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                                                                      OBITUARIO/U.S. NEWS Diabierna 30 Juli 2021

                                                                Harris releases strategy to tackle migration’s

                                                                                                 root causes

                                                             (AP)  —  Vice  President  Ka-
                                                             mala  Harris  said  Thursday
                                                             that  efforts  to  address  root
                “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di     causes  of  migration  from
                                 nada                        three    Central    American
                Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi        countries won’t produce im-
                                sosega.                      mediate  results  as  she  un-
                      E ta hibami na awa trankil,            veiled  a  broad  strategy  that
                       Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.              expands  on  principles  the
                               Salmo: 23                     Biden  administration  previ-
                                                             ously outlined.
                    Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:
                                                             Harris  said  the  United  States
                                                             alone  cannot  tackle  deep-seat-
                                                             ed  motives  for  people  to  leave
                                                             Guatemala,  Honduras  and  El
                                                             Salvador,  including  corruption,
                                                             violence  and  poverty.  The  gov-
                                                             ernments of Mexico, Japan and   to getting it right.”           countries  to  address  migration
                                                             South  Korea,  along  with  the                                 flows.  The  14-page  document
                                                             United  Nations,  have  commit-  Harris  noted  that  she  recently  summarizes  earlier  announce-
                                                             ted to joining the push, she said   traveled  to  Guatemala,  “where  ments  and  espouses  goals  that
                                                             without elaborating.            one  of  the  largest  challenges  is  Biden  and  top  aides  have  out-
                                                                                             corruption.”  On  Tuesday,  the  lined  before.  They  include  ex-
                                                             The  plan,  which  avoids  dead-  Biden administration said it sus-  panding protections and job op-
                                                             lines, supports short-term relief   pended cooperation with Guate-  portunities  in  countries  where
                                                             for migration pressures like ex-  mala’s Attorney General’s Office  people are leaving, creating more
                                                             treme  weather  while  commit-
                                                             ting sustained attention to long-  after  the  firing  of  the  agency’s  legal  pathways  to  come  to  the
                     Karel Bernardus Coffie                  term  motivations  for  people  to   top  anti-corruption  prosecutor,  United States and fostering “se-
                      *10-09-1939 – †27-07-2021              leave their countries.          saying it “lost confidence” in the  cure  and  humane  management
                                                                                             country’s  willingness  to  fight  of borders.”
               Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.     “We  will  build  on  what  works,                              Harris’  task,  which  Biden  as-
                                                             and  we  will  pivot  away  from   The White House also released a  sumed  when  he  was  President
                                                             what  does  not  work,”  Harris   “Collaborative  Migration  Man-  Barack  Obama’s  vice  president,
                                                             wrote in an introduction to the   agement Strategy,” which Presi-  is enormous in scope and com-
                                                             20-page plan. “It will not be easy,   dent Joe Biden ordered in Feb-  plexity,  and  the  administration
                                                             and progress will not be instan-  ruary to outline how the Unit-  has  struggled  for  short-  and
                                                             taneous,  but  we  are  committed   ed  States  will  work  with  other  long-term responses.

                                                                 Biden to allow eviction moratorium to expire

                 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not                                              Saturday
               want. He maketh me to lie down in green
                pastures; he leadeth me beside the still     (AP) — The Biden adminis-       decision by the CDC to further  Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director
                waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth     tration announced Thursday  extend this eviction moratorium  of the Centers for Disease Con-
                me in the paths of righteousness for his     it will allow a nationwide ban  to protect renters at this moment  trol and Prevention, said in June
                        name’s sake.  Psalm 23               on evictions to expire Satur-   of heightened vulnerability,” the  this  would  be  the  last  time  the
                                                             day,  arguing  that  its  hands  White House said in a statement.  moratorium would be extended
                   With great sorrow but greatful for        are  tied  after  the  Supreme  “Unfortunately,  the  Supreme  when  she  set  the  deadline  for
                everything she did for us, we announce       Court  signaled  the  morato-   Court  has  made  clear  that  this  July  31.  It  was  initially  put  in
                            the passing of:                  rium would only be extended  option is no longer available.”    place  to  prevent  further  spread
                                                             until the end of the month.                                     of COVID-19 by people put out
                                                                                             The  court  mustered  a  bare  5-4  on the streets and into shelters.
                                                             The  White  House  said  Presi-  majority last month, to allow the
                                                             dent Joe Biden would have liked  eviction ban to continue through  Housing  advocates  and  some
                                                             to  extend  the  federal  eviction  the end of July. One of those in  lawmakers  have  called  for  the
                                                             moratorium  due  to  spread  of  the  majority,  Justice  Brett  Ka-  moratorium to be extended due
                                                             the highly contagious delta vari-  vanaugh,  made  clear  he  would  to  the  increase  in  coronavirus
                                                             ant  of  the  coronavirus.  Instead,  block  any  additional  extensions  cases and the fact so little rental
                                                             Biden called on “Congress to ex-  unless there was “clear and spe-  assistance has been distributed.
                                                             tend the eviction moratorium to  cific  congressional  authoriza-
                                                             protect  such  vulnerable  renters  tion.”                      Congress  has  allocated  nearly
                                                             and their families without delay.”                              $47  billion  in  assistance  that  is
                                                             The  moratorium  was  put  in  By the end of March, 6.4 million  supposed  to  go  to  help  tenants
                                                                                                                             pay off months of back rent. But
                                                             place last September by the Cen-  American  households  were  be-
                        Jennifer Joseph                      ters for Disease Control and Pre-  hind on their rent, according to  so far, only about $3 billion of the
                      *29-07-1965 - †18-07-2021              vention.                        the Department of Housing and  first  tranche  of  $25  billion  has
                                                             “Given the recent spread of the  Urban Development. As of July  been  distributed  through  June
                                                             delta  variant,  including  among  5, roughly 3.6 million people in  by  states  and  localities.  Some
                Date and place of burial will                those Americans both most like-  the U.S. said they faced eviction  states  like  New  York  have  dis-
                      be announced later                     ly  to  face  evictions  and  lacking  in the next two months, accord-  tributed  almost  nothing,  while
                                                             vaccinations,  President  Biden  ing to the U.S. Census Bureau’s  several have only approved a few
                                                             would have strongly supported a  Household Pulse Survey.        million dollars.
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