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                  Saturday 17 auguSt 2024
            Aruba’s Bocas: home to the rarest fossil reefs on the planet!

             (Oranjestad)—If you’ve been                                                           ed to take place. They were  rare  remnant  of  geologi-
             to the northern coast of Aru-                                                         also able to track the fluc-  cal history, as they provide
             ba already, you’ve probably                                                           tuation of sea levels during  a clear view of how these
             noticed how the ground dif-                                                           the  past  hundred  or  even  reefs have formed.
             fers entirely from the sandy                                                          thousands of years, and the
             beaches  on  the  southern                                                            effects that this fluctuation  This research is also important
             part of the island. These hard                                                        has had on the coral reefs of  for the future of coral reefs on
             surfaces, with sharp bumps                                                            the windward side of Aruba.  the island. By studying rising
             and holes are actually fos-                                                                                        sea  levels  and  climate  im-
             silized coral reefs, of which                                                         These findings can certainly  pact on these coral reefs, we
             its growth and changes can                                                            put things into perspective.  are able to take concrete
             be traced back to the last                                                            The  ground  on  which  we  action in protecting and pre-
             glacial period.             from  the  University  of  Bari  and can respond to fluctu-  have  walked  many  times  serving our coral reefs. So, if
                                         Aldo Moro, presented their  ating sea levels or extreme  in  the  northern  part  of  the  you are ever visiting one of
             On  May  30  2023,  geosci-  research on these fossilized  weather, like hurricanes and  island hold such rich history,  the bocas or driving along
             entists,  Dr.  Patrick  Boyden  coral reefs at the University  tsunamis.              history  that  dates  back  to  the northern part of the is-
             from  the  Marum  research  of Aruba. Their focus for their                           a time that most of us can-  land,  please  be  conscious
             faculty  at  the  University  of  research  included  study-  Through  underwater  and  not  even  imagine.  As  the  to help protect our natural
             Bremen, Prof. dr. Alessio Ro-  ing  the  health  and  forma-  land  surveillance,  and  3D  scientists  themselves  have  historical remnant. Oh, and
             vere from the Ca' Foscari Uni-  tion patterns of these coral  models  of  the  reefs,  they  pointed out, these fossilized  wear  (coral-friendly)  sun-
             versity of Venice and Prof.  reefs, and to investigate how  were able to narrow down  reefs on the windward side  screen! q
             dr. Gianfranco Scicchitano,  these reefs have responded  when these formations start-  are truly an incredible and

            Episode CXLVI - 146  Aruba’s medicinal plants

            Our goal at Etnia Nativa is  prepair  different  potions  tains the healing properties
            to raise cultural awareness,  which  in  many  cases  still  is  crushed  and  applied.  A
            promoting  education  and  are being applied to treat  direct way to ingest certain
            to  safeguard  our  heritage  various ailments. This could  medicinal  herbs  is  to  eat
            as the sacred mother seed  be  of  a  simple  headache  them, for example, in a sal-
            for  renewal  and  reinven-  to more serious ailments.    ad, like a tea or mixed into
            tion,  guiding  you  to  be-                              a  syrups  or  honey.  Plants
            come the next and a new  Today  we  see  that  me-        can  also  be  mashed  in  to
            guardian of Aruba.           dicinal  plants  and  ancient  a mortar mixed with oils of
                                         knowlidge are  an intricate  certain seeds in order to be
            Trough  thousands  of  years  part of pharmaceutical re-  aplied  on  wounds  or  skin
            cultures  of  the  ancient  search, whether it is for the  deseses. In our case acient
            world  experimented  with  benefit of man kind or the  Aruban  cultures  have  also
            the   healing   power    of  contrary.                    applied  a  wide  variety  of
            plants. Regaining ones vital                              medicinal  plants  to  treat   metel, commonly known in  private  residential  houses
            powers  and  health  whas  The use of plants for medi-    their ilneses.               our Papiamentu language  collections  of  native  art,
            essential for any groups sur-  cine dates back to ancient                              as  "Yerba  stinky*".  Oddly  archaeological   artifacts
            vival.  Plants where consid-  times  and  civilizations.  Evi-  Following  I  wil  share  some   enough,  but  popular  his-  and historic furniture, while
            ered the main source from  dence of  the used of me-      of  the  most  comon  plant   tory tells that the leaves of  the facilities themselves are
            where  to  extract  healing  dicinal herbs in Egypt dates  that  an  native  aruban  will   this  plant  are  smoked  to  the  result  of  the  transfor-
            powers due to their chemi-   back  to  around  1550  BC,  use  with  out  any  hasita-  cleanse the lungs.          mation  of  recycled  mate-
            cal   compositions    con-   as  did  the  Greeks  in  the  tion  when  for  example  sor                                   rials.  Meet  the  acclaimed
            tained  in  leaves,  flowers,  16th  century  BC.  Healing  throat  is  thretening  or  as   If you love Aruba its origins  columnist  at  home!  Book
            stem or root, fruits and saps.  plannts were also common  and agent  against the poi-  and its cultural heritage, be  your  visit  Whatsapp  +  297
            Through  different  prepara-  during the Middle Ages. In  sonous nature of the sting-  part of the exclusive visitors  592 2702- or mail: etniana-
            tion  methods,  they  could  the 19th and 20th centuries,  ing hairs of Jatropha urens   of  this  cozy  home-atelier q
                                         folk  knowledge  of  medici-  or Bringa mosa* (  * Papia-  called  “Etnia  Nativa”.  This
                                         nal  plants  where  passed  mento).
                                         from generation to genera-
                                         tion,  attributing  the  prac-  For a sore throat local peo-
                                         tice mainly women healers,  ple will go in to the country
                                         who  appliying  plans  and  side to look for Roots of The
                                         herbs to treat common dis-   Seida*  Jatropha  gossypi-
                                         eases and ailments.          ifolia.  This  is  cleaned  and
                                                                      boiled in to gargela potion,
                                         For  an  infusion,  the  active  allowed  to  cool  and  gar-
                                         ingredients  of  the  plant  gled  with  excellent  results
                                         are  dissolved  in  water  by  and quickly relieves the un-
                                         boiling  it  in  to  a  drink.  If  it  comfortable sore throat.
                                         need  to  be  applied  to  an
                                         external affected area, the  Another plant that is often
                                         part of the plant that con-  used  for  asthma  is  Datura

                                           Article by: Etnia Nativa

                                           Whatsapp us +297 592 2702 and book
                                                  your Aruban exprerience
                                             Etnia Nativa is close to the high rise hotels
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