Page 7 - aruba-today-20231229
P. 7

                                                                                                           local Friday 29 december 2023

            Aruban legends:

            Frenchman’s Pass

            (Oranjestad)—If  you  ever  plan  on  the area of Spanish Lagoon.
            taking  a  group  tour  of  the  island,
            you may pass through the French-    There  are  many  ghost  stories  sur-
            man’s Pass in Balashi. The French-  rounding this area, but one of the
            man’s  pass  (known  to  locals  as  most famous one involves a lonely
            “Franse  Pas”)  remains  a  mysteri-  hitchhiker, trying to find a ride back
            ous—and  spooky—road  of  which  home in the dark rainy night.
            its legend is told from generation to
            generation.                         Sometime after trying to hitchhike,
                                                the man saw a car approaching,
            The  history  of  the  Frenchman’s  appearing almost ghost-like in the
            pass—and  how  it  got  its  name—  rain. However, since he needed a
            dates back to the colonization era,  ride real bad, he didn’t think twice
            when the French tried to colonize  and jumped in. But to his horror, he
            the  island,  but  were  met  with  an  noticed that the there was no driv-
            angry  mob  of  indigenous  settlers,  er in the front. Paralyzed with fear,
            refusing to give up their land. How-  he didn’t dare to get out, and the  Cruz.                             there’s the idiot who sat in our car
            ever,  as  the  French  were  heavily  car started to move.             Arriving  at  a  nearby  bar,  he  or-  when we were pushing it!”
            equipped with fire arms, the indig-                                     dered a drink and began to tell ev-
            enous  settlers  began  to  retreat,  When  approaching  a  sharp  turn,  eryone  about  his  experience.  Ev-  French  man’s  pass  is  one  of  the
            and hid away in nearby caves. The  the hitch hiker braced for impact,  eryone  grew  quiet,  because  they  few  sites  on  the  island  that  keeps
            French  colonizers  tried  to  smoke  but  just  when  he  though  the  car  realized  he  wasn’t  some  drunk  the locals on their toes. While most
            them  out  of  the  caves,  but  the  might  drive  straight  off  the  road  messing around; he was telling the  ghost  stories  may  not  have  real
            indigenous  settlers  ended  up  in-  and  crash,  he  saw  a  hand  ap-  truth.                            grounds—or  some  may  even  be
            haling too much smoke and most  pear out the window and turn the                                            a set up story for a joke, this pass
            died in those caves. From then on,  wheel.  For  the  next  few  turns,  the  Sometime  later,  two  men  walked  contributes  a  lot  to  our  culture  of
            this passage was known as French-   hand appeared again. After hav-     into the bar and one of them no-    folkloric story-telling. q
            man’s Pass, and there have been  ing had enough, the man decided  ticed  the  hitchhiker.  He  called
            many  accounts  of  spirits  roaming  to  jump  out  and  he  ran  to  Santa  out  to  his  buddy  and  said:  “Look,     Source:

            Aruba’s Bocas: home to the rarest fossil reefs on the planet!

            (Oranjestad)—If     you’ve  Bremen,  Prof.  dr.  Alessio
            been to the northern coast  Rovere  from  the  Ca'  Fosc-
            of  Aruba  already,  you’ve  ari University of Venice and
            probably  noticed  how  the  Prof.  dr.  Gianfranco  Scic-
            ground differs entirely from  chitano, from the University
            the sandy beaches on the  of Bari Aldo Moro, present-
            southern part of the island.  ed their research on these
            These  hard  surfaces,  with  fossilized coral reefs at the
            sharp  bumps  and  holes  University  of  Aruba.  Their
            are actually fossilized coral  focus  for  their  research  in-
            reefs,  of  which  its  growth  cluded studying the health
            and    changes    can   be  and  formation  patterns  of
            traced back to the last gla-  these  coral  reefs,  and  to
            cial period.                 investigate how these reefs
                                         have  responded  and  can
            On  May  30  2023,  geosci-  respond  to  fluctuating  sea
            entists,  Dr.  Patrick  Boyden  levels or extreme weather,
            from  the  Marum  research  like  hurricanes  and  tsuna-
            faculty  at  the  University  of  mis.
                                                                                                   put things into perspective.  This  research  is  also  im-
                                                                      Through  underwater  and  The  ground  on  which  we  portant  for  the  future  of
                                                                      land  surveillance,  and  3D  have  walked  many  times  coral  reefs  on  the  island.
                                                                      models  of  the  reefs,  they  in  the  northern  part  of  the  By  studying  rising  sea  lev-
                                                                      were able to narrow down  island hold such rich history,  els and climate impact on
                                                                      when    these   formations  history  that  dates  back  to  these  coral  reefs,  we  are
                                                                      started to take place. They  a time that most of us can-  able to take concrete ac-
                                                                      were also able to track the  not  even  imagine.  As  the  tion in protecting and pre-
                                                                      fluctuation  of  sea  levels  scientists  themselves  have  serving our coral reefs. So, if
                                                                      during the past hundred or  pointed out, these fossilized  you are ever visiting one of
                                                                      even  thousands  of  years,  reefs on the windward side  the bocas or driving along
                                                                      and  the  effects  that  this  are truly an incredible and  the northern part of the is-
                                                                      fluctuation has had on the  rare  remnant  of  geologi-   land,  please  be  conscious
                                                                      coral reefs of the windward  cal history, as they provide  to help protect our natural
                                                                      side of Aruba.               a clear view of how these  historical remnant. Oh, and
                                                                                                   reefs have formed.           wear  (coral-friendly)  sun-
                                                                      These findings can certainly                              screen! q
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