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A28    u.s. news
                 Dialuna 16 augustus 2021

                              1 dies in New Mexico school shooting; student detained

                                                                      Commander  Kyle  Hartsock  “Of course it’s extremely dif-
                                                                      described the shooting as an  ficult,” he said of something  Authorities  identified  the
                                                                      isolated incident between the  like  this  happening  so  early  man who was killed as Law-
                                                                      two  students,  who  were  be-  in  the  school  year.  “There’s  rence Anzures, a 30-year old
                                                                      lieved  to  be  about  13  years  a lot of pressure in the com-  boxer from Albuquerque.
                                                                      old.  He  said  a  school  re-  munity.  People  are  nervous.
                                                                      source officer ran toward the  It  was  a  terrible  incident  “Any small piece of informa-
                                                                      two boys after gunfire erupt-  that  happened  between  two  tion can help in turning this
                                                                      ed, and prevented any other  people. It should have never  into  a  prosecutable  case  so
                                                                      violence.                    happened.  ...  This  shouldn’t  that the family and friends of
                                                                                                   happen in the community. It  Lawrence can get the justice
                                                                      Hartsock  said  investigators  certainly shouldn’t happen at  they deserve,” Hartsock said.
                                                                      were trying to determine how  a school.”
                                                                      the student obtained the gun                              While  standing  at  an  inter-
                                                                      and what may have prompted  Police said more officers will  section  near  the  school,  top
            (AP)  —  One  student  was  Albuquerque Public Schools  the  shooting.  He  said  other  be  present  when  students  police  officials  were  asked
            killed  and  another  was  Superintendent  Scott  Elder  students  will  be  interviewed  return,  hoping  to  provide  a  by reporters about the ongo-
            taken into custody Friday  said  during  a  news  confer-  as detectives try to piece to-  sense of security and in case  ing violence in Albuquerque.
            after a shooting at a mid-   ence  with  police  that  it  was  gether what happened.  students  have  any  more  in-  The  city  for  years  has  had
            dle school near downtown  a terrible day for the district                              formation  about  the  shoot-  problems  with  high  crime
            Albuquerque  during  the  and the whole community.        The school was locked down,  ing.                         rates, but the officials pointed
            lunch hour, police said.                                  and  parents  were  asked  to                             to other cities across the U.S.
                                         “I  want  to  send  out  my  pick up their children.      Gunfire also rang out Thurs-  that  are  now  also  seeing  in-
            The  gunfire  at  Washington  thoughts and prayers to all of                           day night at a sports bar and  creases.
            Middle  School  marked  the  our students, all of our fami-  Friday marked just the third  restaurant near a busy Albu-
            second  shooting  in  New  lies that are impacted by this  day  of  classes  for  Albuquer-  querque  shopping  district.  “I think it takes not only po-
            Mexico’s  largest  city  in  less  horrible event,” he said.  que’s  public  school  district.  Police  said  one  person  was  lice,  but  the  community  as
            than 24 hours. Albuquerque                                While students won’t return  killed and three were injured  well  to  do  something  about
            is on pace to shatter its homi-  Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham  until Tuesday, Elder said the  after  someone  pulled  out  a  this  problem  and  address  it
            cide record this year, having  said she was heartbroken and  school  staff  will  be  making  gun during a fight.   head on,” said Deputy Chief
            already  matched  within  the  noted more work needs to be  preparations  to  ensure  stu-                          Eric Garcia. “Right now, this
            first eight months of the year  done to address gun violence  dents  have  access  to  coun-  No arrests have been made in  is a community issue. It’s not
            the  previous  annual  high  of  in the state.            seling and any other support  that  case.  Investigators  were  just a police issue. We all have
            80 homicides set in 2019.                                 services they need.          reviewing  surveillance  video  to work together.”
                                         Albuquerque  police  Deputy                               and interviewing witnesses.

                            Prominent fact-checker Snopes apologizes for plagiarism

            (AP)  —  The  co-founder  nior leadership.                two  Webby  Awards  and  originally  published  under  was  removing  unattributed
            and  CEO  of  the  fact-                                  served  as  one  of  Facebook’s  the  Mikkelson  pseudonym  content while leaving up in-
            checking site  “Let  us  be  clear:  Plagiarism  fact-checking  partners  be-  Jeff Zarronandia, three under  dividual  pages.  An  editor’s
            has acknowledged plagia-     undermines our mission and  tween  December  2016  and  Mikkelson’s  name  and  the  note  will  be  used  to  outline
            rizing from dozens of ar-    values,  full  stop.  It  has  no  February  2019,  BuzzFeed  rest as “Snopes staff.” Snopes  the issues and link to original
            ticles done by mainstream  place  in  any  context  within  News  said.  In  recent  years,  said it has identified 140 sto-  sources.
            news  outlets  over  several  this  organization,”  the  state-  the  site  has  been  the  focus  ries  with  possible  problems,
            years,  calling  the  appro-  ment said.                  of  a  contentious  ownership  including the 54 found to in-  “We are in the process of ar-
            priations  “serious  lapses                               battle  between  Mikkelson  clude appropriated material.  chiving  and  retracting  all  of
            in judgment.”                In a separate statement, eight  and the company that bought                            the  offending  stories,  along
                                         current  Snopes  writers  also  Hamel’s shares.           Snopes also cited AP material  with disabling any monetiza-
            From  2015  to  2019  —  and  condemned  Mikkelson’s  ac-                              that  wasn’t  properly  attrib-  tion features on those posts,”
            possibly even earlier — David  tions,  while  former  staffers  BuzzFeed News flagged sto-  uted. It did not specify which  the  statement  said.  “We  will
            Mikkelson included material  indicated  to  BuzzFeed  that  ries  from  a  range  of  outlets  stories.             attempt to contact each news
            lifted  from  the  Los  Angeles  he  routinely  encouraged  the  that  also  include  The  New                      outlet  whose  reporting  we
            Times,  The  Guardian  and  practice  as  a  way  to  make  York  Times,  CNN,  NBC  Senior  management  said  in  appropriated to issue an apol-
            others to scoop up web traf-  Snopes  appear  faster  than  it  News and the BBC. Six were  the  statement  that  Snopes  ogy.”
            fic,  according  to  BuzzFeed  was.
            News, which broke the story
            Friday.                      Mikkelson  did  not  imme-
                                         diately  return  an  Associated
            Mikkelson  used  his  own  Press email seeking comment
            name,  a  generic  Snopes  by-  Saturday.  He  told  BuzzFeed
            line and a pseudonym when  his behavior was due to a lack
            he  lifted  material,  including  of formal journalism experi-
            single  sentences  and  whole  ence.
            paragraphs  on  such  subjects
            as  same-sex  marriage  and  “I  didn’t  come  from  a  jour-
            the  death  of  David  Bowie,  nalism background,” he said.
            without  citing  the  sources,  “I wasn’t used to doing news
            BuzzFeed and Snopes said.    aggregation.  A  number  of
                                         times  I  crossed  the  line  to
            He has been suspended from  where  it  was  copyright  in-
            editorial  production  pend-  fringement. I own that.”
            ing the conclusion of an in-
            ternal  review  but  remains  Created in 1994 under a dif-
            CEO and a 50% shareholder  ferent  name  by  Mikkelson
            in the company, according to  and  his  then-wife,  Barbara
            a statement from Snopes’ se-  Hamel,  Snopes  has  earned
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