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                                                                                                  business Wednesday 8 april 2020
            ECB takes action to keep banks lending during virus crisis

            By DAVID McHUGH                                                                                                     panies  and  have  less  rea-
            AP Business Writer                                                                                                  son to restrict credit by call-
            FRANKFURT,  Germany  (AP)                                                                                           ing in or not making loans.
            —  The  European  Central                                                                                           Banks are key for the Euro-
            Bank  took  action  Tuesday                                                                                         pean  economy  because
            to support lending to com-                                                                                          they  provide  most  of  the
            panies across the 19-coun-                                                                                          financing for companies, in
            try eurozone by easing rules                                                                                        contrast to the U.S., where
            for banks that tap the cen-                                                                                         borrowing   on    financial
            tral bank for ready money.                                                                                          markets is more common.
            The  action  comes  amid                                                                                            The  ECB  also  restored
            widespread efforts by cen-                                                                                          Greek  government  bonds
            tral banks such as the ECB                                                                                          to the approved collateral
            and  the  U.S.  Federal  Re-                                                                                        list,  opening  up  credit  for
            serve to keep the economy                                                                                           banks in Greece that hold
            supplied with credit so that                                                                                        them.
            businesses  can  weather  a                                                                                         They  had  been  excluded
            devastating period of shut-                                                                                         from the list after the Greek
            downs,  travel  restrictions                                                                                        debt  crisis  because  they
            and social distancing.                                                                                              were not rated investment
            The Frankfurt-based central                                                                                         grade.
            bank said it was temporar-                                                                                          The  bank  has  already  an-
            ily easing collateral rules for                                                                                     nounced an 870 billion-eu-
            lending to banks, meaning    A nearly full moon sets over the buildings of the banking district and the European Central Bank,   ro ($950 billion) program of
            banks can now use a wider    right, in Frankfurt, Germany, early Tuesday, April 7, 2020.           Associated Press  bond purchases to support
            range  of  financial  assets                                                                                        the  economy  through  the
            as  collateral  for  short-term  would  get  more  money  of collateral.               easier  for  banks  so  they  end of the year, as well as
            central  bank  credit  and  loaned for a given amount  The  impact  is  to  make  life  can keep lending to com-    easing requirements.q

            Wall Street’s rally fizzles as oil prices suddenly plunge

            By STAN CHOE and             ing  recession  is  inevitable,  for  when  stocks  decline
            ALEX VEIGA                   the stock market is looking  20% or more from a peak.
            AP Business Writers          ahead  to  when  econo-      "There's no guarantee that
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  A  big  mies  will  reopen  from  their  the  worst  is  behind  us,  yet
            rally on Wall Street is losing  medically  induced  coma.  traders  believe  that  at
            steam in afternoon trading  A  peak  in  new  infections  least  there  is  some  short-
            Tuesday,  undercut  in  part  would  offer  some  clar-   term  money  to  be  made,"
            by  another  plunge  in  the  ity  about  about  how  long  Stovall said.
            price of oil.                the recession may last and  The  Dow  Jones  Industrial
            The  S&P  500  had  been  up  how deep it will be. Inves-  Average was up 148 points,
            as much as 3.5% early in the  tors could then, finally, en-  or 0.7%, to 23,828, and the
            day,  tacking  more  gains  vision the other side of the  Nasdaq was up 0.1%.
            onto  its  7%  surge  Monday  economic  shutdown,  af-    Oil prices have been even    In this image taken from video provided by the New York Stock
            following     encouraging  ter  authorities  forced  busi-  more volatile than the stock   Exchange, Tommy Gannon, Assistant Supervisor, Facilities, rings
            signs  that  the  coronavirus  nesses  to  halt  in  hopes  of  market in recent weeks as   the opening bell at the NYSE, and recognizes the Sodexo food
            pandemic  may  be  close  slowing  the  spread  of  the  demand dries up for ener-     services staff at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston,
            to  leveling  off  in  some  of  virus. In the meantime, gov-  gy amid a global economy   Tuesday, April 7, 2020, in New York.   Associated Press.
            the hardest hit areas of the  ernments around the world  weakened by the corona-
            world.  But the gains mostly  are approving or discussing  virus  outbreak.  Russia  and  New  York.  The  number  of  lion  Americans  applied  for
            evaporated  in  the  after-  trillions  of  dollars  more  of  Saudi  Arabia  have  also  daily  deaths  rose  in  New  unemployment benefits last
            noon after the price of U.S.  aid for the economy.        been locked in a price war,  York, the center of the U.S.  week as layoffs sweep the
            crude oil slid more than 7%.  Many professional investors  refusing  to  cut  production  outbreak,  but  other  statis-  country.  That  would  bring
            Energy stocks in the S&P 500  say they're wary of the re-  even as the world is awash  tics  were  more  encourag-  the total to nearly 15 million
            were  clinging  onto  a  2.9%  cent  upsurge  and  expect  in excess oil.              ing, including the average  over the past three weeks.
            gain after earlier being up  more volatility ahead. But if  Benchmark   U.S.   crude  number of people hospital-    Analysts  also  expect  big
            nearly 8%. That weighed on  Tuesday's slight gains hold,  oil  fell  $1.98  to  $24.11  per  ized each day.         companies  in  upcoming
            the overall market, and the  it would be one of the few  barrel.  In  China,  the  first  Experts  say  more  deaths  weeks to report their worst
            S&P 500 was up just 0.7%, as  times  the  market  has  mus-  country to lock down wide  are on the way due to CO-   quarter of profit declines in
            of 2:52 p.m. Eastern time.   tered a back-to-back gain  swaths  of  its  economy  to  VID-19,  which  has  already  more than a decade.  Mas-
            Earlier in the day, Wall Street  since  the  coronavirus  out-  slow  the  spread  of  the  vi-  claimed  at  least  76,000  sive  aid  from  the  Federal
            had surged to big gains as  break caused it to start sell-  rus, authorities reported no  lives  around  the  world.  Reserve has helped smooth
            markets  around  the  world  ing off in mid-February.     new  deaths  over  the  past  The U.S. leads  the world  in  out  snarled  trading  that
            rallied for a second straight  "We  are  still  in  what  you  24  hours.  Many  experts,  confirmed cases with more  had beset lending markets
            day following encouraging  would call the relief rally off  though,  are  skeptical  of  than  369,000,  according  earlier  in  the  sell-off.  Com-
            signs  that  the  coronavirus  of  the  prior  low,"  said  Sam  China's virus figures.   to a tally by Johns Hopkins  panies  are  coming  back
            pandemic  may  be  close  Stovall,  chief  investment  Investors  also  see  signals  University.                   to the bond market to bor-
            to  leveling  off  in  some  of  strategist at CFRA. He not-  that  the  number  of  daily  More  economic  misery  is  row, even some with "junk"
            the  hardest  hit  areas  of  ed that this kind of a rally is  infections and deaths may  also on the horizon. Econo-  credit ratings, and investors
            the  world..    Even  though  common within deep bear  be close to peaking or pla-     mists  expect  a  report  on  are  actually  lending  them
            economists  say  a  punish-  markets,  Wall  Street-speak  teauing  in  Spain,  Italy  and  Thursday to show that 5 mil-  money again. q
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