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SPORTS              Friday 21 June 2024

            Willie Mays was baseball’s greatest living Hall of Famer  and the

            heir apparent isn’t obvious

            By NOAH TRISTER                                                                                                     tween Brock and 46th-place
            AP Baseball Writer                                                                                                  Jimmy Rollins.
            Amid  all  the  tributes  and                                                                                       Mike Schmidt
            memories about the legend-                                                                                          In a 13-year span from 1974-
            ary Willie Mays, consider this                                                                                      86,  the  Philadelphia  third
            perspective on his greatness:                                                                                       baseman won three MVPs,
            He  may  have  been  base-                                                                                          eight National League home
            ball’s greatest living Hall of                                                                                      run titles and 10 Gold Gloves.
            Famer  not just at the time                                                                                         And his numbers  which in-
            of his death this week, but                                                                                         cluded  three  straight  on-
            from  the  moment  he  was                                                                                          base percentage titles and
            inducted in 1979.                                                                                                   seven 100-walk seasons  have
            Mays’ combination of hitting,                                                                                       aged well through the years.
            baserunning and defensive                                                                                           Schmidt struck out a lot and
            brilliance was so extraordi-                                                                                        rarely had a high batting av-
            nary that simply calling him                                                                                        erage, but modern stats only
            an all-time great feels insuf-                                                                                      enhance his status as one of
            ficient. Some sort of superla-                                                                                      the most valuable sluggers of
            tive is warranted, and while                                                                                        his era. Greg Maddux, Randy
            “greatest living Hall of Famer”                                                                                     Johnson or Pedro Martinez.
            is obviously subjective, few                                                                                        Take your pick from this trio
            would argue that Mays had     Oakland Athletics’ Rickey Henderson dives for third base to steal his 939th career base to set   of stellar pitchers who com-
            a strong case.               the all-time stolen base record during the fourth inning of a baseball game against the New York   bined  to  win  a  dozen  Cy
            As  for  who  deserves  that   Yankees, May 1, 1991, in Oakland.                                                    Young  Awards.  Martinez’s
            title now  well, it’s a much                                                                       Associated Press  1997-2000  peak may have
            tougher question, especially  If Mays’ godson, Barry Bonds,  Rickey Henderson Henderson  with Oakland and the won his  been the best of the bunch,
            since Mays was preceded in  were in the Hall, he’d be a  is the leader among living Hall  lone MVP award the following  although Maddux’s incred-
            death in recent years by the  pretty  easy  choice  as  the  of Famers in Baseball Refer-  year. He retired with a career  ible 1992-95 stretch was lim-
            likes of Hank Aaron, Frank Rob-  game’s  greatest  living  Hall  ence’s version of wins above  on-base percentage of .401  ited a bit by a couple strike-
            inson, Tom Seaver and Joe  of  Famer,  but  PED-related  replacement, and while he’s  and is still the all-time leader  shortened seasons. Johnson
            Morgan. It’s been a sobering  controversy continues to keep  known largely for his speed, at  in stolen bases and runs. The  pitched until he was 46, and
            period for baseball fans as  him out. Here are a few other  his peak he was an all-around  gap in steals between him  only Nolan Ryan has more
            so many stars from the 1960s  candidates for this unofficial  offensive force. Henderson  and second-place Lou Brock  strikeouts than the 6-foot-10
            and 1970s have passed on.    but compelling honor:        dominated the 1989 playoffs  is the same as the gap be-   left-hander. q

            NCAA presents options to expand March Madness tournaments

            from current 68 teams

            By DOUG FEINBERG             eight-team  models.  The  tension of its TV deal for the  first-round   opening   on  want to lose the automat-
            AP Basketball Writer         NCAA  would  keep  its  64-  men’s  tournament  worth  Thursday.  Women’s  play-       ic  bids  that  come  with  a
            The  NCAA  has  presented  team  bracket  but  would  $8.8 billion that runs through  in  games  are  at  the  same  conference    tournament
            a plan to Division I confer-  add  play-in  games  involv-  2032.  That  would  not  be  campus sites as the first two  championship  or  face  the
            ence  commissioners  that  ing the 10 through 12 seeds.   expected  to  change  if  a  rounds of the tournament.    prospect  of  always  be-
            would  expand  the  lucra-   If  the  men’s  tournament  handful of teams are add-     Expansion is largely backed  ing  slotted  for  the  play-in
            tive  men’s  and  women’s  were  to  expand  it  is  ex-  ed.                          by larger conferences and  games.q
            basketball  tournaments  by  pected  the  women’s  tour-  More  games  would  pro-     smaller  leagues  do  not
            four  or  eight  teams  along-  ney would as well.        vide a small boost through
            side  an  option  to  leave  There are many in college  ticket  sales  and  merchan-
            each field at 68 teams, ac-  basketball  who  have  said  dise, but the pool of money
            cording to a person familiar  they  believe  the  68-team  the NCAA uses to pay out
            with the details.            fields  and  three  weekends  conferences  and  member
            The  proposals  were  out-   of play are ideal but pres-  schools  would  essentially
            lined  to  the  commissioners  sure  has  grown  to  add  stay the same. What could
            this  week  by  NCAA  Senior  teams  and  games  to  one  change,  however,  is  how
            Vice President of Basketball  of  the  most  popular  sports  that  money  would  be  di-
            Dan Gavitt and NCAA Vice  events  on  the  U.S.  calen-   vided up if the tournament
            President for Women’s Bas-   dar.  Last  year,  the  NCAA  broadens.
            ketball  Lynn  Holzman,  the  Division I board of directors  Expansion   would   also
            person told The Associated  approved  recommenda-         mean  the  men’s  tourna-
            Press on Thursday on condi-  tions  that  included  allow-  ment would have to find an
            tion of anonymity because  ing  one  quarter  of  teams  additional site besides Day-
            no official announcements  in larger sports to compete  ton for its First Four games.
            have  been  made.  The  in championship events; in  The  Ohio  city  already  has
            news  was  first  reported  by  that scenario, March Mad-  games  on  Tuesday  and     Staff members for the NCAA place the names of the teams in the
            Yahoo! Sports.               ness  tourneys  could  ex-   Wednesday  and  wouldn’t     Sweet 16 on a bracket in the media workroom before practices
            Under the proposal, expan-   pand to nearly 90 teams.     be  able  to  host  additional   at the East Regional of the NCAA college basketball tournament
            sion  of  the  68-team  field  The NCAA is currently in the  play-in  games  ahead  of   in New York, March 23, 2017.           Associated Press
            included  both  four-  and  midst  of  an  eight-year  ex-  the  tourney’s  traditional
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