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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 8 april 2020
            Trump removes watchdog tapped for $2T virus rescue oversight

            Continued from Front         of dollars are being alloca-  of the mandates from Con-   because  Trump  has  no-     Chairwoman  Carolyn  Ma-
                                         ted  to  help  the  American  gress  were  unconstitutio-  minated  a  replacement  loney,  D-N.Y.,  said  Trump’s
            “President Trump is abusing  people.”  Trump’s  removal  nal.                          inspector  general  at  the  actions are a “direct insult”
            the  coronavirus  pandemic  of Fine follows his late-night  “I’ll  be  the  oversight,”  Pentagon  and  appointed  to American taxpayers.
            to eliminate honest and in-  firing  on Friday of Michael  Trump declared as lawma-    an  acting  one  to  serve  in  “President Trump has been
            dependent public servants  Atkinson,  the  intelligence  kers were finalizing the res-  Fine’s  place,  according  to  engaged  in  an  assault
            because they are willing to  community  inspector  ge-    cue plan.                    an  email  from  an  assistant  against  independent  In-
            speak  truth  to  power  and  neral  who  forwarded  to  He has also drawn criticism  Defense  Department  in-      spectors General since last
            because  he  is  so  clearly  Congress  a  whistleblower  for  naming  a  White  House  spector  general  that  was  Friday in order to undermi-
            afraid of strong oversight,”  complaint  that  ultimately  lawyer  to  a  new  Treasury  obtained  by  The  Associa-  ne oversight of his chaotic
            Schumer  said  in  a  state-  led to the president’s impe-  Department  position  over-  ted Press.                 and  deficient  response  to
            ment.                        achment in the House.        seeing $500 billion in coro-  The  demotion  disqualifies  the coronavirus crisis,” Ma-
            Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif.,  On Monday, the president  navirus aid to industry.        Fine  from  serving  on  the  loney said.
            who  led  Trump’s  impe-     also  publicly  condemned  Michael  Horowitz,  the  Jus-  oversight board, which was  Republican  Sen.  Charles
            achment  and  subsequent  the acting Health and Hu-       tice  Department  inspec-    created by Congress to be  Grassley,  a  longtime  whis-
            Senate  prosecution,  told  man  Services  watchdog  tor general and chair of a  the  nexus  of  oversight  for  tleblower advocate, twee-
            The  Associated  Press  that  over  a  survey  of  hospitals  council of watchdogs, had  coronavirus funding. He will  ted at Trump not to view in-
            Trump’s  actions  were  “de-  about  the  coronavirus  res-  moved  quickly  last  month  instead  revert  to  the  posi-  spectors  general  as  critics,
            signed  to  neuter  any  kind  ponse.                     to appoint Fine the head of  tion of principal deputy in-  though  he  didn’t  mention
            of  oversight  of  his  actions  Trump  has  bristled  at  the  the  new  coronavirus  over-  spector general.      Fine by name. He said the
            and  that  of  the  admini-  oversight of the coronavirus  sight board.                Democrats     immediately  officials  hold  the  federal
            stration  during  a  time  of  law,  suggesting  in  a  state-  But  Fine  will  no  longer  be  criticized the move. House  bureaucracy   accounta-
            national crisis, when trillions  ment last month that some  able  to  serve  in  the  role  Oversight   and   Reform  ble. q

               ‘A lot of pain.’ NY has biggest 1-day jump in virus deaths

               By  MARINA  VILLENEUVE,                                                                                         announced  prior  to  Cuo-
               KAREN MATTHEWS and                                                                                              mo's  release  of  the  new
               MICHAEL HILL                                                                                                    state fatality numbers.
               Associated Press                                                                                                ___
               NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  New                                                                                         HOSPITAL SHIP INFECTION
               York  state  recorded  731                                                                                      A crew member of a Navy
               new  coronavirus  deaths,                                                                                       hospital  ship  sent  to  New
               marking  its  biggest  single-                                                                                  York  City  for  the  corona-
               day  jump,  Gov.  Andrew                                                                                        virus  outbreak  has  tested
               Cuomo said Tuesday.                                                                                             positive for the disease.
               The state's death toll since                                                                                    The  USNS  Comfort  crew
               the  beginning  of  the  out-                                                                                   member  tested  positive
               break  last  month  grew  to                                                                                    Monday  and  was  being
               5,489.  The  alarming  surge                                                                                    isolated, the Navy said in a
               in  deaths  comes  even  as                                                                                     prepared  statement.  The
               new  hospital  admissions                                                                                       positive test will not affect
               have  dropped  on  aver-                                                                                        the  hospital  ship's  mission
               age  over  several  days,  a                                                                                    to  receive  patients,  ac-
               possible  harbinger  of  the                                                                                    cording to the Navy.
               outbreak  finally  leveling                                                                                     The  Comfort  has  treated
               off. Cuomo said the death                                                                                       about  40  non-COVID-19
               tally is a "lagging indicator"                                                                                  patients  since  arriving  in
               that reflects the loss of criti-  A medical worker wearing personal protective equipment pauses after wheeling a body to a   the city last week, prompt-
               cally ill people hospitalized   refrigerated trailer serving as a makeshift morgue at Wyckoff Heights Medical Center, Monday,   ing complaints it was doing
               earlier.                    April 6, 2020, in the Brooklyn borough of New York.                                 little to help overburdened
               "That's  731  people  who                                                                     Associated Press.  hospitals in the area.
               we lost. Behind every one  139,000 statewide.           died from the coronavirus  on Sept. 11, 2001.           President  Donald  Trump
               of those numbers is an in-  While  Cuomo  said  New  in New York City than per-     The coronavirus has again  said  Monday  he  agreed
               dividual.  There's  a  family,  York  could  be  reaching  ished in the Sept. 11 attack  made  New  York  ground  to  take  COVID-19  pa-
               there's  a  mother,  there's  a  "plateau"  in  hospitaliza-  on  the  World  Trade  Cen-  zero in a national tragedy  tients  aboard  the  ship  af-
               a  father,  there's  a  sister,  tions, he warned that gains  ter.  At  least  3,202  people  and  the  center  of  a  crisis  ter speaking with Cuomo.
               there's a brother. So a lot  are dependent on people  have been killed in the city  that  is  reshaping  Ameri-  Federal officials say emer-
               of  pain  again  today  for  continuing to practice so-  by the virus, according to  cans'  lives,  liberties  and  gency patients will now be
               many  New  Yorkers,"  Cuo-  cial distancing.            a  new  count  released  by  fears.    The  coronavirus  seen on the ship, whether
               mo  said  at  a  briefing  at  "This  is  a  projection,"  he  city  health  officials  Tues-  death  toll  has  mounted  or not they have the virus,
               the state Capitol.          said.  "It  still  depends  on  day.                    over  the  course  of  just  a  though  the  ship  can  iso-
               The state has been record-  what we do, and what we  The deadliest terror attack  few  weeks.  The  city  re-   late  only  a  small  number
               ing  more  than  500  new  do  will  affect  those  num-  on U.S. soil killed 2,753 peo-  corded  its  first  on  March  of patients.
               deaths  a  day  since  late  bers."                     ple  in  the  city  and  2,977  13,  less  than  two  weeks  Though  the  Comfort  has
               last  week.  The  number  of  Here  are  other  coronavi-  overall,  when  hijacked  after  confirming  its  first  in-  1,000  beds,  Cuomo  said
               confirmed cases — which  rus  developments  in  New  planes  slammed  into  the  fection.  New  York  City  is  the  transition  to  handling
               does  not  include  infect-  York:                      World  Trade  Center,  the  conducting its own count  coronavirus  patients  will
               ed  people  who  have  not  SEPT. 11 ATTACKS            Pentagon and a field near  of fatalities, separate from  reduce the ship's capacity
               been tested — is close to  More  people  have  now  Shanksville,  Pennsylvania,  the state's, and its tally was  to 500 beds.q
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