Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200504
P. 28

                        Monday 4 May 2020
            Venezuela says it foiled attack by boat on main port city

            By SCOTT SMITH                                                                                                      But in addition to U.S. eco-
            Associlated Press                                                                                                   nomic    and    diplomatic
            CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)                                                                                             pressure, Maduro's govern-
            — Venezuelan officials said                                                                                         ment  has  faced  several
            they  foiled  an  early  morn-                                                                                      small-scale  military  threats,
            ing  attempt  by  a  group                                                                                          including  an  attempt  to
            of  armed  "mercenaries"                                                                                            assassinate  Maduro  with
            to invade the country in a                                                                                          a drone and Guaidó's call
            beach  landing  on  speed-                                                                                          for a military uprising, which
            boats  Sunday,  killing  eight                                                                                      was joined by few soldiers.
            attackers and arresting two                                                                                         The  Associated  Press  re-
            more.                                                                                                               ported  on  Friday  that  an
            Socialist party chief Diosda-                                                                                       apparently  ill-funded  at-
            do  Cabello  said  that  two                                                                                        tempt to amass an invasion
            of the attackers were inter-                                                                                        force  of  300  men  in  Co-
            rogated by authorities. Ca-                                                                                         lombia  involving  a  former
            bello said it was carried out                                                                                       Venezuelan  military  officer
            by  neighboring  Colombia                                                                                           and  an  ex-Green  Beret,
            with United States backing                                                                                          suffered setbacks in March
            in a plot to overthrow Presi-                                                                                       when a main organizer was
            dent Nicolás Maduro. Both                                                                                           arrested,  an  arms  cache
            countries  have  repeatedly                                                                                         was  seized and some par-
            denied  earlier  Venezuelan   Security forces patrol near the shore in the port city of La Guaira, Venezuela, Sunday, May 3, 2020.   ticipants  abandoned  its
            allegations  of  backing  for                                                                     Associated Press.  camps. Cabello linked Sun-
            military plots against the so-  tackers  as  "mercenary  ter-  electricity  and  medical  creased stiff sanctions, cut-  day's attack to key players
            cialist government.          rorists" bent on destabilizing  care  has  driven  nearly  5  ting off Venezuela's oil sec-  in that alleged plot. One of
            "Those  who  assume  they  Venezuela's institutions and  million to migrate.           tor to choke Maduro from a  the men he said was killed,
            can attack the institutional  creating  "chaos."  Officials  A coalition of nearly 60 na-  key source of hard cash.   a  man  nicknamed  "the
            framework  in  Venezuela  said the attack took place  tions back opposition lead-      Iván  Simonovis,  a  former  Panther," had been identi-
            will  have  to  assume  the  on  a  beach  in  La  Guaira,  er Juan Guaidó as Venezu-  high-ranking   Venezuelan  fied  as  involved  in  obtain-
            consequences  of  their  ac-  about  20  miles  (32  kilome-  ela's legitimate leader, say-  police  official  who  now  ing  weapons  for  the  force
            tion," said Cabello, adding  ters)  from  Caracas  and  ing Maduro's 2018 election  advises  opposition  lead-      in Colombia.
            that  one  of  the  detained  home  to  the  nation's  larg-  was  a  sham  because  the  ers on intelligence strategy  Maduro  and  his  allies  say
            claimed to be an agent of  est airport.                   most  popular  opposition  from  Washington,  specu-      the  Trump  administration
            the  U.S.  Drug  Enforcement  Authorities  say  the  attack-  candidates  were  banned  lated  on  Twitter  that  there  is determined to end Ven-
            Administration.              ers had vehicles and heavy  from running.                 might  have  been  a  clash  ezuela's  socialist  govern-
            Authorities said they found  arms waiting for them in the  The United States has led a  between  security  forces  ment  to  exploit  the  South
            Peruvian documents, high-    port city.                   campaign to oust Maduro,  on  Sunday  and  suggested  American        nation's   vast
            caliber  weapons,  satellite  Venezuela  has  been  in  a  increasing  pressure  in  re-  Maduro's  government  cre-  underground  oil  reserves.
            phones,  uniforms  and  hel-  deepening  political  and  cent weeks by indicting the  ated the story of a plot to  Maduro  remains  in  power,
            mets adorned with the U.S.  economic  crisis  in  recent  socialist  leader  as  a  nar-  justify  "repression  against  backed by the military and
            flag.                        years  under  Maduro's  rule.  cotrafficker  and  offering  the  interim  government  iwith  nternational  support
            Interior   Minister   Nestor  Crumbling  public  services  a $15 million reward for his  and  any  Venezuelan  who  from  Cuba,  Russia,  China
            Reverol  described  the  at-  such  as  running  water,  arrest. The U.S. also  has  in-  opposes the dictatorship."  and Iran.

              North and South Korean troops exchange fire along border

              By HYUNG-JIN KIM                                                                     South  Korea  responded  tinue  examining  whether
              Associated Press                                                                     with a total of 20 rounds of  there  was  any  motivation
              SEOUL,  South  Korea  (AP)                                                           warning  shots  on  two  oc-  for the action, a South Ko-
              —  North  and  South  Kore-                                                          casions  before  issuing  a  rean  defense  official  said.
              an  troops  exchanged  fire                                                          warning broadcast, it said.  He  spoke  on  condition  of
              along  their  tense  border                                                          South  Korea  suffered  no  anonymity,  citing  depart-
              on Sunday, the South's mili-                                                         casualties,   the   military  ment rules.
              tary said, the first such inci-                                                      said. Defense officials said  U.S.  Secretary  of  State
              dent  since  the  rivals  took                                                       it's  also  unlikely  that  North  Mike  Pompeo  also  said  it
              unprecedented  steps  to                                                             Korea had any casualties,  was  believed  that  North
              lower front-line animosities                                                         since  the  South  Korean  Korea's firing was not inten-
              in late 2018.                                                                        warning shots were fired at  tional.  Farming  activities
              Violent     confrontations                                                           uninhibited  North  Korean  around  the  North  Korean
              have    occasionally   oc-                                                           territory.  The  North's  offi-  area  where  the  firing  oc-
              curred  along  the  border,                                                          cial  Korean  Central  News  curred continued through-
              the  world's  most  heav-   People  in  a  park  wearing  masks  watch  news  broadcasted   Agency, or KCNA, did not  out  Sunday  and  North
              ily fortified. While Sunday's   on a giant screen showing leader Kim Jong Un attending the   immediately  report  about  Korea's  military  didn't  dis-
              incident  is  a  reminder  of   opening ceremony of the Sunchon Phosphatic Fertilizer Factory   the incident.    play  any  other  suspicious
              persistent tensions, it didn't   Saturday, May, 2nd. 2020, in Pyongyang, North Korea.   A preliminary South Korean  activities after the gunfire,
              cause  any  known  casual-                                         Associated Press.  analysis showed that North  the South Korean defense
              ties  on  either  side  and  is  The Joint Chiefs of Staff in  fired  several  bullets  at  a  Korea's firing was probably  official said. He said there
              unlikely  to  escalate,  ob-  Seoul  said  in  a  statement  South  Korean  guard  post  not a calculated provoca-  was thick fog in the area at
              servers said.               that  North  Korean  troops  inside  the  border  zone.  tion, though Seoul will con-  the time of the incident.q
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