Page 83 - MIN TTC 13 NOV 2015
P. 83

                                                                                                    Friday 13 November 2015

Aruba Marine Park Foundation& Aruba Wine and Dine to host Fundraising Event

--Save the Reefs! Great People,     Skillful, Samurai chef, Adriani Geer-  Miss Feranda Gimenez of Men-       buoyed, with a wine pairing cour-
lots of wine,  awesome food and     man of the E Sushi Shap in Tanki       doza, Argentina will keep spirits  tesy of Romar Trading, for each of
a great view - tickets are now on   Leendert will wow guests again                                            the Lionfish dishes served. 
sale for Sunday, November 29,       with his tasty samplings of Lionfish                                      The Aruba Marine Park Foundation
from 7pm – 10pm.                    sushi.  Each chef has an obsession                                        has also partnered up with Wine
                                    for truly great cuisine and both of-                                      and Dine talent Ron van der Put
PALM BEACH - To create more         fer delightful menu choices with                                          and International chef and volun-
awareness and raise funds, Aru-     Lionfish on their popular restaurant                                      teer Lionfish Hunter, Ilja Cybulski,
ba’s Marine Park Foundation will    menus.                                                                    to circulate several bite size tast-
host their 2nd Annual Sunset Lion-  “There’s lots of good reasons why                                         ings from E Sushi Shap, Screaming
fish and Wine Tasting Fundraiser    more of our Island’s restaurant                                           Eagle and the popular group of
Event upstairs from the Hadicurari  menus should offer more healthy                                           Aruba Wine and Dine Restaurants. 
Restaurant.                         and tasty Lionfish on their menus.                                        All proceeds from the Lionfish Fund-
Upstairs in the Clubhouse, party    There’s just too many invasive Li-                                        raiser will go directly towards edu-
– goers can expect a lovely spot    onfish swimming in our ocean and                                          cation and protection efforts of
to view the sunset and the uber-    the population needs to be con-                                           Aruba’s spectacular underwater
talented chef, Erwin Husker of the  trolled’, explains marine biologist                                       landscapes and coral reefs.  Party
Screaming Eagle Fine Dining Res-    Byron Boekhoudt. As coordinator                                           tickets for Lionfish and Wine sam-
taurant will create culinary high-  of the Save the Reef Party Fund-                                          pling can be purchased at the
lights along with a team of other   raiser, Boekhoudt will be welcom-                                         Jolly Pirates Gift shop at MooMba
fabulous chefs to benefit the Aru-  ing guests and fielding Lionfish                                          Beach.  Call 586– 8107 for more
ba Marine Park Foundation.          questions at this Event.                                                  details.q
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