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BUSINESS Friday 21 June 2024
So long plastic air pillows: Amazon shifting to HEALTH
recycled paper filling for packages in North America DOCTOR ON DUTY
AP Business Writer Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
Amazon is shifting from the Tel. 527 4000
plastic air pillows used for San Nicolas
packaging in North America Imsan 24 hours
to recycled paper because Tel.524 8833
it’s more environmentally Women in Difficulties
sound, and it says paper PHARMACY ON DUTY
just works better. Oranjestad:
The company said Thursday Eagle : Tel.587 9011
that it’s already replaced 95% San Nicolas:
of the plastic air pillows with Centro Medico:Tel. 584 5794
paper filler in North America
and is working toward com- OTHER
plete removal by year’s end. Dental Clinic 587 9850
“We want to ensure that Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
customers receive their items Urgent Care 586 0448
undamaged, while using as Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
little packaging as possible +297 588 0539
Women in Difficulties
to avoid waste, and priori- The Amazon logo is seen, June 15, 2023, at the Vivatech show in Paris. EMERGENCY
tizing recyclable materials,” Associated Press Police 100
Amazon said. Oranjestad 527 3140
It is the company’s largest tic across global operations recyclable content and artificial intelligence and Noord 527 3200
plastic packaging reduction for the first time in 2022 after is curbside recyclable, of- robotics company Glacier Sta. Cruz 527 2900
effort in North America to investors sought more details fers the same, if not better to use AI-powered robots to San Nicolas 584 5000
date and will remove almost on plans to reduce waste. protection during shipping automate the sorting of recy- Police Tipline 11141
15 billion plastic air pillows The company said that it compared with plastic air clables and collect real-time Ambulancia 911
from use annually. used 85,916 metric tons of pillows, the company said. data on recycling streams for Fire Dept. 115
Red Cross
582 2219
Almost all customer deliver- single-use plastic that year, Christian Garcia, who works companies. It’s also partner-
ies for Prime Day this year, an 11.6% decrease from at Amazon’s fulfillment cen- ing with the U.S. Department TAXI SERVICES
which happens next month, 2021. ter in Bakersfield, California, of Energy on new materials Taxi Tas 587 5900
will contain plastic no air pil- Amazon began transition said in a release that the pa- and recycling programs.q Prof. Taxi 588 0035
lows, according to Amazon. away from plastic air pillows per filler is easier to work with Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
The e-commerce giant has in October at an automated and that the machinery gives Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
A1 Taxi Serv.
280 2828
faced years of criticism about fulfillment center in Ohio. The staff more space so that it’s Women in Difficulties
its use of plastic from envi- company said that it was easier to pack orders. TRAVEL INFO
ronmental groups, including able to test and learn at the Ongoing efforts to reduce
a nonprofit called Oceana, center there, which helped waste include a campaign Aruba Airport 524 2424
which has been releasing its it move quickly on transition- to ship items without any American Airlines 582 2700
own reports on Amazon’s use ing to recycled paper filling. additional packaging, the Avianca 588 0059
of plastic packaging. The transition process includ- company said. In 2022, 11% Jet Blue 588 2244
Matt Littlejohn, senior vice ed changing out machinery of all of Amazon’s packages Surinam 582 7896
president of strategic initia- and training employees on shipped worldwide were Women in Difficulties
tives at Oceana, said that new systems and machines. without added delivery AID FOUNDATIONS
Amazon’s efforts to reduce Amazon discovered through packaging. FAVI- Visually Impaired
plastic packaging is wel- testing that the paper filler, Other efforts include pilot- Tel. 582 5051
come news, but that there’s which is made from 100% ing new technology with Alcoholics Anonymous
still more that the company Tel. 736 2952
can do. Narcotics Anonymous
“While this is a significant step Tel. 583 8989
forward for the company, Fundacion Contra Violencia
Amazon needs to build on Relacional Tel. 583 5400
this momentum and fulfill its Centre for Diabetes
Tel. 524 8888
multiyear commitment to Child Abuse Prevention
transition its North America Tel. 582 4433
fulfillment centers away from Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
plastic,” Littlejohn said in a Women in Difficulties
prepared statement. “Then, General Info
the company should expand Phone Directory Tel. 118
these efforts and also push
innovations like reusable
packaging to move away
from single-use packaging
everywhere it sells and ships.”
There has also been broad
support among Amazon in-
vestors who have urged the
company to outline how will
will reduce waste.
The company disclosed
the total of single-use plas-