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                                                                                           TECHNOLOGY Thursday 4 June 2020
            Zoom booms as pandemic drives millions to its video service

            SAN RAMON, Calif. (AP) —                                                                                            Zoom  ended  April  with
            Zoom  Video  Communica-                                                                                             265,400 corporate custom-
            tions  is  rapidly  emerging                                                                                        ers with at least 10 employ-
            as  the  latest  internet  gold                                                                                     ees,  more  than  quadru-
            mine  as  millions  of  people                                                                                      pling  from  the  same  time
            flock  to  its  conferencing                                                                                        last year. About 30% of the
            service  to  see  colleagues,                                                                                       company's  revenue  in  the
            friends  and  family  while                                                                                         most recent quarter came
            tethered  to  their  homes                                                                                          from users with fewer than
            during the pandemic.                                                                                                10 employees, up from 20%
            Tuesday's  release  of  the                                                                                         in  the  November-January
            once-obscure  company's                                                                                             period.
            financial results for the Feb-                                                                                      Although Zoom remains fo-
            ruary-April period provided                                                                                         cused  on  servicing  its  cor-
            a  window  into  the  astro-                                                                                        porate customers, Yuan  is
            nomical  growth  that  has                                                                                          hoping  to figure out ways
            turned  it  into  a  Wall  Street                                                                                   to make money from the all
            star.                                                                                                               the socializing and learning
            Zoom's revenue for its fiscal                                                                                       that  is  happening  on  the
            first-quarter more than dou-                                                                                        service,  too.  Some  ana-
            bled  from  the  same  time                                                                                         lysts  have  speculated  that
            last year to $328 million, re-                                                                                      eventually   may   involve
            sulting a profit of $27 million   In this April 23, 2020 file photo, members of the Vermont House of Representatives convene in a   showing  ads  on  the  free
            —  up  from  just  $198,000  a   Zoom video conference for its first full parliamentary online session in Montpelier, Vt.  version  of  Zoom,  although
            year ago.                                                                                          Associated Press  the  company  hasn't  giv-
            The  numbers  exceeded                                                                                              en  any  indication  it  will
            analysts'  already  height-  Zoom  CEO  Eric  Yuan,  who  participants  attending  a  time when about 40 million  do  that.  "There  are  a  lot
            ened expectations, provid-   co-founded  the  company  meeting  held  on  its  ser-    people in the U.S. have lost  of  opportunities  ahead  of
            ing  another  lift  to  a  rock-  nine  years  ago.  He  made  vice, up from 10 million five  their jobs since mid-March,  us,"  Yuan  said  in  Tuesday's
            eting  stock  that  has  more  the remarks during the vid-  months  ago.  Those  num-  raising  the  specter  of  the  video  conference  without
            than  tripled  in  price  so  far  eo conference that at one  bers  include  people  who  worst  economic  downturn  elaborating.
            this  year  while  the  bench-  point attracted more than  join  multiple  Zoom  meet-  since the Great Depression  If  it  hopes  to  continue  to
            mark Standard & Poor's 500  3,000 participants, a reflec-  ings  during  the  same  day,  of the 1930s.             expand, Zoom also will also
            index has fallen 5%.         tion  of  the  intense  interest  something  that  has  been  The  San  Jose,  California,  will likely have to do a bet-
            After  a  big  run-up  leading  in the company and its hot  happening  more  recently  company      has    always  ter  job  of  protecting  the
            up  to  Tuesday's  highly  an-  stock.                    in recent months.            made  most  of  its  money  privacy  of  its  video  con-
            ticipated  announcement,  In  a  sign  that  the  compa-  But the once-weak privacy  from  companies  that  sub-    ferences.  To  help  achieve
            Zoom's  stock  initially  rose  ny  still  expects  phenom-  controls also helped make  scribe  to  a  more  sophisti-  that  goal,  Yuan  has  been
            even  higher  in  extended  enal  growth  in  the  months  Zoom  extremely  easy  to  cated version of its service  consulting  since  April  with
            trading.  But  it  abruptly  re-  ahead,   Zoom   forecast  use,  one  of  the  reasons  it  that  traditionally  has  been  Alex  Stamos,  a  highly  re-
            versed course and fell more  revenue  of  roughly  $500  became  such  a  popular  used for business meetings  spected online security ex-
            than 3% after company ex-    million  for  its  current  quar-  way to hold online classes,  among  employees  work-  pert who previously worked
            ecutives    acknowledged  ter  ending  in  July,  more  business  meetings  and  vir-  ing in offices far apart from  at  Yahoo  and  Facebook.
            during  a  video  discussion  than quadrupling from the  tual  cocktail  hours  after  each other.                  Both  those  companies  en-
            that  some  of  its  newfound  same time last year. For its  most of the U.S. began or-  But  the  pandemic-driven  countered  their  only  secu-
            users  might  depart  during  full  fiscal  year,  Zoom  now  dering  people  to  stay  at  shutdown   turned   Zoom  rity  and  privacy  problems,
            the second half of the year  expects  revenue  of  about  home  in  effort  to  reduce  into  a  tool  for  employees  too.
            if health worries caused by  $1.8 billion, nearly tripling in  the  spread  of  the  corona-  who  once  worked  along-  Zoom's success is also draw-
            the  novel  corornavirus  dis-  a year.                   virus that causes COVID-19.  side  each  other,  but  have  ing stiffer competition from
            sipate.                      Zoom's  boom  has  come  Zoom also offers a free ver-     been doing their jobs from  much larger companies, in-
            Even  if  the  shares  trade  despite  privacy  and  secu-  sion  of  its  service,  another  home  during  the  past  few  cluding  Microsoft,  Google
            in  similar  fashion  during  rity problems  that enabled  factor in its popularity at a  months.                   and Facebook.q
            Wednesday's  regular  ses-   outsiders to make uninvited
            sion,  the  stock  will  still  be  — and sometimes crude —
            hovering  around  $200  —  appearances  during  other
            more  than  five  times  the  people's  video  conferenc-
            company's initial public of-  es.
            fering price of $36 less than  The  concerns  prompted
            14 months ago.               some schools to stop using
            The surge left Zoom with a  Zoom for online classes that
            market value of about $59  have become widespread
            billion  through  Tuesday  —  since  February,  although
            greater than the combined  the company's efforts to in-
            market  values  of  the  four  troduce more security pro-
            largest  U.S.  airlines,  which  tection  has  brought  some
            have  seen  their  businesses  back  to  the  service.  More
            hammered by the corona-      than 100,000 schools world-
            virus outbreak that has dra-  wide  are  now  using  Zoom
            matically curtailed travel.  for  online  classes,  accord-
            "Videoconferencing  is  go-  ing to the company.
            ing  to  become  a  main-    Overall,  Zoom  now  has
            stream  service,"  predicted  more than 300 million daily
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