grigio as a much-
                              Ronald entertained an A-        loved varietal around the
                              list of dignitaries and local   world. Crisp, elegant Santa
                              celebrities, by the light of    Margherita remains the
                              the moon, at the water’s        leading Pinot Grigio brand
                              edge.                           and still captures the imagi-
                              Trost shared with the digni-    nation of wine lovers across
                              taries the story of the win-    the country.
                              ery’s most important prod-      Pictured here Clive Faus-
                              uct, the Pinot Grigio. He       tin and Paola Kelly, Romar
                              reported that in the 1970’s,    Trading, welcoming guests
                              Anthony Terlato became          to the lovely party venue,
                              the #1 importer of premium      for an evening of wine and
                              Italian wines to the USA, and   food pairing.q
                              he believed that there was
                              an opportunity for quality
                              Italian wines beyond tra-
                              ditional Italian restaurant
                              wine lists. He also believed
                              wine lovers were ready to
                              experience a truly high-end
                              Italian white. While in Italy,
                              he explored a range of re-
                              gions and varietals and de-
                              termined that Pinot Grigio
                              was the wine that could
                              revolutionize the percep-
                              tion of Italian wines in high-
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