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A28    u.s. news
                      Diabierna 30 Juli 2021

                        Ex-Cardinal McCarrick charged with sexually assaulting teen

            (AP)  —  Former  Cardi-      case  in  the  courtroom,”  and  documents.               reports of sexual misconduct.  est  circles  of  church  leader-
            nal Theodore McCarrick,  declined  further  comment.                                   An internal investigation re-  ship — even as awareness of
            who  was  defrocked  after  McCarrick, who now lives in  Before leaving the room, Mc-  port released last year put the  his  suspect  behavior  spread
            a  Vatican  investigation  Missouri,  has  been  ordered  Carrick told him to “say three  lion’s share of blame on Pope  steadily  through  the  hierar-
            confirmed  he  had  sexu-    to  appear  in  Massachusetts  Our Fathers and a Hail Mary  John Paul II, who appointed  chy.
            ally  molested  adults  as  for  his  arraignment  on  Aug.  or it was one Our Father and  McCarrick  archbishop  of
            well as children, has been  26.                           three Hail Marys, so God can  Washington,  D.C.,  despite  Ordained as a priest in New
            charged  with  sexually  as-                              redeem you of your sins,” ac-  having commissioned an in-  York  City  in  1958,  McCar-
            saulting  a  teenage  boy  The charges against McCar-     cording to the report.       quiry that confirmed he slept  rick rose to become archbish-
            during  a  wedding  recep-   rick  were  first  reported  by                           with seminarians.            op of Newark, New Jersey, in
            tion  in  Massachusetts  in  The Boston Globe on Thurs-   The man also described other                              1986 and then archbishop of
            1974, court records show.    day.                         instances  of  sexual  abuse  by  Anne  Barrett  Doyle,  co-  Washington,  D.C.,  in  2000.
                                                                      McCarrick over the years, in-  founder  of  the  online  re-  He was elevated to the rank
            McCarrick  is  the  first  car-  The man said the abuse start-  cluding when the man was an  search  database  BishopAc-  of  cardinal  in  2001  by  Pope
            dinal  in  the  U.S.  to  ever  be  ed when he was a young boy,  adult, the report said., said that “for  John Paul II.
            criminally  charged  with  a  according  to  the  court  re-                           McCarrick,  today’s  reckon-
            sexual crime against a minor,  cords. The man told authori-  Authorities began investigat-  ing is long overdue.”   In  June  2018,  McCarrick
            according  to  Mitchell  Ga-  ties  during  an  interview  in  ing McCarrick after Garabe-                          suddenly became the face of
            rabedian, a well-known law-  January  that  McCarrick  was  dian sent a letter alleging the  “We hope that these charges  the  long-festering  Catholic
            yer  for  church  sexual  abuse  close to his family and would  abuse  to  the  district  attor-  lead to justice,” she said in an  sex abuse crisis as Pope Fran-
            victims  who  is  representing  perform  wedding  masses,  ney’s office, according to the  emailed statement.       cis removed him from public
            the man alleging the abuse by  baptisms  and  funerals  for  court records.                                         ministry  due  to  allegations
            McCarrick.                   them.                                                     Jeff  Anderson,  an  attorney  that  he  abused  a  teenager
                                                                      McCarrick,  91,  was  de-    who  has  represented  others  while a priest in New York. A
            “It   takes   an   enormous  The man said that during his  frocked  by  Pope  Francis  in  who say they were victimized  church panel determined that
            amount  of  courage  for  a  brother’s  wedding  reception  2019  after  a  Vatican  investi-  by McCarrick, said in a state-  a  former  altar  boy’s  allega-
            sexual abuse victim to report  at Wellesley College in June  gation confirmed decades of  ment that the defrocked car-  tions that McCarrick fondled
            having  been  sexually  abused  1974 — when he was 16 —  rumors that he was a sexual  dinal’s “history of prolific sex  him  before  Christmas  Mass
            to  investigators  and  proceed  McCarrick told him that his  predator.                crimes  has  been  ignored  by  at  St.  Patrick’s  Cathedral  in
            through  the  criminal  pro-  father wanted him to have a                              the highest-ranking Catholic  1971 and 1972 were “credible
            cess,”  Garabedian  said  in  an  talk with McCarrick because  The  case  created  a  credibil-  officials for decades.”  and substantiated.”
            email. “Let the facts be pre-  the boy was “being mischie-  ity crisis for the church since
            sented, the law applied, and a  vous at home and not attend-  the Vatican had reports from  “For  too  long  Catholic  in-  The  church  also  acknowl-
            fair verdict rendered.”      ing church.”                 authoritative  cardinals  dat-  stitutions have been self-po-  edged that it had made pre-
            McCarrick faces three counts                              ing to 1999 that McCarrick’s  licing  while  making  pledges  viously  undisclosed  finan-
            of  indecent  assault  and  bat-  The  man  said  that  the  two  behavior  was  problematic,  and promises without action.  cial  settlements  with  adults
            tery on a person over 14, ac-  of  them  went  for  a  walk  yet he became an influential  McCarrick should be behind  who  accused  McCarrick  of
            cording to documents filed in  around campus and McCar-   cardinal, kingmaker and em-  bars  for  his  crimes,”  Ander-  sexual  misconduct  decades
            the  Dedham  District  Court  rick groped him before they  issary of the Holy See’s “soft  son said.                ago.  It  was  apparently  com-
            on Wednesday.                went  back  to  the  party.  The  diplomacy.”                                          mon knowledge in the U.S.
                                         man  said  McCarrick  also                                Of the thousands of Catholic  and  Vatican  leadership  that
            Barry  Coburn,  an  attorney  sexually  assaulted  him  in  a  It led to a two-year investiga-  clergymen implicated in sex-  “Uncle  Ted,”  as  McCarrick
            for McCarrick, told The As-  “coat room type closet” after  tion that found that bishops,  ual  abuse  in  recent  decades,  was known, slept with semi-
            sociated Press that they “look  they  returned  to  the  recep-  cardinals  and  popes  down-  McCarrick  was  distinctive  narians, and yet he still he as-
            forward  to  addressing  the  tion, authorities wrote in the  played or dismissed multiple  in  having  reached  the  high-  cended up the church ranks.

                              Violent arrest in Colorado reignites anger over policing

            (AP) — A video showing a  shows Haubert hold his pis-     of  ketamine  by  paramed-   always like ‘If you come into  son’s treatment as a “very de-
            police officer pistol-whip-  tol  to  Vinson’s  head,  strike  ics. McClain died less than a  Aurora, you leave on proba-  spicable act.”
            ping and choking a Black  him  with  it,  choke  him  and  week later.                 tion.’ Period. They don’t feel
            man during an arrest in a  threaten to shoot him.                                      safe.”                       Rathod praised her for trying
            Denver  suburb  has  reig-                                No  officers  were  charged                               to change the department but
            nited  anger  over  policing  “You’re  killing  me,”  Vinson  in  that  case  but  Democratic  Police  Chief  Vanessa  Wil-  blamed  Mayor  Mike  Coff-
            in  the  community,  with  cried, gasping for air, as Hau-  Gov. Jared Polis asked Attor-  son  called  Vinson’s  case  an  man  for  not  denouncing
            activists  decrying  what  bert  holds  him  down,  the  ney  General  Phil  Weiser  to  “anomaly”  on  Tuesday  and  what  happened  or  apologiz-
            they  say  is  just  the  latest  video  shows.  “If  you  move,  reinvestigate whether anyone  asked the public not to paint  ing to Vinson. He called on
            example  of  the  mistreat-  I  will  shoot  you,”  Haubert  should  be  prosecuted  after  the department “with a broad  Coffman to resign.
            ment of people of color.     said.                        the case drew renewed atten-  brush.”  She  put  the  officers
                                                                      tion  following  the  killing  of  on leave and denounced Vin-
            Aurora Officer John Haubert  The footage angered activists  George Floyd. The investiga-
            was arrested on suspicion of  on Wednesday. They want to  tion is still pending.
            attempted  first-degree  as-  bring attention to a police de-
            sault,  second-degree  assault  partment  plagued  by  allega-  Last year, the Police Depart-
            and felony menacing charges,  tions of misconduct in recent  ment also came under fire for
            after  officers  responded  Fri-  years,  including  the  2019  an incident where four Black
            day  to  a  trespassing  report  death of Elijah McClain.  girls were handcuffed and or-
            where they found Kyle Vin-                                dered face down in a parking
            son, who is biracial and iden-  McClain was walking down a  lot after a stolen car mix-up.
            tifies as Black.             street in the city east of Den-
                                         ver in August 2019 when he  “This  isn’t  about  just  Eli-
            Haubert’s lawyer, Reid Elkus,  was  stopped  by  local  police  jah  or  just  about  Kyle.  This
            has  vowed  to  “zealously  de-  after a 911 call reported a sus-  is  about  the  community  at
            fend” him. Another officer is  picious  man.  The  23-year-  whole,” said Lindsay Minter,
            accused of not intervening to  old  Black  man  was  wrestled  a high school track coach and
            try to stop him.             to  the  ground,  put  into  a  member  of  the  city’s  police
                                         neckhold  and  injected  with  task  force.  “When  I  talk  to
            The  body  camera  footage  500 milligrams (0.02 ounces)  the kids that I coach, they’re
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