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WORLD NEWS Wednesday 8 april 2020
With prime minister in ICU, Britain asks: Who's in charge?
By JILL LAWLESS and think tank. "This was Boris
DANICA KIRKA Johnson and his people."
Associated Press Raab's "lack of political
LONDON (AP) — As British authority" might become
Prime Minister Boris Johnson noticeable if it is time to
fights the coronavirus in the make major decisions, like
intensive care unit of a Lon- when to ease the coun-
don hospital, the people of try's coronavirus lockdown
his country are wishing him in an attempt to revive the
well — and asking who's in economy.
charge. Restrictions on movement
The answer is ambiguous. and economic activity
Britain's unwritten constitu- were imposed March 23 in
tion does not spell out what response to COVID-19, ini-
happens if a prime minister tially for three weeks. That
becomes unable to per- means a review is needed
form his or her job. next week. With the gov-
There is no official role of ernment's medical advis-
acting or deputy prime ers saying infections have
minister, and heads of yet to peak in the U.K. and
government only leave of- more than 6,100 deaths
fice through resignation or reported so far, it's unlikely
death, Alex Thomas, a pro- the restrictions will be lifted
gram director at the Insti- that soon.
tute for Government, politi- A man reads a newspaper with the headline: 'PM in intensive care', outside St Thomas' Hospital in British officials are hoping
cal think-tank, said. central London as British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is in intensive care fighting the coronavirus Johnson will be back at his
"Boris Johnson continues as in London, Tuesday, April 7, 2020. desk by the time the deci-
prime minister for as long as Associated Press. sion has to be made.
neither of those things hap- some confusion about the rently scheduled. But Raab That's especially true in If Johnson did become
pens," he said. limits of Raab's powers and can't fire Cabinet ministers Johnson's government, unable to return to work,
The U.K.'s leaders can ap- whether he is authorized or senior officials, and he which is made up of rela- he could resign and pick
point someone to fill in for to make major policy de- won't hold the prime minis- tively inexperienced minis- a successor, whom the
them temporarily during ill- cisions, or even take the ter's weekly audience with ters appointed by a prime queen would be asked to
ness or absences. When he country to war. Queen Elizabeth II. minister with a big person- appoint as prime minister.
was admitted to the hospi- Johnson's official spokes- In the British political sys- ality and a hefty personal If Johnson couldn't make
tal Sunday night, Johnson man, James Slack, said tem, the prime minister's mandate from a resound- a preference known, the
asked Foreign Secretary Tuesday that Raab would power lies less in the role's ing election victory in De- remaining Cabinet mem-
Dominic Raab -- who also lead the government's re- specific responsibilities — cember. bers would be expected to
holds the title first secre- sponse to the coronavirus which are relatively few — "This was not a Cabinet of choose a replacement.
tary of state -- to take over outbreak, and would also than in the leader's political equals," said Jill Rutter, a "If they can't agree, then
many of his duties "where be able to lead meetings of capital and authority as former civil servant and se- that puts us in very diffi-
appropriate." the National Security Coun- "first among equals" in the nior research fellow at the cult constitutional territory,"
The wording has caused cil, though none is cur- Cabinet. U.K. in a Changing Europe Thomas said.q
Court find ex-Ecuador president guilty of corruption
By GONZALO SOLANO him from running for office have demanded his arrest
Associated Press for 25 years. and extradition previously,
QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — An "So much money can't be thus far he has been al-
Ecuadorian court found hidden easily," said León, lowed to stay in Belgium.
former President Rafael who read the sentence in Ecuadorian officials are not
Correa guilty of corruption the closed door, two-hour expected to request his im-
Tuesday and sentenced long sentencing in which mediate extradition until
him to eight years in prison, judges wore masks and the case has made its way
further sullying the legacy protective gloves as a pre- through the anticipated
of one of the nation's most caution against the spread appeals process.
enduring and polemic po- of the coronavirus. Prosecutors state the former
litical leaders. Correa has denied the president oversaw a plot
Judge Iván León said pros- charges against him, call- in which foreign and local
ecutors had successfully ing them a political witch businesses made cash pay-
proved the existence of hunt. ments to his PAIS Alliance
a "structure of corruption" "For sure we will win at the political party in exchange
led by Correa and 19 other international level," he said for lucrative public works
high-profile politicians and on Twitter immediately after contracts. The payments
business leaders accused the sentencing. "Because were allegedly made be- In this July 5, 2018 file photo, Ecuador's former President Rafael
of participating in the brib- this is all a monstrosity." tween 2012 and 2016, years Correa gives an interview at his family home near Brussels,
ery scheme. The 57-year-old former that overlap with Correa's Belgium.
The decision could effec- head of state has been liv- time in the presidency. Associated Press.
tively end any aspirations ing in his wife's native Bel- Correa led the country until by an oil boom and loans grams, build roads, schools
by Correa to return to poli- gium since 2017. Though 2017, a period of economic from China that allowed and other projects that
tics, as the sentence bars Ecuadorian authorities stability and growth driven him to expand social pro- transformed Ecuador. q