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A4   U.S. NEWS
                  Friday 29 december 2023

            Wisconsin university chancellor says he was fired for producing

            and appearing in porn videos

            MADISON, Wis. (AP) — For-                                                                                           "Good  judgement  requires
            mer University of Wisconsin-                                                                                        that  there  are  and  must
            La  Crosse  Chancellor  Joe                                                                                         be limits on what is said or
            Gow said Thursday that the                                                                                          done by the individuals en-
            school's  governing  board                                                                                          trusted to lead our universi-
            fired  him  because  mem-                                                                                           ties," Rothman wrote.
            bers  were  uncomfortable                                                                                           Rothman added that Gow
            with  him  and  his  wife  pro-                                                                                     served  at  the  pleasure  of
            ducing  and  appearing  in                                                                                          the  regents  and  was  not
            pornographic videos.                                                                                                entitled to any specific pro-
            The  Universities  of  Wiscon-                                                                                      cess. "That should be abun-
            sin Board of Regents, which                                                                                         dantly  clear  to  him,"  Roth-
            oversees UW-Madison, UW-                                                                                            man said.
            La Crosse and 11 other re-                                                                                          Gow  took  heavy  criticism
            gional  campuses,  voted                                                                                            in 2018 for inviting porn ac-
            unanimously during a hast-                                                                                          tor  Nina  Hartley  to  speak
            ily convened closed meet-                                                                                           at  UW-La  Crosse.  He  paid
            ing Wednesday evening to                                                                                            her  $5,000  out  of  student
            fire Gow.                                                                                                           fees to appear. Ray Cross,
            After  the  vote,  Universities                                                                                     then  UW  system  president,
            of  Wisconsin  President  Jay                                                                                       reprimanded  him  and  the
            Rothman and regents Presi-                                                                                          regents refused to give him
            dent  Karen  Walsh  issued                                                                                          a raise that year. Gow said
            statements  saying  the  re-  This undated photo provided by University of Wisconsin system shows UW-La Crosse Chancellor   then that he was exercising
            gents  had  learned  of  spe-  Joe Gow.                                                                             the  system's  free  speech
            cific conduct by Gow that                                                                          Associated Press  policies.
            subjected  the  university  to  never  mentioned  UW-La  and he was never given a  into  a  role  teaching  com-    Gow and his wife star in a
            "significant   reputational  Crosse or his role at the uni-  hearing  or  other  opportu-  munication  courses.  But  YouTube  channel  called
            harm."   Rothman     called  versity in any of the videos  nity to present his case. He  Rothman  said  Wednesday  "Sexy  Healthy  Cooking"  in
            Gow's  actions  "abhorrent"  and  the  firing  violated  his  said  he's  contemplating  a  evening  that  he  planned  which  the  couple  cooks
            and  Walsh  said  she  was  free speech rights.           lawsuit.                     to file a complaint with UW-  meals  with  porn  actors.
            "disgusted."  But  neither  of  "My  wife  and  I  live  in  a  "I  got  an  email  last  night  L's interim chancellor, Betsy  They also have written two
            them offered any details of  country  where  we  have  a  saying  I  was  terminated,"  Morgan,  seeking  a  review  e-books,  "Monogamy  with
            the allegations.             First Amendment," he said.  Gow  said.  "I  wish  I  would  of Gow's tenure.           Benefits:  How  Porn  Enrich-
            Gow  told  The  Associated  "We're  dealing  with  con-   have  had  the  opportunity  Rothman  said  in  an  email  es  Our  Relationship"  and
            Press  in  a  phone  interview  sensual adult sexuality. The  to  have  a  hearing.  When  to  the  AP  on  Thursday  "Married  with  Benefits  —
            Thursday  morning  that  re-  regents  are  overreacting.  reasonable  people  under-  morning  that  Gow  failed  Our Real-Life Adult Industry
            gents had discovered that  They're certainly not adher-   stand  what  my  wife  and  I  to  act  as  a  role  model  for  Adventures"  under  pseud-
            he and his wife, former UW-  ing  to  their  own  commit-  are creating, it calms them  students,  faculty  and  the  onyms.  Their  biographies
            La  Crosse  professor  Car-  ment to free speech or the  down."                        community and mistakenly  on Amazon contain links to
            men Wilson, had been pro-    First Amendment."            Gow had planned to retire  believes  the  First  Amend-   their videos on X, the social
            ducing  and  appearing  in  Gow also complained that  as  chancellor  at  the  con-    ment  equates  to  a  "free  media  platform  formerly
            pornographic videos.         the regents never told him  clusion  of  the  spring  2024  pass to say or do anything  known  as  Twitter,  and  a
            He  maintained  that  he  what  policy  he  violated  semester       and    transition  that he pleases."           pornographic website.q

                                                                      Democratic mayors renew pleas for

                                                                      federal help and coordination with

                                                                      Texas over migrant crisis

                                                                      as U.S. cities have struggled  is aboard.                 tried to avoid penalties by
                                                                      to  manage  the  increasing  "We cannot allow buses with  making unscheduled drop-
                                                                      number  of  migrants  sent  people needing our help to  offs in the suburbs, forcing lo-
                                                                      from Texas and other states.  arrive without warning at any  cal officials and authorities
                                                                      Republican Gov. Greg Ab-     hour of day and night," New  to step in. Recently, one bus
                                                                      bott's busing operation has  York City Mayor Eric Adams  unloaded migrants overnight
                                                                      transported more than 80,000  said at a virtual news confer-  at a gas station in Kankakee,
                                                                      migrants to Democratic-led  ence with the other mayors.  roughly 70 miles (110 kilome-
             New  York  City  Mayor  Eric  Adams  speaks  during  a  news   cities since last year. His ad-  "This not only prevents us from  ters) from Chicago.
             conference, Dec. 12, 2023, in New York.
                                                     Associated Press   ministration recently stepped  providing assistance in an or-  "The  lack  of  care  that  has
                                                                      up the practice with char-   derly way, it puts those who  been on display for the last
             By SOPHIA TAREEN            help and coordination with  tered planes.                 have already suffered in so  year and a half has creat-
             Associated Press            Texas over the growing num-  The mayors sharply criticized  much in danger."           ed an incredible amount of
             CHICAGO (AP) — The mayors  ber of asylum-seekers arriv-  Abbott and the effort, saying  Chicago has cracked down  chaos," said Chicago Mayor
             of Chicago, New York City  ing in their cities by bus and  buses arrive at all hours and  on so-called "rogue" buses,  Brandon Johnson. More than
             and Denver renewed pleas  plane.                         outside designated drop-off  with lawsuits, fines and tickets.  26,000 migrants have arrived
             Wednesday for more federal  The mayors' requests come  zones with no details on who  In recent weeks, buses have  in the city since last year.q
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