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                                                                                                       sports Diabierna 30 Juli 2021

                                   American gymnast Sunisa Lee takes Olympic gold

            (AP) — Sunisa Lee wanted  day of the U.S. Olympic Tri-    sota just days before the 2019
            to quit during quarantine.   als  last  month,  but  that  was  national  championships  —
                                         an anomaly, right?           before the meet, just like al-
            It all had become too much.                               ways. He told her to relax. So
            The  lingering  pain  from  a  Then Biles opted out of the  she did. Or at least, she tried.
            broken  foot.  The  deaths  of  all-around competition to fo-
            two  family  members  from  cus on her mental health fol-  Lee admitted she was getting
            COVID-19.  Her  father’s  lowing an eight-year run atop  “in her head” a little bit while
            slow  recovery  from  an  acci-  the sport.               prepping for her bar routine,
            dent that left him paralyzed.                             the  one  that’s  currently  the
                                         Everything was on the table.  hardest  in  the  world.  She
            The  urge  eventually  passed.  Gold  included.  Lee  took  it  didn’t  exactly  look  nervous.
            It always does. Still, less than  with a brilliant set on uneven  The  15.300  the  judges  re-
            two months ago the 18-year-  bars,  a  nervy  performance  warded  her  for  a  series  of
            old gymnast hobbled around  on beam and a floor exercise  intricate  connections  and
            the podium at the U.S. cham-  that made up for in execution  releases tied Andrade’s near-
            pionships,  getting  by  more  what it might have lacked in  perfect  Cheng  vault  for  the
            on grit than anything else.  aggression.                  highest score of the night.
            Tokyo seemed far away. The  Her total of 57.433 points was  Yet  it  wasn’t  Lee’s  brilliance  ko)                 cans.  Lee’s  victory  marked
            top of the Olympic podium,  just enough to top Andrade,  that made the difference but  The  21-year-old  Brazilian,  the  fifth  straight  by  a  U.S.
            even further.                who  earned  the  first  gym-  her guts. She nearly came off  two  years  removed  from  a  woman,  with  the  past  three
                                         nastics  all-around  medal  by  the  balance  beam  while  ex-  third surgery to repair a torn  Olympic champions all being
            Then suddenly, there she was  a Latin American athlete but  ecuting a wolf turn — basi-  ACL in her knee, had the best  women of color.
            on Thursday night as a tinny  missed out on gold when she  cally a seated spin — needed  floor  score  of  the  contend-
            version  of  “The  Star-Span-  stepped out of bounds twice  to  suction  cup  her  toes  to  ers  during  qualifying.  Yet  Biles  and  2012  gold  medal-
            gled  Banner”  echoed  across  during her floor routine.  the  4-inch  slab  of  wood  to  she  bounded  out  of  bounds  ist Gabby Douglas are Black.
            Ariake  Gymnastics  Centre.                               stay on. Her score of 13.833  with both feet at the end of  Lee’s parents are Hmong, an
            Gold medal around her neck.  Russian  gymnast  Angelina  moved  her  in  front  of  An-  her first tumbling pass. And  ethnic  group  who  have  his-
            A  watch  party  back  home  Melnikova  added  bronze  to  drade heading into the floor  her right foot stepped off the  torically  lived  in  the  moun-
            among  the  Hmong-Ameri-     the gold she won in the team  exercise.                   white mat and onto the sur-  tains of Southeast Asia. Lee’s
            can community in her native  final.  American  Jade  Carey,                            rounding blue carpet.        parents emigrated from Laos
            Minnesota  raging.  A  victory  who  joined  the  competition  Going  first,  Lee  opted  for  a                    to  Minnesota,  which  has
            she never envisioned not yet  after  Biles  pulled  out,  fin-  routine with three tumbling  Needing  a  13.802  to  win,  the  largest  concentration  of
            sinking in.                  ished eighth.                passes instead of four, hoping  Andrade  received  a  13.666  Hmong  in  the  U.S.  A  large
                                                                      better execution would over-  instead. Not that she particu-  group  of  friends  and  family
            “It’s  crazy,”  Lee  said  after  Biles’ decision to sit out led to  ride any potential tenths she  larly  cared.  She  wasn’t  even  gathered  in  Minneapolis  to
            winning  the  Olympic  all-  the jarring sight of the gym-  surrendered  by  not  doing  a  sure  she  would  make  it  to  watch her make history. She
            around title following a tight  nast  considered  the  greatest  fourth pass. Her 13.700 was  Tokyo until she won the all-  hopes the image of a Hmong
            duel  with  Brazil’s  Rebeca  of  all  time  cheering  on  Lee  steady, but it left an opening  around at the Pan American  standing in front of the world
            Andrade.  “It  doesn’t  seem  and the rest of the 24-woman  for Andrade.               Championships two months  and on top of her sport reso-
            like real life.”             field from the stands with the                            ago.  She  was  in  tears  as  she  nates  in  a  community  she
                                         gold  that’s  been  hers  for  so  Rebeca  Andrade,  of  Brazil,  watched  her  country’s  flag  sometimes  feels  can  be  too
            Even though the pain in Lee’s  long  now  in  play  for  every-  performs  on  the  floor  dur-  raised  during  an  Olympic  restrictive.
            foot  eased  —  funny  how  it  one else.                 ing  the  artistic  gymnastics  gymnastics ceremony for the
            seemed to get better the more                             women's  all-around  final  at  first time.               “I want people to know that
            she trained — she arrived in  Still, Lee did her best to not  the 2020 Summer Olympics,                             you  can  reach  your  dreams
            Japan  figuring  her  best  shot  think  about  the  stakes.  She  Thursday,  July  29,  2021,  in  “This  medal  represents  all  and you can just do what you
            was  at  a  silver  medal.  Sure,  FaceTimed  with  her  father  Tokyo.  (AP  Photo/Natacha  Brazil,” she said.     want  to  do,”  she  said.  “Be-
            she’d beaten good friend and  John  —  who  was  paralyzed  Pisarenko)                                              cause you never know what’s
            reigning  Olympic  champion  from the chest down during  Rebeca  Andrade,  of  Brazil.  The  gold,  however,  remains  going to happen in the end.”
            Simone Biles during the final  a  freak  accident  in  Minne-  (AP  Photo/Natacha  Pisaren-  in  possession  of  the  Ameri-

                            NFLPA President criticizes league on vaccine wristbands

            (AP)  —  Browns  center  vaccinated  and  unvacci-        cal.”                        entiator,”  Tretter  said.  “The  protocol  compliance  at  the
            and  NFLPA  President  JC  nated players to wear dif-                                  unvaccinated players need to  facility, particularly given the
            Tretter  feels  the  NFL  is  ferent colored wristbands.  Tretter,  who  took  office  last  wear masks. No other sports  protocol  modifications  for
            trying to shame players by                                year as the COVID-19 pan-    leagues use any sort of scarlet  fully vaccinated individuals.
            urging  teams  to  require  He called the idea “nonsensi-  demic was in its early stages,  marking  or  helmet  decal  or
                                                                      said  Thursday  he’s  thank-  wristband because they know  “Please  note  that  beginning
                                                                      ful  the  Browns  didn’t  adopt  it’s  not  necessary  and  the  at the start of training camp,”
                                                                      the  wristband  policy  and  he  teams know who’s vaccinated  the memo said, “clubs will be
                                                                      blasted  the  league  for  some  and not vaccinated.”     required to develop a meth-
                                                                      other measures.                                           od  to  visually  identify  fully
                                                                                                   But  the  NFL  explains  the  vaccinated Tier 1 and Tier 2
                                                                      Tretter said it’s easy to iden-  wristband  policy  is  designed  individuals.  We  recommend
                                                                      tify who isn’t vaccinated be-  to help the club or the league  utilizing  color  coded  wrist-
                                                                      cause  those  choosing  not  to  more easily identify if a play-  bands  or  credentials,  how-
                                                                      get  the  shots  are  required  er who is not vaccinated was  ever, clubs are free to imple-
                                                                      masks and follow other pro-  not wearing a mask.          ment other methods.”
                                                                                                   In  a  memo  sent  earlier  this  Tier 1 and Tier 2 covers team
                                                                      “They  say  they  need  a  dif-  month  to  the  32  franchises,  personnel  who  have  direct
                                                                      ferentiator  between  unvac-  the league noted that several  contact with players.
                                                                      cinated  and  vaccinated  play-  teams  had  inquired  about
                                                                      ers, we already have a differ-  best practices for monitoring
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