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locAl           Wednesday 8 april 2020

            Support foodbank by marines transferred to hospital

            ORANJESTAD — The kitchen                                                               port local authorities. In the  struggle  to  fully  meet  their
            crew  from  the  Dutch  ma-                                                            case  of  a  request  of  assis-  basic needs.
            rine  base  in  Savaneta  has                                                          tance by one of the islands,
            prepared  more  than  1700                                                             the  military  will  support  lo-  FPNC will try to bring all or-
            meals for our Food Bank last                                                           cal  police  forces  to  main-  ganizations  and  founda-
            week. The marines were in                                                              tain public order and safe-  tions  together  to  focus  on
            a two-week quarantine af-                                                              ty. The marine base cannot  avoiding and fighting pov-
            ter taking part in an interna-                                                         stress  enough  for  people  erty, emotional distress and
            tional  naval  exercise  and                                                           to stay home and keep to  social exclusion in the larg-
            used their isolation time to                                                           the measures taken by the  est sense of the word (inde-
            help local community. Now                                                              government. Only together  pendent  of  the  national-
            they  need  their  capacity                                                            we  can  fight  against  CO-  ity, religion and culture), to
            again on the base, but the                                                             VID-19.                      gather funds and financial
            Food Bank is not left alone                                                                                         means to finance these ini-
            as  the  hospital  is  taking                                                          About the Food Bank          tiatives and to promote the
            over the marine’s task.                                                                Fundacion Pa Nos Comuni-     poverty care and the com-
                                                                                                   dad (FPNC) is a foundation  plete welfare.
            The  Dr.  Horacio  E.  Oduber  these hard  times  we  need  do  good,  together  we  will  that  supports  vulnerable  FPNC's major project is the
            Hospital  will  prepare  200  to make the best of it. We  make it,” says the marine’s  groups and voluntary initia-  national  Food  Bank;  stor-
            meals a day which will be  do  this  for  and  with  each  communication  represen-    tives in the Aruban commu-   age  for  food  products,
            donated to the Food Bank.  other.  It  is  fantastic  to  see  tative.                 nity.  There  are  more  than  clothing, furniture and oth-
            They will do this from April 6  that  the  initiative  is  car-                        800  families  registered  at  er  basic  needs  articles.  At
            to April 12 and the marines  ried on by our hospital. We  One  of  the  tasks  of  the  FPNC however we are well  the  same  time  they  avoid
            will take care of the trans-  can  only  hope  that  more  Dutch  military  defense  in  aware that there are more  waste  of  food  and  prod-
            port  to  the  Food  Bank.  “In  companies  are  inspired  to  the  Caribbean  is  to  sup-  families  on  Aruba  who  ucts .q

            Put people before pandemic

            By Melissa Martin            MD,  on  Facebook  before  flexibility,  participation,  al-  the  primary  players  in  this
            OHIO,  U.S.  —  God  bless  he  died  from  symptoms  lowing,  influencing,  lead-     drama,  patients  and  their
            us  ten,  Amen.  God  bless  consistent  with  COVID-19.  ing, reverence.              families,  friends,  and  com-
            us  four  and  no  more.  God  His list of words: tolerance,                           munity,  public  health  ex-
            bless  us  three  and  we  kindness,  empathy,  com-      Lest We Forget               perts, and health care pro-
            agree.  God  bless  us  two  passion, love for no reason,  When  the  pandemic  has  fessionals,  historian  Nancy
            and not you. Hoarding and  patience,  understanding,  ended—and  it  will  end,  K. Bristow draws on multiple
            hunkering is self-protection,  caring,  sharing,  giving,  hu-  humans  must  learn  lessons  perspectives  to  highlight
            but  rooted  in  panic.  Can’t  man  dignity,  selflessness,  and  better  prepare  for  fu-  the  complex  interplay  be-
            we make our circle bigger  emotional        connection,  ture  microbe  warfare  on  tween  social  identity,  cul-
            and include all God’s chil-  support,  curiosity,  innova-  Earth.  Leaders  of  all  coun-  tural  norms,  memory,  and
            dren  during  these  taxing  tion, resilience, endurance,  tries  must  practice  humil-  the  epidemic.  Bristow  has   Melissa  Martin,  Ph.D.  is  an
                                                                                                                                author,  columnist,  educator,
            and tiring times?            steadiness,     sufferance,  ity and communicate with  combed a wealth of prima-       and therapist. She lives in U.S.
                                         altruism,    benevolence,  other citizens on our planet.  ry sources, including letters,
            Survival  is  a  basic  human  curtesy,  decency,  gentle-                             diaries, oral histories, mem-  the  Pandemic  of  2020
            instinct.  Fear  of  illness  and  ness,  sweetness,  goodwill,  “We have met the enemy  oirs,  novels,  newspapers,  will  be  published.  We  will
            impending death crouches  peace,       grace,   service,  and he is us,” said Pogo in a  magazines,  photographs,  know  what  worked  and
            at  the  internal  epicenter  tact,  helpfulness,  thought-  comic strip by author Walt  government   documents,  what  didn’t  work.  We  will
            of  the  coronavirus  crisis.  fulness,  good  intentions,  Kelly.  Humans  are  not  the  and  health  care  literature.  mourn  the  deceased.  We
            Around  the  periphery  is  charity,  tenderness,  open  enemy—the  coronavirus  is  She shows that though the  will  recover,  reflect,  and
            the  fear  of  hunger,  thirst,  heart,  mercy,  consider-  the enemy. The humans in  pandemic caused massive  regroup.  The  human  race
            and lack of necessities. But  ation,  condolence,  smiles,  Wuhan,  China  are  not  the  disruption in the most basic  will  carry  on.  But  people
            courage  and  compassion  reassurance,  warmth,  dili-    enemy. Viruses don’t have  patterns  of  American  life,  must come before political
            to  care  for  strangers  is  the  gence,  fortitude,  perse-  a  nationality  and  they  do  influenza  did  not  create  agendas,  before  products
            crux  of  the  Good  Samari-  verance,  persistent,  poise,  not  discriminate  in  whom  long-term social or cultural  and  productivity,  and  be-
            tan story.                   humility,  restraint,  appre-  they infect.               change,  serving  instead  fore a pandemic.
                                         ciation,   friendship,   pas-                             to reinforce the status quo
            “Don’t  forget  about  these  sion, devotion, composure,  American  Pandemic:  The  and  the  differences  and  “What we learn in times of
            tools people! They can be  calmness,  generosity,  soft-  Lost  Worlds  of  the  1918  In-  disparities   that   defined  pestilence:  that  there  are
            the most powerful drugs we  ness,  blessing,  reciprocity,  fluenza  Epidemic  (2017)  American life.               more  things  to  admire  in
            have to use in this pandem-  self-sacrifice,  self-care,  sci-  by  Nancy  Bristow  needs                           men  than  to  despise.”―Al-
            ic!”  wrote  Frank  Gabrin,  ence,  prayer,  guidance,  to be studied. Focused on  No  doubt,  books  about  bert Camus (The Plague) q
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