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                     Thursday 4 June 2020

            In this Thursday, March 19, 2020 file photo Eberhard Zorn, left,
            Inspector  General  of  the  Bundeswehr  and  German  Defence
            Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, right, address the media
            during a press conference in Berlin, Germany.
                                                     Associated Press

            Germany wants

            to kick extremists                                        A woman holds a sign as protesters gather in Sydney, Tuesday, June 2, 2020, to support the cause
                                                                      of U.S. protests over the death of George Floyd and urged their own governments to address rac-
            out of military faster                                    ism and police violence.                                              Associated Press

            BERLIN (AP) — The German  if their continued presence  Australia police reject comparison

            government  has  agreed  would  "seriously  threaten
            on a bill that would speed  the military order or the rep-  to U.S. over teen's arrest
            up  the  dismissal  of  soldiers  utation of the Bundeswehr"
            involved in extremism or se-  and they have served few-
            rious crimes.                er than eight years.         By ROD McGUIRK               "was not unprovoked."        Australia's  indigenous  peo-
            Current military rules mean  German  officials  have  ex-  CANBERRA,  Australia  (AP)  "The  important  message  ple  also  have higher-than-
            that  soldiers  who  have  pressed alarm over the re-     —  Australian  police  on  here  is  that  Sydney  is  not  average  rates  of  infant
            served  for  more  than  four  cent  discovery  of  several   Wednesday rejected com-  Minnesota,"   Elliott   said,  mortality  and  poor  health,
            years  can  only  be  kicked  far-right  extremists  in  the   parisons  to  the  U.S.  after  referring  to  the  death  of  as  well  as  shorter  life  ex-
            out  after  they  have  been  military,  including  a  mem-  an  indigenous  teenager  George  Floyd.  "What  hap-  pectancy and lower levels
            convicted of a crime or re-  ber  of  the  special  forces   was injured while being ar-  pened in the United States  of education and employ-
            moved as part of a court-    unit KSK who had hoarded     rested  in  Sydney,  though  is not what happens here."   ment  than  other  Austra-
            led disciplinary procedure.  weapons, ammunition and      a  government  leader  said  He  said  he  rejects  claims  lians.
            In practice, this can mean  explosives  at  home.  Last   it  raised  questions  about  that Australian police "have  The  police  officer  in  in-
            soldiers  remain  in  the  mili-  month,  the  head  of  the   race  relations  and  the  similar problems that exist in  volved  in  the  Sydney  ar-
            tary for years until they are  unit, Brig. Gen. Markus Kre-  teen's  family  called  for  the United States."       rest has been restricted on
            removed. The bill proposed  itmayr, told soldiers that he   the  officer  involved  to  be  But  New  South  Wales  Pre-  what  duties  he  can  per-
            Wednesday  by  Defense  wouldn't  tolerate  extrem-       charged.                     mier   Gladys    Berejiklian  form while his use of force
            Minister  Annegret  Kramp-   ism in the ranks.            A  New  South  Wales  state  said the teen's arrest raised  is  investigated.  The  teen,
            Karrenbauer allows the mil-  The  bill  still  needs  to  be   police  constable  is  under  questions about race rela-  who  cannot  be  identified,
            itary to swiftly expel soldiers  passed by parliament.q   internal  investigation  after  tions in Australia.       was not charged and was
                                                                      he pinned the 16-year-old's  "I  thought  what  most  Aus-  taken  to  a  hospital  for  a
                                                                      arms behind his back then  tralians thought and that is  medical  examination.  He
            EU, China postpone                                        kicked his legs out from un-  we still have a long way to  suffered grazes to his face
                                                                      der him on Monday. A vid-
                                                                                                   go  in  our  country,"  Berejik-
                                                                                                                                and a chipped tooth.
            September summit                                          eo had circulated on social  lian said of the video.      The  teen's  father,  mother
                                                                      media  of  the  teen  falling  "I think what's happened in  and sister held a news con-
                                                                      face-first to the ground.
                                                                                                   the U.S. is a good wake-up  ference  flanked  by  law-
            due to pandemic                                           Police have said the officer  call for all of us and I think  yers  in  which  the  family
                                                                      was  in  the  inner-suburb  of  all of our hearts are break-
                                                                                                                                called for the officer to be
                                                                      Surry  Hills  for  an  unrelated  ing as to what's happening  charged  and  the  incident
            BERLIN (AP) — The Europe-    seen  as  a  key  moment  in   reason when he struck up a  in the United States and we  to  be  investigated  inde-
            an  Union  and  China  have  EU relations with China.     conversation with the teen-  certainly  have  to  ensure  pendent of police.
            agreed to postpone a sum-    In  a  statement,  Merkel's   ager and his four compan-   that  we  do  what  we  can  The family cannot be iden-
            mit planned for this fall be-  office  said  the  three  sides   ions. The video showed the  in our own country to pro-  tified  under  state  law  to
            cause  of  the  coronavirus  agreed  that  "the  meeting   teen  threatened  to  break  tect all of our citizens," she  conceal the teen's identity.
            pandemic,  German  offi-     can't  take  place  at  the   the police officer's jaw, and  added.                    The family took a knee dur-
            cials said Wednesday.        envisaged time due to the    the  officer's  response  was  Indigenous  Australians  are  ing the news conference in
            Germany's       Chancellor  overall  pandemic  situa-     to arrest him.               2%  of  the  Australian  adult  respect for Floyd
            Angela  Merkel  spoke  by  tion."  They  also  agreed  to   "We  have  probably  the  population  but  27%  of  the  The  teen's  father  said
            phone  with  Chinese  Presi-  hold it at a later date and   best  relationship  between  prison  population.  A  total  what happened to his son
            dent  Xi  Jinping  and  later  to  discuss  further  details   the  community  and  the  of  432  indigenous  Austra-  echoed  experiences  he
            with   European    Council  soon.                         police  of  any  jurisdiction  lians  have  died  in  police  had  when  he  was  young,
            President Charles Michel to  The  European  Union  has    around  the  world,"  Police  detention and prison since  but  back  then  people
            discuss  the  Sept.  14  meet-  tried  to  position  itself  as  a   Minister David Elliott told re-  1991,  according  to  a  run-  didn't  have  smartphones
            ing,  due  to  be  held  in  the  mediator  between  China   porters.                  ning analysis by The Guard-  and  social  media  to  draw
            German city of Leipzig and  and the United States.q       He said the police response  ian newspaper.               attention to it.q
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