Page 31 - MIN TTC 5 MAART 2016
P. 31

22 AWEMainta Diasabra, 05 Maart 2016

                                                                                                                     By: Arjen Alberts

Aruba and Sint Maarten: Two examples of
tourism causing economic growth, but not

               increasing productivity

THE CORE question of this               well-being. Conversely however,       private investors, tax holidays        started looking for overseas
                                        under conditions of stagnant or       and other fiscal incentives’. Under    relocation possibilities in the same
article is whether the economic         declining real per capita GDP, it is  these conditions, the tourism          manner. Aruba and Sint Maarten
growth dimension of the Aruba/          theoretically possible, but highly    sector developed rapidly during        tapped into this trend, and both
Sint Maarten model has actually         unlikely that general well-being      the late 1980s and 1990’s, settling    became concentrated pockets of
lead to increased productivity,         would have increased.                 into a more moderate growth rate       high intensity tourism facilities,
and could hence be qualified as                                               around the turn of the century. Of     guided by know-how mainly
intensive growth providing a            Aruba and Sint Maarten caught         the two countries Sint Maarten         embedded in the franchises of
rising level of per capita wealth.      the tourism development wave of       relies more heavily on day visitors    foreign hotel chains. Aruba and
Based on the premise that both          the 1960s                             brought in by cruise ships.            Sint Maarten from the onset
economies are almost exclusively                                                                                     developed their tourism industry
dependent on the tourism industry       Aruba as a tourism destination        The start of tourism-driven            relying on immigrant labour
as the engine of growth, selected       developed gradually and modestly      economic development on                from nearby islands and from the
tourism volume indicators are set       during the 1960s and 1970s, while     Sint Maarten took place earlier        South American mainland. The
off against the development of real     the oil industry still constituted    and initially somewhat more            engagement of foreign labour was
GDP. A rising productivity level        the main economic pillar. When        gradually than on Aruba. Sint          initially seen as rotating, seasonal,
would be indicated by a real GDP        the introduction of cheap jet         Maarten’s economy during the           or both. However, in effect
growth index that exceeds the           transportation opened the             oil industry boom of Curaçao and       both islands created their own
increase in tourism service volume      Caribbean for mass tourism from       Aruba between 1930 and 1970            permanent sub-regional division
indicators such as numbers of           the US, tourism was recognized        had been the mirror image of           of labour, to the extent that this
cruise ship visitors or visitor nights  as an alternative source of           the larger Dutch islands’; many        labour supply mechanism became
spent.                                  economic activity in Aruba. The       Sintmaarteners migrated to             an integral and indispensable
                                        attainment on 1 January 1986 of       Curaçao and especially Aruba to        attribute of their development
Furthermore, real per capita GDP        constitutional separation by Aruba    find employment. They typically        strategy.
of both countries is used as a          from the Netherlands Antilles,        transferred part of their earnings
proxy for labour productivity. The      known locally as ‘status aparte’,     to their relatives back home, giving   Aruba and Sint Maarten are not
development of real per capita          came on the heels of the final        rise to the branding of their home     the only Small Island Tourism
GDP over time is measured for           closure of the Lago refinery. The     island as a ‘postwisseleconomie’       Economies
Aruba as well as Sint Maarten           demise of the oil industry made       (money order economy). Total
to provide an answer to the             the GDP collapse, losing over a       population reached a low point         Aruba and Sint Maarten, as
question in what direction labour       quarter of production. However,       of around 1,500 persons in 1951.       Small Island Developing States
productivity has developed. At the      a sharp tourism-driven reversal                                              (SIDS), are not alone in their
same time, real per capita GDP can      caused the GDP to overtake the        The stability offered by the           development of strategies that
be used as an indicator for average     previous high as early as 1988        Netherlands Antilles and later         cope with their ‘islandness’, and
income and provides an indicative       with Afl. 1,130 million, continuing   on Aruba separately, as part of        that search out opportunities
answer to the question whether          double-digit real growth in the       the Dutch Kingdom, attracted           available in a globalizing world. In
average wealth has increased            next two years                        foreign investments in hotels          the era of globalization, a number
over the period under review. The                                             and other services. Foreign direct     of distinct island development
limitations of GDP as a measure         Through a crash programme of          investment, initially subsidized       models have been recognized in
of development or even economic         hotel construction, actively and      by tax holidays and financial          literature. Small island models
growth, as pointed out in the 2009      purposefully aided by government      government guarantees, created         focus on the specific and unique
report by the ‘Sarkozy commission’      stimuli as Vanegas and Croes          hotels built or operated by US hotel   circumstances of small island
are acknowledged here. It is            put it, in addition to improving      chains, themselves increasingly        economies as determinants of
important to recognise that growth      infrastructure ‘the government        globalizing, to the specifications     their development possibilities.
of real per capita GDP is probably      provided direct support through       expected by the American tourist.      Therefore the MIRAB, PROFIT and
a necessary, but certainly not a        hotel loan guarantees to assist       In that era, the hospitality industry  SITE models described below do
sufficient condition for increase in
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