P. 9

                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 5 May 2018

            Idaho school can't find small bit

            of weapons-grade plutonium

            By KEITH RIDLER              Idaho National Laboratory,  plutonium.
            BOISE,  Idaho  (AP)  —  A  considered the nation's pri-   The  nuclear  commission
            small  amount  of  radioac-  mary nuclear research lab  said  senior  university  offi-
            tive,  weapons-grade  plu-   and located about 65 miles  cials planned to return the
            tonium about the size of a  (105  kilometers)  northwest  school's  remaining  pluto-
            U.S.  quarter  is  missing  from  of the school.          nium to the Energy Depart-
            an  Idaho  university  that  The  plutonium  was  being  ment.  It's  not  clear  if  that
            was  using  it  for  research,  used  to  develop  ways  to  has happened.
            leading federal officials on  ensure nuclear waste con-   Energy  Department  offi-    In this May 11, 2015, file photo, nuclear waste is stored in under-
            Friday to propose an $8,500  tainers weren't leaking and  cials didn't return calls seek-  ground containers at the Idaho Nation.
            fine.                        to  find  ways  to  detect  ra-  ing comment Friday.q                                              Associated Press
            The  U.S.  Nuclear  Regula-  dioactive material being il-
            tory Commission said Idaho  legally brought into the U.S.
            State  University  can't  ac-  following the Sept. 11, 2001,
            count  for  about  a  30th  of  terrorist attacks, the school
            an  ounce  (1  gram)  of  the  said in an email to the AP.
            material  that's  used  in  nu-  The  university,  which  has
            clear reactors and to make  30 days to dispute the pro-
            nuclear bombs.               posed  fine,  reported  the
            The amount is too small to  plutonium  missing  on  Oct.
            make  a  nuclear  bomb,  13,  according  to  docu-
            agency  spokesman  Victor  ments  released  by  the
            Dricks  said,  but  could  be  Nuclear  Regulatory  Com-
            used to make a dirty bomb  mission.  The  agency  said
            to spread radioactive con-   a  school  employee  doing
            tamination.                  a routine inventory discov-
            "The NRC has very rigorous  ered  the  university  could
            controls  for  the  use  and  only  account  for  13  of  its
            storage of radioactive ma-   14 plutonium sources, each
            terials as evidenced by this  weighing  about  the  same
            enforcement  action,"  he  small amount.
            said  of  the  proposed  fine  The school searched docu-
            for failing to keep track of  ments  and  found  records
            the material.                from 2003 and 2004 saying
            Dr. Cornelis Van der Schyf,  the  material  was  on  cam-
            vice president for research  pus and awaiting disposal.
            at  the  university,  blamed  However,  there  were  no
            partially completed paper-   documents saying the plu-
            work from 15 years ago as  tonium had been properly
            the school tried to dispose  disposed.
            of the plutonium.            The  last  document  men-
            "Unfortunately,   because  tioning  the  plutonium  is
            there  was  a  lack  of  suffi-  dated Nov. 23, 2003. It said
            cient  historical  records  to  the  Idaho  National  Labo-
            demonstrate  the  disposal  ratory  didn't  want  the  plu-
            pathway     employed     in  tonium  and  the  school's
            2003, the source in question  technical safety office had
            had to be listed as missing,"  it  "pending  disposal  of  the
            he  said  in  a  statement  to  next waste shipment."
            The  Associated  Press.  "The  The  school  also  reviewed
            radioactive source in ques-  documents  on  waste  bar-
            tion poses no direct health  rels there and others trans-
            issue or risk to public safety."  ferred  off  campus  since
            Idaho  State  University  has  2003, and opened and ex-
            a nuclear engineering pro-   amined  some  of  them.  Fi-
            gram  and  works  with  the  nally, officials searched the
            U.S. Department of Energy's  campus but didn't find the
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