Page 87 - MIN TTC 13 NOV 2015
P. 87
SPORTSFriday 13 November 2015
Garcia leads drizzly BMW Masters in Shanghai by 1 stroke
Continued from Page 19 round of 66, almost didn’t tend the visa at the Shang-
play this week after receiv- hai Entry-Exit Bureau on
Ross Fisher of England and ing only a 10-day visa from Monday, but was finally
Lucas Bjerregaard of Den- the Chinese government successful after receiving
mark were another stroke before last week’s HSBC an 11th-hour letter from lo-
back in equal-fourth. Champions in Shanghai. cal sports officials support-
Fisher, who had six bird- He said he was turned ing the extension.
ies and no bogeys in his away when he tried to ex- “There were a lot of papers
Thorbjorn Olesen of Denmark tees off on the 15th hole during
the first round of the BMW Masters golf tournament at the Lake
Malaren Golf Club in Shanghai, China Thursday, Nov. 12, 2015.
(AP Photo)
flying around, there were of China.
a lot of phone calls, emails The BMW Masters is the
being sent,” he said. “To third of four events in the
say it was a stressful buildup European Tour’s Final Se-
to today would be an un- ries, ending with next
derstatement. There were week’s World Tour Cham-
times when I was thinking pionship in Dubai. Race to
I might be booking a flight Dubai leader Rory McIlroy
to go home.” is skipping the BMW Mas-
Paul Casey, who eagled ters, giving Danny Willett,
the par-4 14th hole, Thong- immediately behind him
chai Jaidee, and Justin in the standings, a chance
Rose were three strokes to make up ground. But
behind Garcia at 5 under, Willett, who can overtake
and a group of nine play- McIlroy this week by finish-
ers was another shot back ing in 28th place or better,
at 4 under, including Henrik was well off the pace after
Stenson, Ian Poulter, and shooting even-par. He was
18-year-old Dou Zecheng in a tie for 48th.q