Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20210816
P. 30

A30    world news
                 Dialuna 16 augustus 2021

                           Afghan president flees country as Taliban move into Kabul

                                                                                                   Kabul,  Taliban  negotiators  more  violence.  One  female
                                                                                                   discussed a transfer of power,  journalist,   weeping,   sent
                                                                                                   said  an  Afghan  official.  The  voice messages to colleagues
                                                                                                   official, who spoke on condi-  after  armed  men  entered
                                                                                                   tion of anonymity to discuss  her  apartment  building  and
                                                                                                   details  of  the  closed-doors  banged on her door.
                                                                                                   negotiations, described them
                                                                                                   as “tense.”                  “What  should  I  do?  Should
                                                                                                                                I call the police or Taliban?”
                                                                                                   It  remained  unclear  when  Getee Azami cried. It wasn’t
                                                                                                   that transfer would take place  clear  what  happened  to  her
                                                                                                   and  who  among  the  Taliban  after that.
                                                                                                   was  negotiating.  The  nego-
                                                                                                   tiators  on  the  government  One  Afghan  university  stu-
                                                                                                   side  included  former  Presi-  dent  described  feeling  be-
                                                                                                   dent Hamid Karzai, leader of  trayed  as  she  watched  the
                                                                                                   Hizb-e-Islami  political  and  evacuation  of  the  U.S.  Em-
            (AP) — Afghanistan’s em-                                  forces.  Just  days  earlier,  an  paramilitary group Gulbudin  bassy.
            battled  president  left  the  Commercial flights were lat-  American  military  assess-  Hekmatyar  and  Abdullah,
            country  Sunday,  joining  er  suspended  after  sporadic  ment  estimated  it  would  be  who has been a vocal critic of  “You failed the younger gen-
            his fellow citizens and for-  gunfire erupted at the airport,  a  month  before  the  capital  Ghani.               eration of Afghanistan,” said
            eigners in a stampede flee-  according to two senior U.S.  would come under insurgent                               Aisha  Khurram,  22,  who  is
            ing the advancing Taliban  military  officials  who  spoke  pressure.                  Karzai himself appeared in a  now unsure of whether she’ll
            and  signaling  the  end  of  on condition of anonymity to                             video posted online, his three  be  able  to  graduate  in  two
            a  20-year  Western  experi-  discuss  ongoing  operations.  The fall of Kabul marks the  young daughters around him,  months’  time.  “A  genera-
            ment  aimed  at  remaking  Evacuations  continued  on  final  chapter  of  America’s  saying he remained in Kabul.  tion ... raised in the modern
            Afghanistan.                 military  flights,  but  the  halt  longest  war,  which  began                        Afghanistan  were  hoping  to
                                         to  commercial  traffic  closed  after the Sept. 11, 2001, ter-  Afghanistan’s  acting  defense  build the country with their
            The Taliban entered the capi-  off  one  of  the  last  routes  ror attacks masterminded by  minister,  Bismillah  Khan  own hands. They put blood,
            tal earlier in the day, and an  available  for  Afghans  fleeing  al-Qaida’s Osama bin Laden,  Mohammadi,  didn’t  hold  efforts and sweat into what-
            official  with  the  militant  the country.               then harbored by the Taliban  back his criticism of the flee-  ever we had right now.”
            group said it would soon an-                              government.  A  U.S.-led  in-  ing president.
            nounce  the  Islamic  Emirate  Still, U.S.  Secretary  of State  vasion dislodged the Taliban                       Sunday  began  with  the  Tal-
            of Afghanistan from the pres-  Antony  Blinken  rejected  and  beat  them  back,  though  “They  tied  our  hands  from  iban seizing the nearby city of
            idential palace — a return rich  comparisons to the U.S. pull-  America  lost  focus  on  the  behind and sold the country,”  Jalalabad — which had been
            in symbolism to the name of  out  from  Vietnam,  as  many  conflict  in  the  chaos  of  the  he wrote on Twitter. “Curse  the  last  major  city  besides
            the  country  under  the  Tal-  watched  in  disbelief  at  the  Iraq War.             Ghani and his gang.”         the capital not in their hands.
            iban  government  ousted  by  sight  of  helicopters  landing                                                       Afghan officials said the mili-
            U.S.-led forces after the 9/11  in the embassy compound to  For years, the U.S. has been  The  Taliban  earlier  insisted  tants also took the capitals of
            attacks. The official spoke on  take diplomats to a new out-  looking  for  an  exit  for  the  their  fighters  wouldn’t  en-  Maidan Wardak, Khost, Kapi-
            condition  of  anonymity  be-  post  at  Kabul  International  war. Washington under then-  ter  people’s  homes  or  inter-  sa  and  Parwan  provinces,  as
            cause he was not authorized  Airport.                     President  Donald  Trump  fere with businesses and said  well as the country’s last gov-
            to brief the media.                                       signed a deal with the Taliban  they’d offer an “amnesty” to  ernment-held border post.
                                         The  American  ambassador  in February 2020 that limited  those  who  worked  with  the
            The    insurgents   pushed  was  among  those  evacuated,  direct military action against  Afghan  government  or  for-  Later,  Afghan  forces  at  Ba-
            through  a  city  gripped  by  said officials who spoke con-  the insurgents. That allowed  eign forces.            gram air base, home to a pris-
            panic,   where   helicopters  dition of anonymity because  the fighters to gather strength                          on  housing  5,000  inmates,
            raced  overhead  throughout  they  were  not  authorized  to  and  move  quickly  to  seize  But  there  have  been  reports  surrendered  to  the  Taliban,
            the  day  to  evacuate  person-  discuss ongoing military op-  key areas when President Joe  of revenge killings and other  according to Bagram district
            nel  from  the  U.S.  Embassy.  erations.  He  was  asking  to  Biden announced his plans to  brutal  tactics  in  areas  of  the  chief  Darwaish  Raufi.  The
            Smoke  rose  near  the  com-  return to the embassy, but it  withdraw all American forces  country  the  Taliban  have  prison  at  the  former  U.S.
            pound as staff destroyed im-  was not clear if he would be  by the end of this month.  seized in recent days — and  base  held  both  Taliban  and
            portant  documents,  and  the  allowed to.                                             the reports of gunfire at the  Islamic State group fighters.
            American  flag  was  lowered.                             After  the  insurgents  entered  airport  raised  the  specter  of
            Several  other  Western  mis-  As  the  insurgents  closed  in
            sions  also  prepared  to  pull  Sunday,  President  Ashraf
            their people out.            Ghani flew out of the coun-
            Afghans fearing that the Tal-
            iban could reimpose the kind  As night fell, Taliban fighters
            of brutal rule that all but elim-  deployed across Kabul, taking
            inated women’s rights rushed  over abandoned police posts
            to leave the country, lining up  and pledging to maintain law
            at cash machines to withdraw  and  order  during  the  tran-
            their  life  savings.  The  des-  sition.  Residents  reported
            perately poor — who had left  looting  in  parts  of  the  city,
            homes in the countryside for  including in the upscale dip-
            the  presumed  safety  of  the  lomatic district, and messages
            capital  —  remained  in  their  circulating  on  social  media
            thousands in parks and open  advised people to stay inside
            spaces throughout the city.  and lock their gates.

            Though  the  Taliban  had  In  a  stunning  rout,  the  Tal-
            promised  a  peaceful  tran-  iban  seized  nearly  all  of  Af-
            sition,  the  U.S.  Embassy  ghanistan in just over a week,
            suspended  operations  and  despite the billions of dollars
            warned Americans late in the  spent by the U.S. and NATO
            day to shelter in place and not  over  nearly  two  decades  to
            try to get to the airport.   build  up  Afghan  security
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