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a30    feature
                        Monday 4 May 2020
            As lockdowns ease, some countries report new infection peaks

            By FRANCES D'EMILIO,                                                                                                supplies  and  other  equip-
            PABLO GORONDI and                                                                                                   ment  for  fighting  the  dis-
            DANICA KIRKA                                                                                                        ease. "It will make us more
            Associated Press                                                                                                    competitive in the interna-
            ROME  (AP)  —  While  mil-                                                                                          tional  marketplace,  and  I
            lions  of  people  took  ad-                                                                                        believe it will save taxpay-
            vantage  of  easing  coro-                                                                                          ers money," Cuomo said.
            navirus lockdowns to enjoy                                                                                          Meanwhile,  the  divide  in
            spring  weather,  some  of                                                                                          the United States between
            the  world's  most  populous                                                                                        those who want lockdowns
            countries  reported  worri-                                                                                         to end and those who want
            some  new  peaks  in  infec-                                                                                        to  move  more  cautiously
            tions  Sunday,  including  In-                                                                                      extended to Congress.
            dia,  which  saw  its  biggest                                                                                      The    Republican-majority
            single-day jump yet.                                                                                                Senate will reopen Monday
            Second  in  population  only                                                                                        in Washington.
            to  China,  India  reported                                                                                         The   Democrat-controlled
            more than 2,600 new infec-                                                                                          House  of  Representatives
            tions.  In  Russia,  new  cases                                                                                     is staying shuttered. Senate
            exceeded  10,000  for  the                                                                                          Majority  Leader  Mitch  Mc-
            first time.                                                                                                         Connell's  decision  to  con-
            The confirmed death toll in                                                                                         vene  100  senators  gives
            Britain  climbed  near  that                                                                                        Trump,  a  Republican,  the
            of  Italy,  the  epicenter  of   Mounted  police  patrol  on  horses  as  people  exercise  on  a  seafront  promenade  in  Barcelona,   imagery he wants of Amer-
            Europe's  outbreak,  even    Spain, Sunday, May 3, 2020.                                                            ica  getting  back  to  work,
            though  the  U.K.  popula-                                                                        Associated Press.  despite the risks.
            tion  is  younger  than  Italy's  since  the  national  lock-                                                       Russia's latest tally of infec-
            and Britain had more time  down  began  on  March                                                                   tions  was  nearly  double
            to prepare before the pan-   10.  Parks  and  public  gar-                                                          the  new  cases  reported  a
            demic hit.                   dens were set to reopen on                                                             week  ago.  More  than  half
            The United States continues  Monday.                                                                                of Russia's new cases were
            to see tens of thousands of  In  Spain,  many  ventured                                                             in Moscow, where concern
            new  infections  each  day,  outside  for  the  first  time                                                         is rising about whether the
            with  more  than  1,400  new  since  the  country's  lock-                                                          capital's  medical  facilities
            deaths reported Saturday.    down began March 14, but                                                               will be overwhelmed.
            Health experts warn that a  social  distancing  rules  re-                                                          Indian air force helicopters
            second wave of infections  mained in place. Masks are                                                               showered  flower  petals  on
            could  hit  unless  testing  is  mandatory  starting  Mon-                                                          hospitals in several cities to
            expanded       dramatically  day on public transit.                                                                 thank  doctors,  nurses  and
            once  the  lockdowns  are  In Britain, Prime Minister Bo-                                                           police  at  the  forefront  of
            relaxed. But pressure to re-  ris Johnson is under pressure                                                         the battle against the pan-
            open  keeps  building  after  to reveal how the country                                                             demic.
            the  weeks-long  shutdown  will lift its lockdown.                                                                  The  country's  number  of
            of  businesses  worldwide  The  restrictions  are  due  to   Livia  and  Lorenza  enjoy  the  sun  with  their  daughter  Sara  at   confirmed  cases  neared
            plunged  the  global  econ-  last  through  Thursday,  but   Islands Brygge in Copenhagen on Sunday, May 3, 2020.   40,000 as the population of
                                                                                                              Associated Press.
            omy into its deepest slump  with  hundreds  of  deaths                                                              1.3 billion marked the 40th
            since the 1930s and wiped  still being reported daily —  opened state parks, though  infect their grandmother or  day  of  a  nationwide  lock-
            out millions of jobs.        twice as many recently as  several had to turn people  their grandfather ... they will  down. The official death toll
            China,    which   reported  Italy or Spain — it's unclear  away after reaching a 50%  feel guilty for the rest of our  reached 1,323.
            only  two  new  cases,  saw  how the country can safely  limit  in  their  parking  lots.  lives," she said. "So we need  Pope Francis called Sunday
            a  surge  in  visitors  to  newly  loosen the restrictions.  Margie  Roebuck  and  her  to  protect  each  other  at  for international collabora-
            reopened tourist spots after  The  55-year-old  Johnson,  husband  were  among  the  the  same  time  we're  voic-  tion in the search for a vac-
            domestic  travel  restrictions  who  spent  three  nights  in  first  on  the  sand  at  Island  ing our discontent."  cine and treatment for CO-
            were loosened ahead of a  intensive  care  while  being  Beach State Park.             If  restrictions  are  lifted  too  VID-19  and  invited  faithful
            five-day  holiday  that  runs  treated  for  COVID-19,  told  "Forty-six days in the house  soon, the virus could come  of  all  religions  to  spiritually
            through Tuesday.             The Sun newspaper that he  was enough," she said.         back  in  "small  waves  in  unite in prayer, fasting and
            Nearly  1.7  million  people  knew his doctors were pre-  Speaking  on  "Fox  News  various  places  around  the  works of charity on May 14.
            visited Beijing parks on the  paring for the worst.       Sunday,"    White   House  country,"  said  Dr.  Tom  In-  The  virus  has  infected  3.4
            first two days of the holiday,  "It  was  a  tough  old  mo-  coronavirus   coordinator  glesby, director of the Cen-  million  people  and  killed
            and Shanghai's main tourist  ment,  I  won't  deny  it,''  he  Deborah  Birx  expressed  ter for Health Security of the  more  than  244,000  world-
            spots welcomed more than  said.  "They  had  a  strategy  concern about protests by  Johns  Hopkins  Bloomberg  wide,  including  more  than
            1 million visitors, according  to  deal  with  a  'death  of  armed  and  mostly  mask-  School of Public Health.   66,000  dead  in  the  United
            to  Chinese  media.  Many  Stalin'-type  scenario''  if  he  less crowds demanding an  "Nothing  has  changed  in  States,  according  to  a
            spots limited daily visitors to  succumbed to the virus.  end to stay-at-home orders  the underlying dynamics of  count  by  Johns  Hopkins
            30% of capacity.             Another  potentially  trou-  and  a  full  reboot  of  the  this virus," he said on NBC's  University.
            On  the  eve  of  Italy's  first  bling  sign  emerged  in  Af-  economy.  President  Don-  "Meet the Press."       All  the  numbers  are  con-
            steps toward easing restric-  ghanistan's  capital  city  of  ald Trump has encouraged  New  York  Gov.  Andrew  sidered to be undercounts,
            tions, the Health Ministry re-  Kabul, where a third of the  people  to  "liberate"  their  Cuomo  announced  that  due  to  testing  issues,  the
            ported  174  COVID  deaths  500 people selected in ran-   states.                      his state would join with six  problems   of   counting
            in  the  24-hour  period  end-  dom test came up positive  "It's   devastatingly   worri-  others  to  create  a  region-  deaths in a pandemic and
            ing Sunday evening — the  for the virus.                  some to me personally, be-   al  supply  chain  for  masks,  deliberate   concealment
            lowest  day-to-day  number  In  the  U.S.,  New  Jersey  re-  cause if they go home and  gowns,  ventilators,  testing  by some governments.q
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