Page 16 - aruba-today-20240621
P. 16

                        Friday 21 June 2024

             The Lakers are hiring J.J. Redick as their

             new head coach, an AP source says

            By GREG BEACHAM              this year. ESPN first reported  and motivation.
            AP Sports Writer             the decision. Before Redick  Now  these  two  minds  will
            LOS ANGELES (AP) — JJ Redick  finished  broadcasting  the  be working together for the
            is being hired as the head  NBA Finals, he met with the  Lakers, with Redick leading
            coach of the Los Angeles Lak-  Lakers last weekend and ap-  a roster headlined by James,
            ers, a person with knowledge  parently did well enough to  who is six months younger than
            of the decision tells The As-  end the franchise’s lengthy  Redick.
            sociated Press.              coaching search. Less than  Everything is contingent on
            The person spoke on condi-   two weeks after UConn coach  James deciding to return to
            tion of anonymity Thursday  Danny Hurley turned down  play with Anthony Davis and
            because the Lakers hadn’t  the Lakers’ ardent advances,  the Lakers, of course. James,
            yet publicly announced the  Redick has accepted the job  who will enter his 22nd NBA
            decision to hire the former  in a remarkable three-year  season this fall, could decline
            guard for his first coaching job.  journey from the court to the  his $51.4 million contract op-
            The 39-year-old Redick is an  broadcast booth to the Lak-  tion this month to become a
            extraordinary choice by the  ers’ bench.                  free agent.
            Lakers, who hired a 15-year  Redick   replaces   Darvin  But hiring Redick seems to be
            veteran with absolutely no  Ham, who was fired May 3  another calculated move by
            coaching experience to lead  despite  leading  the  Lakers  the Lakers to maximize their
            a franchise with 17 NBA titles,  to two playoff berths and a  chances of keeping the 20-
            one  of  the  biggest  brand  Western  Conference  finals  time All-Star and the driving
            names in world sports  and  appearance in 2023.           force behind their 2020 cham-
            LeBron James, the top scorer  Redick began recording a  pionship team.
            in league history. Redick was  regular podcast with James  Redick’s  coaching  experi-
            a proficient outside shooter  two months ago, and their  ence is limited to his children’s
            for six teams before his re-  “Mind the Game” collabora-  youth teams, but he has been
            tirement in September 2021,  tion is already wildly popular,  around the game his entire
            when he moved into a career  with listeners often emerging  life. He is the leading scorer   J.J.  Redick  arrives  for  Game  4  of  the  NBA  basketball  finals
            in broadcasting and podcast-  impressed by the duo’s bas-  in the history of Duke, where   between the Dallas Mavericks and the Boston Celtics, Friday,
            ing.  He  joined  ESPN’s  lead  ketball  acumen  and  high-  he played four seasons under   June 14, 2024, in Dallas.           Associated Press
            commentary  team  earlier  level  discussion  of  tactics  Mike Krzyzewski.q
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