Page 89 - MIN TTC 13 NOV 2015
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PEOPLE & ARTSFriday 13 November 2015

Review: ‘Love the Coopers’ is a moving, starry holiday pic 

This photo provided by CBS Films and Lionsgate shows, Diane            LINDSEY BAHR                  of giving with a backdrop      day separately before
Keaton, left, as Charlotte, and John Goodman as Sam, in “Love          AP Film Writer                of magazine perfect inte-      gathering for their annual
the Coopers,” released by CBS Films and Lionsgate. The movie           “Love the Coopers” is         riors, idyllic snowfall and a  Christmas Eve dinner at
opens in U.S. theaters on Nov. 13, 2015.                               pretty formulaic as far as    soundtrack of perfectly cu-    the home of Sam (John
                                                                       Christmas dramedies go,       rated carols.                  Goodman) and Charlotte
                          (Suzanne Tenner/CBS Films/Lionsgate via AP)  but there are always going    They’re not high art and       (Diane Keaton). Most are
                                                                       to be those movies that just  they’re not trying to be,      dreading it.
                                                                       get to you — despite, per-    either. Their predictabil-     Sam and Charlotte are
                                                                       haps, your best judgment.     ity can be comforting and      putting on one last show
                                                                       Modern holiday movies,        grating at the same time,      before deciding to an-
                                                                       with their aggressively un-   especially when most of        nounce their separation.
                                                                       happy families and sani-      these stories spend so         Their daughter, Eleanor
                                                                       tized Hallmark sentimental-   much time indulging in         (Olivia Wilde), is drinking
                                                                       ity, occupy an interesting    the discontentedness of its    the hours away in the air-
                                                                       space in  entertainment.      well-off characters.           port with a stranger (Jake
                                                                       Big, starry ensemble casts    In “Love the Coopers,”         Lacy) to minimize her time
                                                                       assemble to fight and         from director Jessie Nelson    at home. Their son, Hank
                                                                       laugh and cry and realize     (“I Am Sam”), four genera-     (Ed Helms), is trying to hide
                                                                       something profound about      tions of an upper middle       the fact that he doesn’t
                                                                       life, love and the season     class family go about their    have a job.q
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