Page 32 - MIN TTC 5 MAART 2016
P. 32

AWEMainta Diasabra, 05 Maart 2016                                                                                   23

not so much describe alternatives      The PROFIT model is certainly         Index (TPI) is used, combining         why the SITE model was followed
or counterpoints to globalization,     relevant to Aruba and Sint            and adapting existing tourism-         so successfully, what the ensuing
but indicate locally applied           Maarten as well. Specifically         intensity indicators. Research         bottlenecks are and what possible
consistent strategies by small         the straddling of the fence by        shows that St Maarten (0.935)          avenues for improvement might
island jurisdictions in successfully   the Netherlands Antilles and its      and Aruba (0.525) occupy the first     exist.
carving out niches in the global       successors, consistently striving     and third positions respectively
economy.                               for a maximum level of autonomy,      in terms of TPI, ‘outperforming’       Aruba and Sint Maarten are not as
                                       while steadfastly remaining within    Caribbean tourism frontrunners         vulnerable as they seem
The taxonomy of island                 the Kingdom and rejecting any         such as Bermuda, the Cayman
development models takes off in        suggestion of independence, is a      Islands and the US Virgin Islands,     This section further analyses the
the 1980 with the description of a     recognizable PROFIT attribute.        based on 2006 values.                  Aruba and Sint Maarten model
strategy adopted by a number of        The constitutional link to the                                               in terms of the main factors of
Pacific island territories. The first                                                                               production; labour, capital and
type is ‘Migration, Remittances,       Land area (km2)                Aruba    Sint Maarten                         technology, taking into account
Aid and Bureaucracy’ model or          Population                     193      341                                  the institutional framework in
MIRAB. The strategy of rotating        Tourists (stay-over visitors)  103,000  30,000                               which they operate. Starting like
temporary emigration that              Day visitors (cruise           694,000  486,000                              Sint Maarten with no significant
gives rise to a steady stream          passengers)                    591,000  1,438,000                            indigenous production sectors
of remittances as an important         Average stay (nights)          7.9      5                                    and being almost depopulated,
source of income in the home           Room capacity                  9,062    3,532                                or in the case of Aruba, with a
island is also recognizable as         Tourist spending per year      1,076    652                                  recently collapsed oil industry,
the mainstay of Sint Maarten’s         (US$ mln.)                     10,447   21,733                               there was hardly a question of
development between 1930 and           Spending per resident (US$)    162      345                                  tourism driving out other types
1970. Nowadays, Aruba and Sint         Tourists per 1,000 residents   47.0     103.9                                of employment or industry.
Maarten are on the receiving           (average p. year)                                                            The risk of a “Dutch disease”
end of migration from MIRAB            Rooms per km2                                                                situation with one dominant
classified Caribbean islands like                                                                                   sector crowding out existing
Haiti and Dominica. The aid and        Netherlands remains an integral       Table 1. Selected 2006 tourism         alternative economic sectors did
bureaucracy aspects of the MIRAB       part of the investment climate        statistics and density indicators for  therefore not materialise on these
model are highly relevant as well      as well as the ‘bridging’ role the    Aruba and Sint Maarten                 islands. Bertram and Poirine argue
in the context of the (former)         Dutch dependencies nowadays                                                  therefore that in this sense ‘Dutch
Netherlands Antilles as a high         envision between the Caribbean        As the figures show Sint Maarten       Disease’ is treated by the islands
level of Dutch aid co-existed          and Latin America on the one          leans more heavily towards cruise      as an evolutionary opportunity
with an inefficient two-layered        hand and Europe on the other.         tourism, while Aruba’s focus is on     rather than a threat.
government apparatus. Presently        Being overshadowed by tourism         the hotel- and timeshare industry.
however the MIRAB model is of          as the main pillar of development,    In Sint Maarten, the stay-over         Labour supply plays an
limited relevance to Aruba or Sint     neither Aruba’s nor Sint Maarten’s    sector developed rapidly at first      unconventional role at the
Maarten.                               offshore financial sector have been   but met with the obvious space         macroeconomic level in Aruba
                                       able to prosper in the new era of     constraints of its 34 km2 surface      and Sint Maarten, being in effect
A different distinguishable            weeding out doubtful financial        area compared to Aruba’s 179           highly adaptable to national
class of island development is         practices, most clearly represented   km2. In 1997, stay-over versus         economic development. Each
proposed, with islands exploiting      by the Financial Action Task Force    cruise visitor proportion was 65-      phase of expansion by (foreign)
certain economic niches based          (FATF) established in 1989.           35 for Aruba against 40-60 for Sint    direct investment in tourism
on a strategic toolset, consisting                                           Maarten. In 2007 the proportions       industry has been matched by
of a purposely managed (in)            Somewhat surprisingly, the            had diverged even more: the            an increase in labour supply
migration policy (People);             Small Island Tourism Economy          Aruban ratio stabilized at 62-         through immigration. Moreover,
leveraging control over natural        (SITE) model came to the scene        38, while that of Sint Maarten         some immigrant labour supply is
resources such as oil, fishing rights  relatively late although it is based  developed to 25-75.                    rotational or otherwise temporary,
or strategic location (Resource        on work from the 1990s with                                                  so labour supply can even be
management); carving out a             the introduction of the ‘Tourism      Aruba as well as Sint Maarten fall     modified to match short-run
high degree of autonomy while          Penetration Index’ as a measure       squarely into the SITE category,       cyclical or seasonal changes in
remaining part of a larger national    of the dominance of tourism in        with some recognizable PROFIT          demand.
entity (Overseas engagement) ;         an island economy. The SITE           attributes. Some even place Aruba
a distinctive regime in the field      model, originally mainly applied      in the PROFIT/SITE overlap,            Contrary to many open-economy
of banking and insurance, with         to Caribbean cases, is predated       probably by virtue of its - dwindling  developing countries, especially
a related favourable tax regime        by an earlier tourism-focused         - offshore financial and trade         around the time of the ‘take-off’ of
(Finance) and powers over air and      variety of the Pacific MIRAB          sector. The SITE model however         Aruba’s and Sint Maarten tourism
sea links (Transportation). This       model, postulated in 1996 as          offers few analytical tools in         bonanza, the two island economies
island development model spells        ‘TOURAB’. Of all small island         terms of recognizing motives and       cannot be readily qualified as
PROFIT.                                models, the SITE category is the      instruments of strategic choices       ‘resource-based’. Resource-based
                                       most relevant to Aruba and Sint       made by island states. In the cases    economies suffer certain economic
                                       Maarten. As a measure of SITE-        of Aruba and Sint Maarten it is
                                       ness, the Tourism Penetration         worthwhile to investigate how and
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