Page 85 - MIN TTC 13 NOV 2015
P. 85

                                                                                                                    Friday 13 November 2015

Real Island Life: Notes From A Day On Aruba!

                                                              but also nice for the ex-    need is to protect yourself    mend Aruba Aloe brand!
                                                              perience are the open-air    with sun block because our        Continued on Page 18
                                                              jeeps. In that case all you  sun is really strong-I recom-

PALM BEACH - First of all, I  start realizing how beauti-
like to welcome you to my     ful our island really is. So I
island in the sun. Aruba’s    took some time to “smell
weather is always so pre-     the ocean breeze”......
dictable (hot and windy)      I truly think that all locals
and that might be the main    should do so, once in a
reason you decided to         while, to appreciate where
come visit us. Of course be-  we live and what we have.�
sides the sun there is much   Enjoy breakfast outside in
more like: beaches, res-      your patio or yard. Breathe
taurants, shopping, gam-      in and out.... Let it sink in
bling, activities and more.   a little. No rush and no
Talking about all those       hurry. Take time to enjoy
fun things to do here, if     your fresh squeezed lemon
you live on the island full   juice from your backyard
time, and work every day,     trees with a fish omelet (left
you might forget that we      over’s from last night’s in-
truly live in a paradise.     credible catch of the day).
Of course on your off         Grab an ice cooler, fill it up
day you might go swim-        with anything you like to
ming or drive around          drink cold, and start driv-
but it is after a few more    ing. Of course you can get
days at home when you         in an air-conditioned car,
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