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Monday 4 May 2020
On St.Tosia no COVID-19 virus
by Cdr. Bud Slabbaert tor’s comment, the “at any
price” was interpreted as
SINT MAARTEN — The possessing a credit card
St.Tosia Courier published with a descent credit limit
an article today, which in- in order to keep the good
cluded an interview be- health promise.
tween Raul Escrobar, the
Courier’s investigative re- The article in the St.Tosia
porter and Carlene Cratch- Courier also included a
low-Diggins M.D., the Minis- different point of view in a About the author
ter of Health, Wellness and separate interview with Jer- The almost true stories and
Sport as well as Jojo Mon- emiah “Docdoc” Hangoun almost believable stories of
serrat, the Director of the crease the consumption of servant position to be able who practices his tradition- St.Tosia are written by Cdr.
Office of Disaster Prepared- fresh raw garlic and chew to make a living.” No more al healing in a shack with a Bud Slabbaert who claims
ness and Management. well on it before swallow- questions in the interview roof of palm tree leaves on that it reflects what he
ing it. It automatically will were directed to Jojo. the Kalinago Hillside, and experiences while residing
on St.Tosia and monitoring
The opening general state- cause distancing. It will en- St.Tosia’s marketing Guru what else is going on in the
ment of the honorable Min- courage people to wear The interviewer asked the Nandan Mahasundaram Caribbean.
ister Cratchlow-Diggins was masks to prevent receiv- Minister: “When there were who partners with Docdoc
reassuring that there are no ing the penetrating odor no indications of the virus in commercial matters? provide some indication of
virus infection cases on the spread by others. Even vi- on the island, then why was the credibility of the rem-
island at all, and she went ruses will be repelled by the the St.Tosia Carnival can- “In traditional natural heal- edy’s effectiveness. Doc-
on to say that “There will smell from the mouth or the celled?” The Minister’s re- ing, we are prepared for doc’s explanation:
probably be more casual- ventilation from the alter- sponse: “Carnival is a time anything that may hap- “The oil is applied on the
ties on St.Tosia from Rum native opening below on to let your hair down and pen’ said Docdoc. “I saw skin behind both ears and
Addictions than any virus the other side. jump for joy. St.Tosians pull the crisis coming. I receive then it will have its effect
could bring on.” out all the stops for Car- a lot of my healing inspi- between the ears as the
When the same question nival. It spreads euphoria ration in dreams and see finely refined oil is quickly
“Nothing wrong about about social distancing through its dance, music, the plant leaves and roots absorbed by the skin and
drinking a high octane was directed to Jojo Mon- food and people. Spread- that are needed for a cure. then slowly penetrates the
rumbustion or a passion serrat, Director of the Of- ing anything by all the stops Normally, I make special skull. The liniment contains
colada with a swizzle stick, fice of Disaster Prepared- being pulled out is some- tea, infusions in rum, or oils. eicosanoids, and it is com-
an orchid and a sprig of ness and Management, he thing we don’t need right This situation is a bit more mon knowledge that these
mint as a daily preventive responded that: “Two per- now. Not even a need for difficult and it took several eicosanois are signaling
medicine while the sun dips sons don’t fit in one ham- a baby boom nine months dreams. For the COVID-19 molecules made by oxi-
into the sea and darkness mock in the Caribbean after a carnival.” virus, I have developed a dation of twenty-carbon
sets in over the island, and anyway.” psychedelic herbal potion essential fatty acids. They
guaranteed, nothing will When the question was used for physical and psy- exert complex control over
sneak up on you”, Disaster To which the Health Min- asked how she sees the chological healing and di- many bodily systems and
Director Jojo Monserrat vol- ister reacted with a “Shut- future related to the vi- vine revelation. This brew as messengers in the cen-
unteered; a remark which up Jojo, you don’t know rus she responded that will cure anything from tral nervous system. It may
visibly irritated the health the difference between a “Proper cough and sneeze depression, to addiction, make a patient go all hot
minister. virus infection and a flea- etiquette is of high impor- to any viral infection. We and cold which proves the
bite. The only reason why tance. There is no way to have decided to call it ’An- impact.”
When she was asked about you got your Director post sneeze your way out of a ti-Covid-X-Plus’ ”
social distancing, the Min- is because your step-uncle, virus pandemic! Our first And what does marketing
ister stated that as a mat- Mo, our Minister of National and most foremost aim is The question of how it is guru Nandan Mahasunda-
ter of prevention, she had Security and Intelligence to keep patients healthy used was brought up in ram have to say?
advised the islanders to in- wanted you to have a civil at any price!” In an edi- the interview, since it might “For one, ’Anti-Covid-X-
Plus’ is guaranteed nev-
Aruba Today launches survey to serve better er to fail. There will be a
steady demand for the po-
tion during the pandemic.
ORANJESTAD — Aruba Today • Do you want to support us? There is a tremendous op-
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port by participating in our very We are a FREE newspaper and those countries that do not
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