Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20210623
P. 32

A32    sports
                    Diaranson 23 Juni 2021

                           Wembley capacity increased for Euro 2020 semifinals, final

            (AP) — More than 60,000                                                                                             over the last seven days. The
            fans  will  be  allowed  into                                                                                       resurgence is the result of the
            the semifinals and final of                                                                                         highly contagious delta vari-
            the European Champion-                                                                                              ant  first  identified  in  India,
            ship at Wembley Stadium                                                                                             sparking  concerns  among
            after  UEFA  secured  an                                                                                            European  leaders  about  the
            agreement  Tuesday  with                                                                                            growing crowds at Wembley.
            the British government on
            an increased capacity.                                                                                              “I hope that UEFA will deal
                                                                                                                                (with this) responsibly and I
            No  details  have  been  pro-                                                                                       don’t think it would be good
            vided yet on how fans from                                                                                          if the stadiums there are full,”
            overseas  can  potentially  at-                                                                                     German  Chancellor  Angela
            tend without having to quar-                                                                                        Merkel said in Berlin.
            antine after flying into Lon-
            don.                                                                                                                Germany has a strict 14-day
                                                                                                                                quarantine  for  people  com-
            The government had already                                                                                          ing  from  Britain  because  of
            agreed to increase the current                                                                                      concerns  that  more  cases  of
            group-stage capacity of about                                                                                       the delta variant could be im-
            22,000  to  at  least  40,000  for                                                                                  ported,  but  other  European
            one  game  in  the  round  of                                                                                       Union  countries  allow  trav-
            16  game  and  the  final  three                                                                                    elers who are fully vaccinated
            matches  of  the  Euro  2020                                                                                        to avoid quarantining.
            tournament  at  the  90,000-
            seat stadium.                Ceferin  said.  “This  tourna-                            London  about  allowing  fans  To enter Wembley, fans have
                                         ment  has  been  a  beacon  of  Tourists  from  all  the  non-  in  by  staying  in  the  country  to produce a negative lateral
            Now  Wembley  will  be  al-  hope to reassure people that  British nations competing at  less than 24 hours and stay-  flow test result or show proof
            lowed to be at about 75% ca-  we  are  returning  to  a  more  Euro 2020 have to quarantine  ing within bubbles. UEFA is  they  have  been  fully  vacci-
            pacity for the semifinals and  normal way of life and this is  for at least five days upon ar-  also  seeking  quarantine  ex-  nated.
            final.                       a further step along that road.  rival  in  the  country  under  emptions for VIPs, including
                                                                      general pandemic regulations  representatives of sponsors.  Euro 2020 is seeing the big-
            “The  last  18  months  have  “I  am  grateful  to  the  prime  to  contain  the  spread  of  the                   gest  crowds  at  any  event  in
            taught us — both on and off  minister and the UK govern-  coronavirus.                 There are fears Britain is see-  Britain  since  the  pandemic
            the pitch — how integral fans  ment for their hard work in                             ing the start of a third wave  took  hold  in  the  country  in
            are to the fabric of the game,”  finalizing these arrangements  UEFA  said  last  week  it  was  of  coronavirus  infections  March 2020.
            UEFA  president  Aleksander  with us.”                    in  talks  with  authorities  in  with  cases  rising  to  68,449

                            Spain set to bring in Busquets to avoid Euro 2020 debacle

              (AP) — Spain may summon its most experi-       and a 1-1 draw against Poland.                 next round. It is making its second consecutive
              enced player for its most important match at                                                  appearance  after  debuting  at  Euro  2016.  Both
              the European Championship.                     “We missed him,” Spain defender César Azpili-  Slovakia and Spain were eliminated in the round
                                                             cueta said. “We tried to make up for his absence,  of  16  in  2016.  Spain  last  missed  the  knockout
              Sergio  Busquets  is  set  to  return  for  the  match  but Sergio is a key player for this team and we are  round in 2004.
              against Slovakia on Wednesday, when “La Roja”  happy that he is back.”
              faces the possibility of an embarrassing elimina-                                             Slovakia hopes to stun Spain again like it did in
              tion in front of its fans.                     Slovakia coach Stefan Tarkovic said Busquets’ re-  2014 by ending “La Roja’s” 36-match unbeaten
                                                             turn will be a big boost for Spain.            run in qualifying for a European Championship
              Only victory for Spain will be enough to ensure                                               or a World Cup.
              a spot in the round of 16 at Euro 2020. A draw  Azpilicueta himself may be another veteran called
              may be enough, but only if Poland doesn’t defeat  upon to help the Spanish squad as it faces elimi-  It  remains  unclear  what  kind  of  support  Spain
              Sweden in the other Group E match. Both games  nation.  The  31-year-old  Chelsea  right  back  has  will receive from its fans at La Cartuja Stadium
              will be played at the same time.               yet to play at Euro 2020 as Luis Enrique preferred  after a video of players ignoring fans at the team
                                                             to use Marcos Llorente in the position.        hotel last weekend was widely shared online. The
              The  32-year-old  Busquets,  the  only  player  left                                          crowd  remained  supportive  when  the  team  ar-
              from Spain’s World Cup-winning squad in 2010,  Jordi Alba had taken over as captain in the absence  rived at the hotel on Tuesday, when players were
              didn’t play in the team’s first two matches after  of Busquets. The national team’s longtime cap-  constantly waving as they passed by.
              testing positive for the coronavirus. The Barce-  tain, Sergio Ramos, was not called up after play-
              lona midfielder had to go into isolation and only  ing sparingly in the final part of the season with  There is also uncertainty about the field condi-
              rejoined the squad on Friday. He did not dress for  Real Madrid because of injuries. The decision to  tions at La Cartuja, which prompted complaints
              the game against Poland on Saturday.           leave him out of the squad even though he would  by some players after the first two matches.
                                                             have been fit to play by the time Euro 2020 start-
              Spain  coach  Luis  Enrique  didn’t  want  to  risk  ed drew a lot of criticism against Luis Enrique,  Busquets  said  he  was  experienced  enough  to
              playing with Busquets in the second match but  with many saying the team was left without a true  know that there was no reason for Spain not to be
              said he will be available on Saturday along with  leader.                                     hopeful on Saturday.
              the rest of his teammates.
                                                             Spain, playing all of its group matches in Seville,  “I’ve had the luck of playing in many European
              “We didn’t want to risk it with such an important  is two points behind leader Sweden and one be-  Championships and World Cups and most of the
              player as Busquets after he spent 12 days training  hind Slovakia, which surprised with an opening  time we arrived at the third match with the feel-
              in the garden of his house,” he said.          2-1  win  over  last-place  Poland  before  losing  to  ing that we deserved more,” he said “but we al-
                                                             Sweden 1-0.                                    ways depended on ourselves and most of the time
              Rodri Hernández played in Busquets’ position in                                               we advanced and won titles.”
              the first two matches, a 0-0 draw against Sweden  Slovakia needs a draw to guarantee its spot in the
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