Page 36 - MIN TTC 5 MAART 2016
P. 36

AWEMainta Diasabra, 05 Maart 2016                                                                                      27

direction of eco-tourism. Neither       arising from the available data.       institutional ‘infrastructure’          of their development model. This
Aruba nor Sint Maarten therefore        In this context, the phenomenon        offered by governments. Higher          phenomenon is stronger for Sint
entirely fulfils the niche-oriented     of ‘rent-seeking’ behaviour by         and more effective education            Maarten than for Aruba. The
potential shown by some other           organisations and individuals          of the existing workforce will          dependence of both countries’
island developing nations in the        merits further research as well.       be necessary to operate more            economic development on
PROFIT or SITE categories.              The direction in which perspectives    advanced (luxurious, varied,            immigrant labour makes their
                                        for a more sustainable evolution of    specialized) hospitality formulas.      development a regionally
As the current extensive growth         Aruba and Sint Maarten are to be       Furthermore, a more luxurious           embedded rather than a ‘stand-
model has persisted for so long,        found are largely implied in the       class of hotels, condominiums or        alone’ island model.
the assumption is justified that        shortcomings of the current model.     timeshare developments can only
this model must be in the interest      As an overall approach, the in itself  prosper in upgraded surroundings        Comparison of selected tourism
of the major stakeholders, or is at     defensible course of ‘speciation’      as well. This ranges from better        volume indicators to real GDP
least perceived by them to be so. A     needs to be complemented with          roads to a cleaner environment,         growth for both islands shows that
full exploration of these interests is  the right amount of strategic          less crowdedness and different          real GDP growth has not exceeded
outside the scope of this article, but  flexibility. Within the tourism        types of adjoining leisure activities.  production volume growth since
the data at hand provides us with       sector, new niches with higher                                                 1990. Productivity per unit of
a few pointers. Externally, foreign     value added need to be sought          As to human resources, alternative      tourism capacity or yield per
investors in a certain category of      out, while the bulk of the current     solutions will greatly impact           unit of tourism service rendered
tourism industry evidently still        hospitality industry needs to          the quality and quantity on the         has not increased. The data
consider Aruba as well as Sint          shrink in quantity and grow in         labour market. Given the islands’       therefore points clearly towards
Maarten attractive investment           quality. Premium trends in tourism     circumstances, a more intensive         a model of high-paced extensive
locations offering a known and          demand need to be sought out and       type of growth necessarily implies      growth, combining rising volume
consistent investment climate with      catered to more effectively. Such      substantial investments in the          with lagging productivity. An
stable demand factors. Internally       initiatives would take Aruba and       education and improved skill            assessment of real per capita GDP
however, governments in both            Sint Maarten back on the track         set of workers, at the same time        development over time yields the
islands have not been successful        of ‘resilience’. Achievement of        eliminating the need for growth         same conclusion; after a period of
in more selectively attracting a        these objectives will take strategic   of the total workforce. Eventually,     rising real per capita GDP during
different class of investments.         efforts in close public-private        this may halt or reverse the            the initial years of establishment
Lip service has been paid to            cooperation, affecting all factors     migration trend. This is true           of the tourism industry in its
such upgrading objectives since         of production and the institutional    for both islands, but especially        current form, both countries’ real
the 1990s, but few results have         framework in which they operate.       important in Sint Maarten, where        per capita GDP levels are no longer
been visible. This may indicate                                                population density is the highest       increasing, with Aruba settling at
shortcomings in the execution of        To this end, a different kind of       in the Caribbean and adversely          a slightly higher level than Sint
policy, a lack of political urgency     investor has to be attracted; one      affects quality of life and the         Maarten. The indicators observed
or even the absence of a real           that brings a technologically more     tourism product both.                   in both countries point to a model
interest in change.                     advanced ‘production process’                                                  of extensive economic growth, i.e.
Certain characteristics of the          indicated for instance by higher       Conclusions                             a situation of growth in output
labour market in both countries         levels of value added per room                                                 volume without an increase in
offer clues on interests                and per employee. This should          Aruba and Sint Maarten constitute       value added or output per unit of
perpetuating the current model          be feasible in itself; both islands    a specific subset of the SITE           production factor.
as well. As immigrant labour            constitute known and proven            category, distinguishable by its        Combining the fact of extensive
has been continually added,             markets and investment locations,      exceptional rate of tourism volume      growth with the self-evident limited
mostly at the bottom of the social      and there is no a priori reason why    expansion as well as immigration,       space of both island territories, the
pyramid, those who have Dutch           the investment climate would not       even by the standards of the            Aruba/Sint Maarten model can
citizenship have increasingly           support a more productive class        SITE model itself. Within the           clearly not be perpetuated in the
moved into mid-level and higher         of investment. Even if most of the     vulnerability-resilience debate         long run. The future perspective is
positions in the private sector, and    tourism know-how implemented           the evidence regarding Aruba            therefore either one of stagnation
certainly claimed most positions        comes embedded in foreign direct       and Sint Maarten points towards         when the current model hits its
in the government apparatus.            investments, this is by no means       resilience, as even heavy external      physical boundaries, or one of
As a consequence, while overall         a necessity. With the level of         shocks of the past decades have         evolution, where a different type
average real per capita GDP and         experience developed in Aruba          shown not to fundamentally              of investment, embodying a higher
income may have been stagnant,          and Sint Maarten over the past         weaken their growth paths. Both         level of technology, is combined
this is most probably not true          decade, the home-grown portion         islands fit the description of the      with a more highly educated
for the average income of the           of their tourism industry should       ‘speciation’ strategy outlined          workforce and a more effective
pre-immigration population of           certainly be able to expand.           in the island development               government administration, to
both islands. The extent of the         Regardless of the source of capital    literature. Population figures of       increase productivity and real per
socio-economic ‘moving up’ of           invested, the key to success will be   both islands clearly show the very      capita GDP in both countries.
the original population and its         in the levels of education and skills  high levels of net immigration in
effects on the perseverance of the      of the workforce complementary         comparison to natural population        For more information contact
current development model is one        to the new formulas implemented,       increase, underscoring the              Arjen Alberts at arjen.alberts.
of the most interesting questions       and in the physical and                immigration-dependent nature  
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