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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 4 June 2020
            Scientist defends Sweden's hotly debated virus strategy

            By DAVID KEYTON and JAN                                                                                             litical  pressure  has  also
            M. OLSEN                                                                                                            forced the Swedish govern-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ment to speed up an inves-
            STOCKHOLM  (AP)  —  Swe-                                                                                            tigation  into  the  handling
            den's  chief  epidemiologist                                                                                        of the pandemic.
            on  Wednesday  defended                                                                                             Ordinary  Swedes  are  not
            his  country's  controversial                                                                                       sure what to think.
            coronavirus strategy, which                                                                                         "I'm  not  walking  around
            avoided  a  lockdown  but                                                                                           thinking that we have a real
            resulted in one of the high-                                                                                        disaster  here  in  Sweden,"
            est  per  capita  COVID-19                                                                                          Jan  Arpi,  a  58-year-old
            death rates in the world.                                                                                           sales  executive,  told  The
            Anders Tegnell of the Pub-                                                                                          Associated Press. "I think we
            lic  Health  Agency  denied                                                                                         have  it  more  or  less  under
            that  "the  Swedish  strategy                                                                                       control,  but  we  have  to
            was  wrong  and  should  be                                                                                         be even more careful now
            changed.  That's  not  the                                                                                          after  we  learned  how  the
            case."                                                                                                              virus  is  spread,  especially
            "We  still  believe  that  our                                                                                      among elderly people."
            strategy is good, but there                                                                                         Tegnell's  pandemic  tactics
            is always room for improve-                                                                                         made  Sweden  a  bit  of  a
            ment.  ...  You  can  always                                                                                        local pariah in the Nordics
            get better at this job," Teg-                                                                                       and didn't spare the Swed-
            nell  told  a  news  confer-                                                                                        ish economy.
            ence in Stockholm.                                                                                                   Sweden's economy, which
            Sweden  has  stood  out      State epidemiologist Anders Tegnell of the Public Health Agency of Sweden gives a daily update   relies  heavily  on  exports,  is
            among  European  nations     on the coronavirus COVID-19 situation, in Stockholm, Sweden, Wednesday June 3, 2020.   expected  to  shrink  7%  in
            and the world for the way                                                                          Associated Press  2020 and the finance min-
            it  has  handled  the  pan-                                                                                         ister says the Scandinavian
            demic,  not  shutting  down  According  to  the  national  been  criticized  —  and  I'm  sure  my  colleagues  all  country  is  headed  for  "a
            the  country  or  the  econ-  health agency, Sweden, a  some  have  apologized  —  over  the  world  would  say  very deep economic crisis."
            omy  like  other  nations  but  nation  of  10.2  million  peo-  for  failing  to  protect  the  the  same  thing.  There  are  More  than  76,000  people
            relying on citizens' sense of  ple, has seen 4,542 deaths  country's  elderly  and  nurs-  always  aspects  which  we  have  been  made  redun-
            civic duty. Swedish authori-  linked  to  COVID-19,  which  ing home residents.        could have handled this sit-  dant  since  the  outbreak
            ties  have  advised  people  is  far  more  than  its  Nordic  But  Tegnell  said  Wednes-  uation even better than we  began   and   unemploy-
            to  practice  social  distanc-  neighbors  and  one  of  the  day it was still unclear what  do today, now, as we learn  ment, which now stands at
            ing,  but  schools,  bars  and  highest  per  capita  death  the  country  should  have  more and more things," he  7.9%,  is  expected  to  climb
            restaurants   have    been  rates in the world. Denmark  done  differently.  He  also  told The Associated Press.   higher.
            kept open the entire time.  has  had  580  coronavirus  said  other  nations  are  un-  "Sometimes I feel like a per-  On  the  travel  front,  neigh-
            Only  gatherings  of  more  deaths,  Finland  has  seen  able  to  tell  exactly  what  sonal punchbag, but that's  boring  Norway  and  Den-
            than 50 people have been  320  and  Norway  has  had  measures affected the out-       OK.  I  can  live  with  that,"  mark said they were drop-
            banned.                      237, according to a tally by  comes  of  their  outbreaks  Tegnell added.              ping  mutual  border  con-
            Tegnell's  statement  to  re-  Johns Hopkins University.  because they threw every-    Sweden's  COVID-19  infec-   trols  but  would  keep  Swe-
            porters  came  after  more  "If  we  were  to  encounter  thing at the crisis at once.  tion rate of 43.2 deaths per  den out of a Nordic "travel
            contrite  comments  ear-     the  same  disease  again,  "Maybe we know that now,  100,000 inhabitants is lower  bubble."
            lier  in  the  day  to  Swed-  knowing precisely what we  when  you  start  easing  the  than Spain's (58.1) and Ita-  The  Danes  said  they  will
            ish  radio  in  which  he  said  know about it today, I think  measures,  we  could  get  ly's (55.4), but is higher than  reopen  the  border  next
            "I  think  there  is  potential  we  would  settle  on  do-  some  kind  of  lesson  about  reported  rates  in  the  Unit-  month  to  residents  of  Ger-
            for  improvement  in  what  ing  something  in  between  what else, besides what we  ed  States  (32.1)  and  Brazil  many,  Norway  and  Ice-
            we have done in Sweden,  what  Sweden  did  and  did,  you  could  do  without  (14.3),  according  to  Johns  land as the country eased
            quite clearly."              what  the  rest  of  the  world  a  total  shutdown,"  Tegnell  Hopkins University.    its  coronavirus  lockdown.
            Asked  if  the  country's  high  has done," Tegnell, consid-  said in the radio interview.  Last  week,  the  country's  But  Denmark,  which  has  a
            death  toll  has  made  him  ered  the  architect  of  the  At  the  news  conference,  former  state  epidemiolo-  bridge  that  goes  directly
            reconsider  his  unique  ap-  unique  Swedish  pandemic  Tegnell  made  it  clear  that  gist,  Annika  Linde,  said  in  into  Sweden,  has  post-
            proach  to  the  pandemic,  approach, told SR.            his previous statement "was  retrospect  she  believes  an  poned  a  decision  reopen-
            Tegnell  told  Swedish  radio  Still,  authorities  in  Sweden,  an  admission  that  we  al-  early lockdown could have  ing  to  Swedish  visitors  until
            "yes, absolutely."           including   Tegnell,   have  ways  can  become  better.  saved lives in Sweden. Po-    after the summer.q

            Syria says new wave of U.S. sanctions is 'economic terrorism'

            DAMASCUS,  Syria  (AP)  —  so-called Caesar Syria Civil-  sible  for  atrocities  commit-  pher  who  took  thousands  The  bill  applies  sanctions
            The   Syrian   government  ian  Protection  Act,  which  ted  during  Syria's  civil  war  of  photographs  of  victims  to  those  who  lend  sup-
            condemned Wednesday a  goes into effect this month,  and funding for war crimes  of torture and other abuses  port to "the Assad regime's
            new wave of U.S. sanctions  is based on "lies and fabri-  investigations  and  pros-   and smuggled them out of  military  efforts"  in  the  war,
            against the country, calling  cated  claims  by  enemies  ecutions. President Donald  the  country.  The  images,  and  grants  authorities  to
            the  measures  "economic  of the Syrian people."          Trump later signed the Na-   taken  between  2011  and  the  U.S.  secretary  of  state
            terrorism"  that  will  increase  The  act,  which  gained  bi-  tional  Defense  Authoriza-  2013,  were  turned  over  to  to  support  entities  collect-
            the  suffering  of  the  Syrian  partisan  support  in  Con-  tion Act, which includes the  human  rights  advocates,  ing evidence and pursuing
            people.                      gress  in  December,  envis-  Caesar act, into law.       graphically  exposing  the  prosecutions  against  those
            A  Foreign  Ministry  state-  ages  sanctions  on  Syrian  Caesar is a code name for  scale of the Syrian govern-   who  have  committed  war
            ment  said  Washington's  troops  and  others  respon-    a Syrian forensic photogra-  ment's brutal crackdown.     crimes in Syria.q
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