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A26    U.S. NEWS
                     Tuesday 28 april 2020
              Riots, escapes and fear as coronavirus hits juvenile centers

              Continued from Page 25      a fight broke out in Cross-  cy concerns, have refused  symptoms  was  not  tested  of  guards,  wardens  and
                                          roads  about  two  weeks  to release even basic infor-   and  another  whose  swab  other  correctional  facility
              As of Sunday, 150 juveniles  ago. “They are in self-pre-  mation, including the num-  came  back  positive  was  administrators  go  in  and
              and  283  staff  had  tested  servation mode.”          ber of people infected.      never  examined  by  a  out  every  day,  potentially
              positive  for  COVID-19  at  The city’s Administration for  Virginia’s  Department  of  doctor.  Deane  also  al-  carrying the virus home to
              facilities  nationwide,  ac-  Children’s  Services  provi-  Juvenile  Justice  initially  leged  that  the  depart-  their families and commu-
              cording to an unofficial log  ded few details about the  didn’t  release  figures.  But  ment  wasn’t  communi-  nities.
              being kept by Josh Rovner  brawl, but said some staff  on  April  17,  it  revealed  cating  with  parents  when  The juvenile population be-
              at  the  Washington,  D.C.-  suffered  minor  injuries,  in-  that more than two dozen  their kids became infected  hind bars has been decre-
              based  nonprofit  The  Sen-  cluding  one  who  needed  kids had tested positive at  and that some clients had  asing over the past couple
              tencing  Project.  He  said  offsite medical treatment.   the  Bon  Air  Juvenile  Cor-  been  denied  access  to  of  decades  and  stood  at
              because testing has been  A  similar  situation  occur-  rectional  Center  outside  counseling  for  weeks.  She  around 43,000 in 2017, the
              so limited, it’s likely the real  red  at  two  branches  of  Richmond, accounting for  charged  that  legal  rights  last  available  count.  Rou-
              numbers are “much, much  the  Swanson  Center  for  a  quarter  of  all  reported  were also being violated.     ghly 70% were accused of
              higher.”                    Youth in Louisiana. Its faci-  cases at youth facilities na-  “Our clients report they are  low-level crimes.
              New York is one of the few  lity in Columbia had been  tionwide at that time, ac-    kept  in  their  rooms  for  at  It’s  unclear  exactly  how
              cities that operates two ju-  designated  for  healthy  cording to The Sentencing  least 23 hours per day. Alt-  many  kids  have  been  re-
              venile  facilities.  At  the  first  youths,  while  its  Monroe  Project.  On  Monday,  the  hough they are supposed  leased due to the corona-
              sign  of  illness  there,  the  site  was  reserved  for  the  Tennessee  Department  of  to  receive  one  hour  per  virus, but a new survey by
              city agency that oversees  infected,  resulting  in  kids  Children’s Services said 26  day  outside  their  rooms,  the  Baltimore-based  An-
              the  sites  decided  to  put  being  transferred  back  youths  have  tested  posi-  this is not always honored,”  nie  E.  Casey  Foundation
              healthy  kids  at  the  Cross-  and  forth.  So  far,  at  least  tive  at  the  Memphis  Cen-  the letter said. “Even when  looked  at  a  snapshot  of
              roads  Juvenile  Center  in  17 have tested positive for  ter  for  Success  and  Inde-  their  free  hour  is  made  juvenile  justice  agencies
              Brooklyn,  while  moving  all  the coronavirus in the two  pendence.                 available, residents are so-  in  30  states  housing  more
              of the infected residents to  facilities, according to The  No  severe  cases  were  re-  metimes forced to choose  than 3,700 youths. The sur-
              the  Horizon  Juvenile  Cen-  Sentencing Project. In ad-  ported at Bon Air, and the  between using it for essen-  vey  found  the  number  of
              ter in the Bronx.           dition, two escapes occur-  majority were asymptoma-     tial  activities,  like  taking  a  young  people  in  local  se-
              Fernando Cabrera, a Bronx  red  this  month  at  Monroe  tic,  according  to  a  state-  shower, instead of exercise  cure  detention  centers  —
              council  member,  said  he  involving 13 youths, accor-  ment   from   Christopher  and recreation.”             where  they  are  held  until
              saw  the  potential  danger  ding  to  a  statement  from  Moon,  the  department’s  More than 2.2 million peop-  a  court  decides  whether
              of  suddenly  ripping  kids  the Louisiana Office of Ju-  chief physician.           le are incarcerated in the  to confine them until their
              away  from  familiar  staff  venile Justice.            But Rachael Deane, of the  United States — more than  hearings  or  allow  them  to
              and  routines,  especially  One of the main obstacles  Legal Aid Justice Center’s  anywhere in the world. But  wait at home — dropped
              during a time of crisis.    to  monitoring  the  spread  Just Children Program, ac-  the  threat  posed  by  CO-  24%  from  March  to  April,
              “You transfer all these kids  of the coronavirus in youth  cused  the  department  in  VID-19  extends  well  bey-  mostly due to fewer admis-
              to  another  borough,  they  lockups is that so few tests  a  letter  of  not  providing  ond the prison walls. Even  sions.  However,  the  data
              are  going  to  be  anxious,”  are being administered. In  proper  medical  care  to  though  most  personal  vi-  only represents about one-
              he  said  after  dozens  of  addition, some juvenile jus-  kids  housed  at  Bon  Air.  sits  have  been  stopped,  tenth  of  counties  nation-
              police  responded  when  tice agencies, citing priva-   She  said  one  client  with  hundreds  of  thousands  wide. q

            Film festivals team up to offer free global fest on YouTube

            By JAKE COYLE                                                                                                       val or still planned ones like
            AP Film Writer                                                                                                      September's  Toronto  Film
            NEW YORK (AP) — Film fes-                                                                                           Festival.  Organizers  said
            tivals worldwide are team-                                                                                          programming  will  include
            ing  up  to  launch  "We  Are                                                                                       movies,  shorts,  documen-
            One: A Global Film Festival,"                                                                                       taries, music, comedy and
            which will play out over 10                                                                                         conversations.
            days  and  be  available  for                                                                                       "We  hope  that  everyone
            free on YouTube.                                                                                                    gets a taste of what makes
            Tribeca   Enterprises,   the                                                                                        each festival so unique and
            company behind the Tribe-                                                                                           appreciates  the  art  and
            ca  Film  Festival,  and  You-                                                                                      power  of  film,"  said  Jane
            Tube  announced  the  on-                                                                                           Rosenthal,  chief  executive
            line festival Monday. Other                                                                                         of  Tribeca  Enterprises,  in  a
            festivals will also contribute                                                                                      statement.
            curated  programming,  in-                                                                                          Some  festivals  have  ex-
            cluding  the  Cannes  Film                                                                                          perimented    with   virtual
            Festival, the Sundance Film                                                                                         editions.  Amazon  Prime  is
            Festival,  the  Venice  Film                                                                                        currently hosting a modest
            Festival and those in Berlin,                                                                                       online version of the Texas-
            Tokyo and New York.                                                                                                 based  South by  Southwest
            The  festival  will  benefit  the                                                                                   for  both  subscribers  and
            World  Health  Organization                                                                                         non-subscribers.  The  Tribe-
            and  local  relief  organiza-                                                                                       ca  Film  Festival  hosted    a
            tions, and encourage view-   This April 20, 2011 file photo shows a view of the outdoor screening area at the Tribeca Film Festival   non-public  exhibition  of
            ers to donate to COVID-19    in New York.                                                                           some of its films  for the film
            relief efforts.                                                                                    Associated Press.  industry and press.
            Tribeca   Enterprises   de-  would be included but "We  feature  prominent  feature  miere at canceled festivals   "We Are the One" will begin
            clined  to  say  what  movies  Are One" isn't expected to  films  that  were  set  to  pre-  like May's Cannes Film Festi-  May 29 on YouTube.q
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