Page 6 - AHATA
P. 6
LOCAL Saturday 17 auguSt 2024
Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors at Divi Dutch Village!
The Aruba Tourism Authority re- The honorees were:
cently had the great pleasure of Emerald Ambassadors
recognizing Emerald Ambassadors Mr. Vincent & Mrs. Davee Lifrieri
of Aruba. The honorees were re- from Ronkonkoma New York, Unit-
spectively honored with a certifi- ed States.
cate for their years of visits, loyalty,
and love for the island of Aruba. Mr. Jorgino Willems representing
the Aruba Tourism Authority, and
The honorary certification is pre- staff members of Divi Dutch Village
sented on behalf of the Minister bestowed the certificate upon the
of Tourism as a token of apprecia- honorees, presented them with
tion and to say “Masha Danki” to gifts, and thanked them for choos-
guests who have visited Aruba 10, ing Aruba as their favorite vacation
20, or 35 years or more consecu- destination, as their home away
tively. from home.
The top reasons for returning to
The three levels of honor are as fol- Aruba provided by the honorees
lows: were:
Distinguished Visitor (10>years con- • Aruba’s people.
secutively visiting Aruba) • Aruba is very safe.
Goodwill Ambassador (20>years • Aruba’s weather & beach-
consecutively visiting Aruba) es.
Emerald Ambassador (35>years • Aruba’s restaurants. On behalf of the Aruba Tourism Au- to the honorees for their continued
consecutively visiting Aruba) • “Family of repeat time thority, we would like to express our visits to the “One Happy Island”.q
share owners” sincere gratitude and appreciation
Blackstone Beach
(Oranjestad)—Named af- stones. Secondly, it lies on
ter its most recognizable the northern side of the is- Blackstone Beach shows
feature, the Blackstone land, away from the white the more natural side of
Beach almost represents sandy beaches of in the Aruba: the stones that cov-
the opposite of the typical southern region. So, if you er the beaches and the
Aruban beaches. For one, feel up for something differ- shape of it has been craft-
it has black sand and is ent—or if it’s opposite day, ed for thousand years via
covered in black smooth visit the Blackstone Beach. volcanic eruptions, coral
reef movements and wave
activity of the rural northern
part of the island.
Located further east to the
Natural Bridge and Andi-
curi Beach, the Blackstone
Beach is relatively easy
to access. Once you get Arikok National Park and is and can easily stray you
passed the Ayo Rock For- therefore a site that is pre- further in the wild ocean.
mation, take the Andicuri served. This is why it is also However, you can still en-
road leading up to Andicuri relatively untouched by joy a spectacular view of
Beach. There, you can park commercial influences. De- the stones and the northern
your car and take a 1km spite being called a beach, ocean that stretches out
hike towards Blackstone do note that it is not ad- in front of the beach and
Beach. vised to swim in the water, take a picture with your
This beach forms part of the as the current is very strong friends or family!q