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sports Diamars 28 september 2021
Undroppable for England, Sterling down pecking order at City
(AP) — Indispensable for used most regularly now as
his country. Increasingly There are clearly more fac- a central striker, if City opts
overlooked by his club. tors behind this disparity than to have one, but his return of
just Sterling’s presence. Tot- three goals in his last 25 ap-
Raheem Sterling is, at 27, in tenham, for instance, was the pearances for the team — not
the prime of his career but first game of the season and including that cameo against
also in a curious place at the the Southampton game came Chelsea — suggests he is
moment. less than 72 hours after a gru- not scoring goals at the rate
elling Champions League Guardiola would be happy
Entering as an 87th-min- match against Leipzig. with.
ute substitute — as he did
in Manchester City’s win Yet, it does tell part of the There’s also competition
at Chelsea in the Premier story. centrally, in Ferran Torres or
League on Saturday — is through more of a false nine
something he might have to The win at Stamford Bridge in Kevin De Bruyne, Foden
get used to, especially for the was City’s best display this or even Ilkay Gundogan.
team’s biggest games this sea- season, if not much longer,
son. and sent a statement to the It couldn’t be more differ-
rest of the league. ent with England, for whom field is harder to dispossess ing about his future. His con-
The statistics paint a worry- Sterling is a certain starter than perhaps ever before. tract at City runs through to
ing picture for Sterling. It also was another indica- alongside captain Harry Kane the summer of 2023 and he
tion that Sterling is not part in an attacking three. He has Sterling’s best attributes — would not be short of offers.
He has started two of City’s of the first-choice lineup. His also scored five goals in his pace and exploiting space be-
six games in the league and favored position on the left last 12 games for his coun- hind defenses — aren’t what With City hoping to go deep
those are the ones the team wing is now occupied by Jack try, three of them being cru- City needs against most of its in every competition it en-
has dropped points in — a Grealish, the club’s record cial strikes at the European opponents right now. ters, Sterling will get plenty
1-0 loss at Tottenham and a signing at $139 million in the Championship where he of game time this season but
0-0 draw at home to South- offseason, with Phil Foden was arguably the team’s best “He was so active in terms of maybe not in the games he
ampton. They are also the another competitor for that player. movement,” Guardiola said really wants to play in.
games City has looked at its place. of Sterling last week after
most sterile in attack. City’s style of play is very dif- the Southampton game, “but Tuesday’s match at Paris
Over on the right, Gabriel ferent to England’s, though. football depends a lot on how Saint-Germain in the Cham-
Without him in the start- Jesus is flavor of the month, It is a more technical and good we do the process in the pions League will give anoth-
ing lineup, City has won 5-0 mainly because of a work precise approach, with the build-up and when it hap- er indication as to Sterling’s
twice — against Norwich rate that really impresses Pep likes of Grealish and Portugal pens, our strikers and wing- current standing at City. With
and Arsenal — and beaten Guardiola. Riyad Mahrez of- playmaker Bernardo Silva — ers play better.” Grealish expected to stay on
both Leicester and Chelsea fers a compelling alternative. undroppable at the moment the left wing, Sterling might
1-0 away with assured, domi- given his performances — Given his profile and pedi- have to settle again for a place
nant performances. It might be that Sterling is ensuring Guardiola’s mid- gree, Sterling has to be think- on the bench.
Utah football player’s slaying under investigation
(AP) — Investigators have cy calls, said police spokes-
several “promising leads” man Brent Weisberg. Aaron Lowe was from Mes-
in the shooting death of quite, Texas, where he also
Utah sophomore corner- When dispatchers got a call played with Jordan in high
back Aaron Lowe, the about a fight with a weapon school. Lowe switched his
Salt Lake City police chief over an hour later, officers jersey from No. 2 to No. 22
said Monday as family and immediately went to the to honor his friend after the
friends mourned the foot- house in the Sugar House 19-year-old died of a gunshot
ball player killed less than neighborhood, he said. wound to the abdomen on
a year after teammate Ty Christmas night 2020.
Jordan died in an acciden- As police continue to ask
tal shooting. for tips, Lowe’s family and Last month, Lowe was named
friends are mourning his the first recipient of the Ty
Lowe was shot at a house par- loss. Dad William Smith told Jordan Memorial Scholar-
ty early Sunday after other, WFAA-TV in Dallas that ship, voted on by the team.
uninvited guests were asked Lowe knew from a young Jordan had been named the
to leave, police said. A second age he wanted to be a football Pac-12 freshman of the year
person, a woman, suffered player. and led all freshmen nation-
critical injuries. The party ally in rushing yards per game
was thrown hours after the “There is nothing. And I tell before he was killed.
Utes beat Washington State you nothing, there’s nothing
24-13. on this earth I don’t think Now, another family is in
worse than losing a child,” he mourning. Brother Erin
No arrests were immedi- said. Lowe told KDFW-TV in
ately made in shooting, but Dallas that he got the news
tips had given detectives sev- His biological father Darwin hours after watching his trip-
eral potential leads, said Salt Lowe said he spoke to Aaron let brother in the Saturday
Lake City police Chief Mike before Saturday’s game. night game.
“We was always communi- “He was so amazing in so
Police had previously got- cating with each other,” Dar- many ways,” Erin Lowe said.
ten noise complaints about win Lowe said. “My mind is “Somebody so young, do-
the party, but officers did not just rehearsing every single ing so good in his life can
respond because they were moment, every conversation be taken away by a senseless
dealing with other emergen- that we had.” crime.”